"Baseline survey of Nigerian media coverage of youth sexual and reprodu" by Population Council

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To promote more informed public dialogue on youth vulnerabilities, responses to HIV/AIDS, and positive changes in relevant policies and programs via learning and advocacy interventions at the state and national levels in Nigeria, the Population Council commissioned a study of the print and electronic media’s coverage of HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health–related issues among youth aged 15–24 years in Nigeria for the period January 1 to December 31, 2012. The study entailed a content analysis of four national and two regional newspapers, and an online forum that is one of the most frequently visited social media sites in Nigeria. Additionally, key informant interviews were conducted with editors and health correspondents of the studied newspapers. This report shows that the level and quality of reportage on SRH and HIV/AIDS in relation to adolescents and young people aged 15–24 years is very low among the newspapers analyzed. There is, therefore, an urgent need to remedy this gap as the media still have a significant role to play in educating, informing, and advocating for change in people’s attitudes and understanding of sexuality in Nigeria.






Towards More Informed Responses to the HIV/AIDS Vulnerabilities of Nigeria's Youth
