"SRH and HIV service integration and stigma" by Integra Initiative

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Stigma is frequently faced by people living with HIV and those who they are associated with, and is frequently followed by discrimination. The “Steps to Integration” series provides a guide on how to integrate HIV and SRH services based on findings from the Integra Initiative, managed by the International Planned Parenthood Federation in partnership with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the Population Council. Issue 3 of the series explores the experience of stigma among clients living with HIV in a variety of settings, both service-based (when seeking family planning, antenatal, and postnatal care services) and facility-based (when seeking services in different facility types). Recommendations: create practices that protect women’s confidentiality; strategize confidentiality policies and skilled management of the integration process; include psychosocial support unique to stand-alone facilities in integration program design; improve provider training regarding HIV client interaction; improve subtlety of labeling client records, ARV cards, and food distribution; either limit the number of providers who offer integrated services, or improve confidential record keeping.






Assessing the Benefits of Integrated HIV and Reproductive Health Services: The Integra Initiative
