Population Council Focus Area: Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Choices | Focus Areas | Population Council

The Population Council tackles intersecting inequalities that undermine rights and access to contraception, HIV and STI prevention, maternal and newborn health, safe abortion, prevention and treatment of infertility, and sexuality education, among other sexual and reproductive health needs. Our research and partnerships ensure high quality, evidence-based, voluntary, and rights-based comprehensive care for sexual and reproductive health.

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Submissions from 2015


Prospects for economic growth in Sindh under alternative demographic scenarios: The case for a rapid fertility decline, David E. Bloom, Zeba Sathar, and Maqsood Sadiq


Protocol for the evaluation of a free health insurance card scheme for poor pregnant women in Mbeya region in Tanzania: A controlled-before and after study, Josephine Borghi, Kate Ramsey, August Kuwawenaruwa, Jitihada Baraka, Edith Patouillard, Benjamin Bellows, Peter Binyaruka, and Fatuma Manzi


Public participation of men who have sex with men in the context of community empowerment in India, Karikalan Nagarajan, Seema Sagay, Deepika Ganju, and Ramesh S. Paranjape


REacH: Randomized Evaluation of HIV/FP Service Models, Paul C. Hewett, Mutinta Nalubamba, Fiammetta Bozzani, Mardieh Dennis, Jean Digitale, Lung Vu, Eileen Yam, and Mary Nambao


Reasons for low modern contraceptive use—Insights from Pakistan and neighboring countries, Batool Zaidi and Sabahat Hussain


Reducing maternal and child mortality in Balochistan: The untapped potential of family planning, Zeba Sathar, Maqsood Sadiq, and Seemin Ashfaq


Reducing maternal and child mortality in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: The untapped potential of family planning, Zeba Sathar, Maqsood Sadiq, and Seemin Ashfaq


Reducing maternal and child mortality in Punjab: The untapped potential of family planning, Zeba Sathar, Maqsood Sadiq, and Seemin Ashfaq


Reducing maternal and child mortality in Sindh: The untapped potential of family planning, Zeba Sathar, Maqsood Sadiq, and Seemin Ashfaq


Reproductive health of married young women in the context of HIV/AIDS in India, Avishek Hazra and Sandip Chakraborty


Respectful Maternity Care Resource Package, Charity Ndwiga, Charlotte E. Warren, Timothy Abuya, Lucy Kanya, Alice Maranga, Christine Ochieng, Mary Wanjala, Beatrice Chelang'at, Anne Njeru, Annie Gituto, George Odhiambo, Faith Mbehero, Lucia Maina, and Jeremiah Maina


Review of performance-based incentives in community-based family planning programmes, Nicole M. Bellows, Ian Askew, and Benjamin Bellows


Rights-based family planning: 10 resources to guide programming, Jan Kumar and Karen Hardee


School-based girls' clubs as a means of addressing sexual and gender-based violence in Swaziland, Cebile Manzini-Henwood, Nokwanda Dlamini, and Francis Obare


Sexual and reproductive health among young female sex workers in Bangladesh brothels—Baseline findings from Link Up, Population Council


Sexual and reproductive health and rights among young people living with HIV in Uganda: Findings from the Link Up baseline survey, Population Council


Sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescent girls: Evidence from low- and middle-income countries, K.G. Santhya and Shireen J. Jejeebhoy


Sexual behaviors and biomarkers: Baseline findings, Population Council


Sexual health and HIV risk behaviors of men who have sex with men in Myanmar—Baseline findings from Link Up, Population Council and Burnet Institute


Social accountability for family planning: A case study of the Healthy Action Project in Uganda, The Evidence Project


SRH and HIV service integration and stigma, Integra Initiative


Standard Days Method of contraception: Evidence on use, implementation, and scale up, Kelsey Wright, Hiba Iqteit, and Karen Hardee


Strategic partnering to improve community health worker programming and performance: Features of a community-health system integrated approach, Joseph F. Naimoli, Henry B. Perry, John W. Townsend, Diana E. Frymus, and James A. McCaffery


Strengthening school health programming in Nairobi City County, Joyce Mumah


Strengthening the role of patent medicine vendors in the provision of injectable contraception in Nigeria, Population Council and The Evidence Project


Summary report of the measuring and monitoring quality of care meeting, Population Council


The availability and quality of family planning services across eight districts in Pakistan: The potential and the constraints, Gul Rashida, Iram Kamran, Khan Muhammad, Rehan M. Niazi, and Tahira Parveen


The Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus: A Toolkit for Family Planning Service Providers Working in High HIV/STI Prevalence Settings, Population Council


The Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus: A Toolkit for Family Planning Service Providers Working in High HIV/STI Prevalence Settings (Spanish translation), Population Council


The Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus: A Toolkit for Family Planning Service Providers Working in High HIV/STI Prevalence Settings (supplemental material in Dari), Population Council


The Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus: A Toolkit for Family Planning Service Providers Working in High HIV/STI Prevalence Settings (supplemental material in French), Population Council


The Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus: A Toolkit for Family Planning Service Providers Working in High HIV/STI Prevalence Settings (with Zika information), Population Council


The constraints of distance and poverty on institutional deliveries in Pakistan: Evidence from georeference-linked data, Anrudh K. Jain, Zeba Sathar, and Minhaj ul Haque


The costs of delivering integrated HIV and sexual reproductive health services in limited resource settings, Carol Dayo Obure, Sedona Sweeney, Vanessa Darsamo, Christine Michaels-Igbokwe, Lorna Guinness, Fern Terris-Prestholt, Esther Muketo, Zelda Nhlabatsi, Integra Initiative, Charlotte E. Warren, Susannah H. Mayhew, Charlotte Watts, and Anna Vassall


The education sector response to early and unintended pregnancy (EUP): A review of selected SADC countries, Chi-Chi Undie, Harriet Birungi, Francis Obare, and Patricia Machawira


The effect of a multi-component intervention on disrespect and abuse during childbirth in Kenya, Timothy Abuya, Charity Ndwiga, Julie Ritter, Lucy Kanya, Benjamin Bellows, Nancy Binkin, and Charlotte E. Warren


The effect of integrating HIV services on quality of postnatal care, Integra Initiative


The impact of population, health, and environment projects: A synthesis of evidence, Rachel Winnik Yavinsky, Carolyn Lamere, Kristen P. Patterson, and Jason Bremner


The RAISE Health initiative for workers, companies, and communities, The Evidence Project


The WHO concept of sexual health applied to an urban poor community in Mumbai, India, Purnima Mehrotra, Stephen L. Schensul, Niranjan Saggurti, Joseph A. Burleson, and Shubhada Maitra


To serve or to leave: A question faced by public sector healthcare providers in Pakistan, Ali M. Mir, Saleem Shaikh, Gul Rashida, and Neha Mankani


To tell or not to tell: Male partner engagement in a Phase 3 microbicide efficacy trial in South Africa, Christine A. Kelly, Barbara Friedland, Neetha S. Morar, Lauren L. Katzen, Gita Ramjee, Mathila Mokgatle, and Khatija Ahmed


Trend and determinants of unmet need for family planning services among currently married women and sexually active unmarried women aged 15–49 in Nigeria (2003–2013), Ayodeji Oginni, Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi, and Sylvia Adebajo


Trends in HIV prevalence, sexual and health seeking behaviors, and HIV-related discrimination among Nigerian youth, Population Council


Trends in the contraceptive method mix in low- and middle-income countries: Analysis using a new "average deviation" measure, John A. Ross, Jill Keesbury, and Karen Hardee


Understanding factors influencing adverse sex ratios at birth and exploring what works to achieve balance: The situation in selected districts of Nepal, Mahesh Puri and Anand Tamang


Understanding factors influencing adverse sex ratios at birth in Bangladesh, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Ubaidur Rob, Md. Irfan Hossain, and Forhana Rahman Noor


Understanding the reproductive health needs of adolescents in selected slums in Ghana: A public health assessment, Selina F. Esantsi, Francis Onyango, Gloria Quansah Asare, Emmanuel Kuffour, Placide Tapsoba, Harriet Birungi, and Ian Askew


Understanding youth sexual and reproductive health-seeking behaviors in Ethiopia: Implications for youth-friendly service programming, The Evidence Project


Union Health and Family Welfare Centers in Chittagong and Munshiganj: Are they ready to provide 24-hour normal delivery services?, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Ubaidur Rob, A.K.M. Zafar Ullah Khan, Forhana Rahman Noor, Shongkour Roy, and Afsana Fatema Noor


Union Health and Family Welfare Centers in Chittagong and Munshiganj: Are they ready to provide 24-hour normal delivery services? (Brief), Population Council


Unveiling the consensus: Putting people first in Pakistan's development agenda, Government of Pakistan, UNFPA, and Population Council


Use of HIV counseling and testing and family planning services among postpartum women in Kenya: A multicentre, non-randomised trial, James Kelly Kimani, Charlotte E. Warren, Timothy Abuya, Charity Ndwiga, Susannah H. Mayhew, Anna Vassall, Richard Mutemwa, and Ian Askew


Using a 2-stage strategy with respondent-driven sampling to recruit a hard-to-reach population for a placebo microbicide gel clinical trial in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh (India), Waimar Tun, Lauren L. Katzen, Sharon Abbott, Aylur K. Srikrishnan, Christine A. Kelly, Avina Sarna, Barbara Friedland, Suniti Solomon, and Barbara Mensch


Using community informants to estimate maternal mortality in a rural district in Pakistan: A feasibility study, Ali M. Mir, Saleem Shaikh, Siti Nurul Qomariyah, Gul Rashida, Mumraiz Khan, and Irfan Masood


Using the community informant based (Made-In and Made-For) methodology for estimating MMR in Punjab, Ali M. Mir, Saleem Shaikh, Mumraiz Khan, and Irfan Masood


Utilization of national health insurance for family planning and reproductive health services by the urban poor in Uttar Pradesh, India, The Evidence Project


Utilizing social marketing and social franchising models to expand access to the progesterone contraceptive vaginal ring, Ishita Chattopadhyay, John Townsend, and Saumya RamaRao


Validation study of LQAS-2 in Uttar Pradesh behavior change management project, Arupendra Mozumdar, Jaleel Ahmad, and M.E. Khan


What are the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents in Ghana’s slums?, Selina F. Esantsi, Gloria Quansah Asare, and Placide Tapsoba


What women think: Hypothetical notions of screening for intimate partner violence in Kenyan hospital settings, Chi-Chi Undie, Catherine Maternowska, Margaret Mak'anyengo, and Ian Askew


"When am I going to stop taking the drug?" Enablers, barriers and processes of disclosure of HIV status by caregivers to adolescents in a rural district in Zambia Global health, Mable Mweemba, Maurice Musheke, Charles Michelo, Hikabasa Halwiindi, Oliver Mweemba, and Joseph M. Zulu


Willingness to pay for contraceptive vaginal rings in Kenya, Wilson Liambila, Deepa Rajamani, Francis Obare, Saumya RamaRao, Harriet Birungi, and Heather Clark


Willingness to pay for contraceptive vaginal rings in Nigeria, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Ayodeji Oginni, Godwin Unumeri, and Deepa Rajamani


Willingness to pay for contraceptive vaginal rings in Senegal, Babacar Mane, Fatou Mbow, Deepa Rajamani, Nafissatou Diop, and Saumya RamaRao


‘Women at risk’: The health and social vulnerabilities of the regular female partners of men who inject drugs in Delhi, India, Vartika Sharma, Avina Sarna, Stanley Luchters, Mary Philip Sebastian, Olivier Degomme, Lopamudra Saraswati, Ira Madan, Ibou Thior, and Waimar Tun


Young people's preferences for family planning service providers in rural Malawi: A discrete choice experiment, Christine Michaels-Igbokwe, Fern Terris-Prestholt, Mylene Lagarde, Effie Chipeta, John Cairns, and Integra Initiative

Submissions from 2014


Acceptability of the Nestorone®/ethinyl estradiol contraceptive vaginal ring: Development of a model; implications for introduction, Ruth Merkatz, Marlena Gehret Plagianos, Michael Cooney, Elena Hoskin, Paul C. Hewett, and Barbara Mensch


Access to emergency contraception and safe abortion services for survivors of rape: A review of policies, programmes and country experiences in sub-Saharan Africa, Jill Thompson, Chi-Chi Undie, and Ian Askew


Achieving MDGs 4 and 5 in Balochistan: The role of family planning, Population Council


Achieving MDGs 4 and 5 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: The role of family planning, Population Council


Achieving MDGs 4 and 5 in Punjab: The role of family planning, Population Council


Achieving MDGs 4 and 5 in Sindh: The role of family planning, Population Council


Achieving the goal of the London Summit on family planning by adhering to voluntary, rights-based family planning: What can we learn from past experiences with coercion?, Karen Hardee, Shannon Harris, Mariela Rodriguez, Jan Kumar, Lynn Bakamjian, Karen Newman, and Win Brown


Addressing vulnerabilities of female sex workers in an HIV prevention intervention in Mumbai and Thane: Experiences from the Aastha project, Virupax Ranebennur, Sanjeev Singh Gaikwad, Sowmya Ramesh, and Amrita Bhende


Adolescent HIV disclosure in Zambia: Barriers, facilitators and outcomes, Gitau Mburu, Ian Hodgson, Sam Kalibala, Choolwe Haamujompa, Fabian Cataldo, Elizabeth D. Lowenthal, and David Ross


Adverse life events and delinquent behavior among Kenyan adolescents: A cross-sectional study on the protective role of parental monitoring, religiosity, and self-esteem, Caroline W. Kabiru, Patricia Elung'ata, Sanyu A. Mojola, and Donatien Beguy


Aligning product development and user perspectives: Social-behavioural dimensions of multipurpose prevention technologies, Martha Brady and Elizabeth E. Tolley


Ampliación de la prevención del VIH basada en pruebas entre niñas adolescentes y mujeres jóvenes [Scaling up evidence-informed HIV prevention for adolescent girls and young women], Melanie Croce-Galis, Karen Hardee, and Jill Gay


An appraisal of sexual behaviors, STI/HIV prevalence, and HIV prevention programs among truckers in India: A critical literature review, Damodar Sahu, Arvind Pandey, Ram Manohar Mishra, Niranjan Saggurti, Shekhar Sethu, and Indra Raj Singh


An evaluation of Population Services Zimbabwe’s mobile outreach model, Ravikanthi Rapiti and Saiqa Mullick


An interdisciplinary framework for measuring and supporting adherence in HIV prevention trials of ARV-based vaginal rings, Kathleen M. MacQueen, Elizabeth E. Tolley, Derek H. Owen, K. Rivet Amico, Kathleen M. Morrow, Thomas Moench, David R. Friend, and Barbara Friedland


An overview of the HIV prevention landscape in Zimbabwe: Implications for tenofovir gel, Population Council


A randomized study on pharmacodynamic effects of vaginal rings delivering the progesterone receptor modulator ulipristal acetate: Research for a novel estrogen-free, method of contraception, Yong-mei Huang, Jeffrey T. Jensen, Vivian Brache, Leila Cochen, Alistair Williams, Marie-José Miranda, Horacio B. Croxatto, Narender Kumar, Heather Sussman, Elena Hoskin, Marlena Gehret Plagianos, Kevin Roberts, Ruth Merkatz, Diana Blithe, and Régine Sitruk-Ware


Assessing the population-level impact of vouchers on access to health facility delivery for women in Kenya, Francis Obare, Charlotte E. Warren, Timothy Abuya, Ian Askew, and Benjamin Bellows


Assessing the potential market for a progesterone contraceptive vaginal ring (PCVR) as a new contraceptive option in sub-Saharan Africa using needs-based market segmentation, Francis Obare, Deepa Rajamani, and Saumya RamaRao


Assessment of sex selection in Bangladesh, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Ubaidur Rob, and Forhana Rahman Noor


Associations of sex trafficking history with recent sexual risk among HIV-infected FSWs in India, Jay G. Silverman, Niranjan Saggurti, Debbie M. Cheng, Michele R. Decker, Sharon M. Coleman, Carly Bridden, Manoj Pardeshi, Anindita Dasgupta, Jeffrey H. Samet, and Anita Raj


A study on body-weight perception, future intention and weight-management behavior among normal-weight, overweight and obese women in India, Praween Kumar Agrawal, Kamla Gupta, Vinod Mishra, and Sutapa Agrawal


Barriers to obstetric fistula treatment in low-income countries: A systematic review, Benjamin Bellows, Rachel Bach, Zoe Baker, and Charlotte E. Warren


Baseline survey of Nigerian media coverage of youth sexual and reproductive health and HIV and AIDS related issues, January 1st–December 31st, 2012, Population Council


Birth attendance and magnitude of obstetric complications in Western Kenya: A retrospective case-control study, Wilson Liambila and Shiphrah N. Kuria


Brief report: Parent–adolescent child concordance in social norms related to gender equity in marriage—Findings from rural India, Anita Raj, Mohan Ghule, Madhusudana Battala, Anindita Dasgupta, Julie Ritter, Saritha Nair, Niranjan Saggurti, Jay G. Silverman, and Balaiah Donta


Bringing sexual and reproductive health in the urban contexts to the forefront of the development agenda: The case for prioritizing the urban poor, Blessing U. Mberu, Joyce Mumah, Caroline W. Kabiru, and Jessica Brinton


Characteristics of sex partners and sexual partnership correlates of inconsistent condom use among male injection drug users in India, Waimar Tun, Aruna Bhattacharya, Louis Apicella, Yumnam Shasikumar Singh, and Dean Lewis


Childhood vaccination in rural southwestern Ethiopia: The nexus with demographic factors and women's autonomy, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Mesganaw Fantahun Afework, and Michelle J. Hindin


Circular labor migration and HIV in India: Exploring heterogeneity in bridge populations connecting areas of high and low HIV infection prevalence, Tanvi Rai, Helen S. Lambert, Annick B. Borquez, Niranjan Saggurti, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, and Helen Ward


Community-based interventions can expand access to comprehensive RH and HIV information and services for married adolescent girls, Chi-Chi Undie, Harriet Birungi, Francis Obare, Wilson Liambila, and Ian Askew


Community mobilization and service-strengthening to increase awareness and use of post-abortion care and family planning in Kenya, Chi-Chi Undie, Lynn Van Lith, Mercy Wahome, Francis Obare, Esther Oloo, and Carolyn Curtis


Comparison of audio computer assisted self-interview and face-to-face interview methods in eliciting HIV-related risks among men who have sex with men and men who inject drugs in Nigeria, Sylvia Adebajo, Otibho Obianwu, George I. Eluwa, Lung Vu, Ayodeji Oginni, Waimar Tun, Meredith Sheehy, Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi, Adebola Bashorun, Omokhudu Idogho, and Andrew Karlyn