The Population Council tackles intersecting inequalities that undermine rights and access to contraception, HIV and STI prevention, maternal and newborn health, safe abortion, prevention and treatment of infertility, and sexuality education, among other sexual and reproductive health needs. Our research and partnerships ensure high quality, evidence-based, voluntary, and rights-based comprehensive care for sexual and reproductive health.
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Submissions from 2014
Comprendre les grossesses non désirées au Sénégal: Rapport du profil pays, Kaila Clarke, Mohamadou Sall, Babacar Mane, Nafissatou Diop, and Bocar Mamadou Daff
Confronting disrespect and abuse during childbirth in Kenya: The Heshima Project, Population Council
Coping with unintended pregnancies: Narratives from adolescents in Nairobi's slums, Joyce Mumah, Caroline W. Kabiru, Chimaraoke O. Izugbara, and Carol Mukiira
Cultural practices and sexual risk behaviour among adolescent orphans and non-orphans: A qualitative study on perceptions from a community in western Kenya, Milka Juma, Ian Askew, Jane Alaii, L. Kay Bartholomew, and Bart van den Borne
Defining disrespect and abuse of women in childbirth: A research, policy and rights agenda, Lynn P. Freedman, Kate Ramsey, Timothy Abuya, Benjamin Bellows, Charity Ndwiga, Charlotte E. Warren, Stephanie Kujawski, Wema Moyo, Margaret E. Kruk, and Godfrey Mbaruku
Degree of male mobility as a risk factor for HIV in high in-migration districts of Maharashtra, India, Dipak Suryawanshi, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Varun Sharma, K. Anil Kumar, Niranjan Saggurti, and Shalini Bharat
Demand for contraception to delay first pregnancy among young married women in India, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, K.G. Santhya, and A.J. Francis Zavier
Determinants of health insurance ownership among women in Kenya: Evidence from the 2008–09 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, James Kelly Kimani, Remare Ettarh, Charlotte E. Warren, and Benjamin Bellows
Development and pilot testing of HIV screening program integration within public/primary health centers providing antenatal care services in Maharashtra, India, Suchitra V. Bindoria, Ramesh Devkar, Indrani Gupta, Virupax Ranebennur, Niranjan Saggurti, Sowmya Ramesh, Dilip Deshmukh, and Sanjeev Singh Gaikwad
Distance, transportation cost, and mode of transport in the utilization of facility-based maternity services: Evidence from rural Bangladesh, Kaji Tamanna Keya, Ubaidur Rob, Md. Moshiur Rahman, Ashish Bajracharya, and Benjamin Bellows
Documentation of HIV prevention research and programmatic learnings from India—Selected peer-reviewed journal articles and key highlights: 2013-2014 (Volume 2), Population Council
Education sector response to early and unintended pregnancy (EUP): A review of country experiences in East and Southern Africa, Harriet Birungi, Chi-Chi Undie, and Francis Onyango
Effectiveness of a combination prevention strategy for HIV risk reduction with men who have sex with men in Central America: A mid-term evaluation, Rebecca Firestone, Jorge Rivas, Sussy Lungo, A. Cabrera, S. Ruether, Jennifer Wheeler, and Lung Vu
Effect of HIV status on fertility intention and contraceptive use among women in nine sub-Saharan African countries: Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys, Joyce Mumah, Abdhalah Kasiira Ziraba, and Estelle M. Sidze
Effect of peer-led outreach activities on injecting risk behavior among male drug users in Haryana, India, Bindya Jain, Suneeta Krishnan, Sowmya Ramesh, Shrutika Sabarwal, Vijay Garg, and Neeraj Dhingra
Effect of public-private partnership in treatment of sexually transmitted infections among female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, India, Suresh Babu Kokku, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Saroj Tucker, Niranjan Saggurti, and Parimi Prabhakar
Effects of maternal pregnancy intention, depressive symptoms and social support on risk of low birth weight: A prospective study from southwestern Ethiopia, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Mesganaw Fantahun Afework, and Michelle J. Hindin
Engaging male partners in women's microbicide use: Evidence from clinical trials and implications for future research and microbicide introduction, Michele Lanham, Rose Wilcher, Elizabeth T. Montgomery, Robert Pool, Sidney Schuler, Rachel Lenzi, and Barbara Friedland
Enrollment of adolescents aged 16–17 years old in microbicide trials: An evidence-based approach, Katie D. Schenk, Barbara Friedland, Michelle Chau, Marie Stoner, Marlena Gehret Plagianos, Stephanie Skoler-Karpoff, Thesla Palanee-Phillips, Khatija Ahmed, Mary-Jane Malebo Ratlhagana, Pamela Nombali Mthembu, and Nomampondomise Ngcozela
Evaluation of a reproductive health program to support married adolescent girls in rural Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar and Tigest Tamrat
Evaluation of the impact of the voucher program for improving maternal health behavior and status in Bangladesh, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Ubaidur Rob, Syed Abu Jafar Md. Musa, Ashish Bajracharya, Kaji Tamanna Keya, Forhana Rahman Noor, Eshita Jahan, Md. Irfan Hossain, Jyotirmoy Saha, and Benjamin Bellows
Expanding the evidence base on comprehensive care for survivors of sexual violence in sub-Saharan Africa, Population Council
Experiences of stigma among women living with HIV attending sexual and reproductive health services in Kenya: A qualitative study, Manuela Colombini, Richard Mutemwa, Jackie Kivunaga, Lucy Stackpool Moore, and Susannah H. Mayhew
Exploring experiences in peer mentoring as a strategy for capacity building in sexual reproductive health and HIV service integration in Kenya, Charity Ndwiga, Timothy Abuya, Richard Mutemwa, James Kelly Kimani, Manuela Colombini, Susannah H. Mayhew, Averie Baird, Ruth Wayua Muia, Jackline Kivunaga, and Charlotte E. Warren
Exposure to pornographic videos and its effect on HIV-related sexual risk behaviours among male migrant workers in Southern India, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra and Niranjan Saggurti
Facilitator's guide for training on monitoring and evaluation of social and behavior change communication health programs, Praween Kumar Agrawal, Kumudha Aruldas, M.E. Khan, and Subrato Mondal
Facteurs associés aux longs intervalles intergénésiques au Sénégal. Analyse approfondie de l’EDS-MICS 2010-2011, Nafissatou Diop and Ibrahima Diagne
Factors associated with acceptability of HIV self-testing among health care workers in Kenya, Sam Kalibala, Waimar Tun, Peter Cherutich, Anne Nganga, Erick Oweya, and Patricia Oluoch
Family planning counselling and use among clients seeking abortion services in private health facilities in Kenya, Francis Obare, Wilson Liambila, and Harriet Birungi
Female sex worker's participation in the community mobilization process: Two distinct forms of participations and associated contextual factors, Karikalan Nagarajan, Seema Sahay, Mandar Mainkar, Sucheta Deshpande, Sowmya Ramesh, and Ramesh S. Paranjape
Financial inclusion of marginalised key populations in southern India, Parimi Prabhakar, Sangram Kishor Patel, and Niranjan Saggurti
Formative research to develop an intervention for addressing mental health/psychosocial issues and HIV vulnerability of marginalized adolescents in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Nrupa Jani and Katie D. Schenk
From addiction to infection: Managing drug abuse in the context of HIV/AIDS in Africa, Taiwo Akindipe, Lolade Abiodun, Sylvia Adebajo, Rahman Lawal, and Solomon Rataemane
Genital human papillomavirus infection among women in Bangladesh: Findings from a population-based survey, Quamrun Nahar, Farhana Sultana, Anadil Alam, Jessica Yasmine Islam, Mustafizur Rahman, Fatema Khatun, Nazmul Alam, Sushil Kanta Dasgupta, Lena Marions, Ashrafunnessa, Mohammed Kamal, Alejandro Cravioto, and Laura Reichenbach
Health + Equality + School Engagement: Scenarios USA reinvents sex education, Rafael Mazin and Andrea Lynch
High HIV incidence in a cohort of male injection drug users in Delhi, India, Avina Sarna, Lopamudra Saraswati, Mary Philip Sebastian, Vartika Sharma, Ira Madan, Dean Lewis, Julie Pulerwitz, Ibou Thior, and Waimar Tun
High levels of bisexual behavior and factors associated with bisexual behavior among men having sex with men (MSM) in Nigeria, Meredith Sheehy, Waimar Tun, Lung Vu, Sylvia Adebajo, Otibho Obianwu, and Andrew Karlyn
High parental monitoring prevents adolescents from engaging in risky sexual practices in Harar, Ethiopia, Yadeta Dessie, Yemane Berhane, and Alemayehu Worku
HIV/AIDS vulnerabilities, discrimination, and service accessibility among Africa's youth: Insights from a multi-country study, Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Scott Geibel, Sam Kalibala, Jerry Okal, Babacar Mane, Nathi Sohaba, Julialynne Walker, and Eric P. Green
HIV/AIDS vulnerabilities, discrimination, and service accessibility among Nigeria's youth, Population Council
HIV/AIDS vulnerabilities, discrimination, and service accessibility of Nigeria's youth: Summary of study findings, Population Council
HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men in India: National scenario of an unfinished agenda, Ugra Mohan Jha, Yujwal Raj, Srinivasan Venkatesh, Neeraj Dhingra, Ramesh S. Paranjape, and Niranjan Saggurti
HIV risk behaviors of male injecting drug users and associated non-condom use with regular female sexual partners in north-east India, Ritu Kumar Mishra, Deepika Ganju, Sowmya Ramesh, Melody Lalmuanpuii, Langkham Biangtung, Chumben Humtsoe, and Niranjan Saggurti
If you build it, will they come? A qualitative investigation into community barriers to accessing paediatric HIV services in Kenya, Katie D. Schenk, Karusa Kiragu, Julie Murugi, and Avina Sarna
"If you do vasectomy and come back here weak, I will divorce you": A qualitative study of community perceptions about vasectomy in southern Ghana, Philip Baba Adongo, Placide Tapsoba, James F. Phillips, Philip Teg-Nefaah Tabong, Allison Stone, Emmanuel Kuffour, Selina F. Esantsi, and Patricia Akweongo
Impact of the RHANI Wives intervention on marital conflict and sexual coercion, Niranjan Saggurti, Saritha Nair, Jay G. Silverman, Dattaram D. Naik, Madhusudana Battala, Anindita Dasgupta, Balaiah Donta, and Anita Raj
Implementing tools to promote adherence to antiretroviral therapy at facilities in Kenya, L. Gitau, P. Boruett, S. Njogo, P. Nguhiu, C. Awour, D. Kagai, J. Chalker, G. Tomson, Timothy Abuya, and R. Wahlström
Improving family planning services in public health facilities to reach more women, Caroline W. Kabiru, Jessica Brinton, Joyce Mumah, Carol Mukiira, and Chimaraoke O. Izugbara
Increasing access to family planning in Ghana through policy change: Task-sharing to enable auxiliary nurses to provide contraceptive implant services, Population Council
Increasing choice of and access to family planning services via outreach in Rajasthan, India, Kumudha Aruldas, M.E. Khan, Jaleel Ahmad, and Anvita Dixit
Induced abortions and unintended pregnancies in Pakistan, Zeba Sathar, Susheela Singh, Gul Rashida, Zakir Shah, and Rehan M. Niazi
Induced abortions and unintended pregnancies in Pakistan, 2012, Population Council
Influence of customized demand generation as a strategy to increase uptake of voluntary counseling and testing services amongst sex workers in Mumbai and Thane, Samita Bhardwaj, Sowmya Ramesh, and Sanjeev Singh Gaikwad
Integration of HIV and maternal healthcare in a high HIV-prevalence setting: Analysis of client flow data over time in Swaziland, Isolde J. Birdthistle, Susannah H. Mayhew, Joshua Kikuvi, Weiwei Zhou, Kathryn Church, Charlotte E. Warren, Rejoice Nkambule, Justin Fenty, and Integra Initiative
Integration of HIV and other health programmes: Implications and challenges, Sangram Kishor Patel
Interaction of oligomeric breast cancer resistant protein (BCRP) with adjudin: A male contraceptive with anti-cancer activity, Yan Ho Cheng, Pranitha Jenardhanan, Premendu P. Mathur, Xiaojing Qian, Weiliang Xia, Bruno Silvestrini, and C. Yan Cheng
International seminar on promoting postpartum and post-abortion family planning: Challenges and opportunities, IUSSP Scientific Panel on Reproductive Health
Investing in communities: Evaluating the added value of community mobilization on HIV prevention outcomes among FSWs in India, Anne Sebert Kuhlmann, Christine Galavotti, Philip Hastings, Pradeep Narayanan, and Niranjan Saggurti
Kenya country profile: A status check on unintended pregnancy in Kenya, Joyce Mumah, Jessica Brinton, Caroline W. Kabiru, Carol Mukiira, and Chimaraoke O. Izugbara
Knowledge and provision practices of misoprostol among pharmacies in Senegal, Ramatoulaye Ndao, Babacar Mane, Eva Burke, Nafissatou Diop, Kate Reiss, Thoai Ngo, Katharine Footman, and Maaike Van Min
Kuongeza ushahidi unaojulikana kwa kuzuia maambukizi ya Virusi vya UKIMWI (VVU) miongoni mwa wasichana na wanawake [Scaling up evidence-informed HIV prevention for adolescent girls and young women], Melanie Croce-Galis, Karen Hardee, and Jill Gay
La planification familiale postpartum au Burkina Faso - résumé en français, STEP UP Research Programme Consortium
Lessons from sexual and reproductive health voucher program design and function: A comprehensive review, Corinne G. Grainger, Anna C. Gorter, Jerry Okal, and Benjamin Bellows
Life table analysis of a small sample of Santal population living in a rural locality of West Bengal, India, Arupendra Mozumdar, Bhubon Mohan Das, and Subrata Kumar Roy
Making the cut: Evidence-based lessons for improving the informed consent process for voluntary medical male circumcision in Swaziland and Zambia, Katie D. Schenk, Barbara Friedland, Meredith Sheehy, Louis Apicella, and Paul C. Hewett
Male circumcision and sexual risk behaviors may contribute to considerable ethnic disparities in HIV prevalence in Kenya: An ecological analysis, Chris Richard Kenyon, Lung Vu, Joris Menten, and Brendan Maughan-Brown
Maternal and newborn health behaviors in rural Uttar Pradesh: Findings from learning phase baseline survey 2013, M.E. Khan, Praween Kumar Agrawal, Avishek Hazra, Anvita Dixit, Isha Bhatnagar, Jaleel Ahmad, and D.N. Ahmad
Maternal health commodity landscaping exercise: A snapshot of the Bangladesh program, Sharif M.I. Hossain, Saumya RamaRao, Ismat Ara Hena, and Ubaidur Rob
Measuring the impact of contraceptive use on unintended pregnancy and other health outcomes, STEP UP Research Programme Consortium
Medical barriers to emergency contraception: A cross-sectional survey of doctors in North India, M.E. Khan, Anvita Dixit, Isha Bhatnagar, and Martha Brady
Men’s heavy alcohol use and risk of HIV acquisition and transmission to sexual partners within marriage in India, Niranjan Saggurti, Shrutika Sabarwal, and Bidhubhusan Mahapatra
Money, power and HIV: Economic influences and HIV among men who have sex with men in sub-Saharan Africa, Andrew Scheibe, Brian Kanyemba, Jennifer Syvertsen, Sylvia Adebajo, and Stefan Baral
Non-disclosure of violence among female sex workers: Evidence from a large scale cross-sectional survey in India, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Madhusudana Battala, Akash Porwal, and Niranjan Saggurti
Non-paying partnerships and its association with HIV risk behavior, program exposure and service utilization among female sex workers in India, Sandra Mary Travasso, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Niranjan Saggurti, and Suneeta Krishnan
Opportunities and challenges in implementing community based skilled birth attendance strategy in Kenya, Margaret Titty Mannah, Charlotte E. Warren, Shiphrah Kuria, and Adetoro A. Adegoke
Patent: Multi-layered gradient vaginal ring, Bruce Variano, Jeffrey Speck, Teresa Sallent, and Simone Evans
Patterns of drug use among people who inject drugs (PWID) and their implications for sexually transmitted infections in northern Nigeria, Desmond Iriaye, Ibrahim Suleiman, Otibho Obianwu, Sylvia Adebajo, George I. Eluwa, Jean Njab, Ayodeji Oginni, and Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi
Performance-based incentive for improving quality of maternal health services in Bangladesh, Ubaidur Rob and Mohammad Masudul Alam
PMTCT cascade analysis in Côte d'Ivoire: Results from a national representative sample, Stephen S. Gloyd, Julia Robinson, Serge A. Dali, S. Adam Granato, Rebecca Bartlein, Seydou Kouyate, David Aka, Doroux A. Billy, Irma Ahoba, and Ahoua Kone
Policy and programme considerations for ARV-based prevention for women: Insights from key opinion leaders in Zimbabwe about tenofovir gel, Samukeliso Dube, Barbara Friedland, Saiqa Mullick, Martha Brady, and C. Elizabeth McGrory
Population and health dynamics in Nairobi's informal settlements: Report of the Nairobi Cross-sectional Slums Survey (NCSS 2012), African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Population and Reproductive Health in India: An Assessment of the Current Situation and Future Needs, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, P.M. Kulkarni, K.G. Santhya, and Firoza Mehrotra
Postpartum contraception utilization among low-income women seeking immunization for infants in Mumbai, India, Sheila Mody, Saritha Nair, Anindita Dasgupta, Anita Raj, Balaiah Donta, Niranjan Saggurti, Dattaram D. Naik, and Jay G. Silverman
Postpartum family planning in Burkina Faso, Marina Daniele
Pretreatment loss-to-follow-up after HIV diagnosis from 27 counseling and testing centers across India: Findings from a cohort study, Avina Sarna, Mary Philip Sebastian, Damodar Bachani, Ruchi Sogarwal, and Madhusudana Battala
Prevalence of unintended pregnancy and needs for family planning among married adolescent girls living in urban slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Fauzia Akhter Huda, Sabiha Chowdhuri, Bidhan Krishna Sarker, Noushin Islam, and Anisuddin Ahmed
Prioritizing family planning for achieving provincial maternal child health and development goals, Zeba Sathar, Muhammad Asif Wazir, and Maqsood Sadiq
Program and policy considerations for tenofovir gel in India: An overview, Population Council
Promoting Respectful Maternity Care: A training guide for community-based workshops—Community facilitator's guide, Charity Ndwiga, Charlotte E. Warren, Timothy Abuya, Lucy Kanya, Alice Maranga, Christine Ochieng, Mary Wanjala, Beatrice Chelang'at, Anne Njeru, Annie Gituto, George Odhiambo, Faith Mbehero, Lucia Maina, and Jeremiah Maina
Promoting Respectful Maternity Care: A training guide for facility-based workshops—Participant's guide, Charity Ndwiga, Charlotte E. Warren, Timothy Abuya, Lucy Kanya, Alice Maranga, Christine Ochieng, Mary Wanjala, Beatrice Chelang'at, Anne Njeru, Annie Gituto, George Odhiambo, Faith Mbehero, Lucia Maina, and Jeremiah Maina
Promoting Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) at birth: Orientation for community-based workshops, Population Council
Promoting Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) at birth: Orientation for facility-based workshops, Population Council
Provider alerts and reminders to improve tuberculosis care among people living with HIV in Kenya: TB Tech formative report, Caricia Catalani, Eric P. Green, Lameck Diero, Jane Carter, Martin Were, Dennis Israelski, Adrian Gardner, Charity Ndwiga, and Paul Biondich
Provision of adolescent reproductive and sexual health services in India: Provider perspectives, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, K.G. Santhya, Santosh Kumar Singh, Shilpi Rampal, and Komal Saxena
Reaching the unreached through community mobilization in an innovative and sustainable way, Arupendra Mozumdar, M.E. Khan, and Subrato Mondal
Reconceptualizing the HIV epidemiology and prevention needs of female sex workers (FSW) in Swaziland, Stefan Baral, Sosthenes Ketende, Jessie L. Green, Ping-An Chen, Ashley Grosso, Bheki Sithole, Cebisile Ntshangase, Eileen Yam, Deanna Kerrigan, Caitlin E. Kennedy, and Darrin Adams
Reduce contraception discontinuation in Bangladesh by improving counseling on side effects, Fauzia Akhter Huda and Sabiha Chowdhuri
Reducing unmet need and unwanted childbearing: Evidence from a panel survey in Pakistan, Anrudh K. Jain, Arshad Mahmood, Zeba Sathar, and Irfan Masood
Reducing unsafe menstrual regulation through medication in Bangladesh, Ubaidur Rob, Ismat Ara Hena, Nargis Sultana, Md. Irfan Hossain, Reena Yasmin, Tapash Ranjan Das, and Farid Uddin Ahmed