"Trends in HIV prevalence, sexual and health seeking behaviors, and HIV" by Population Council

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Nigeria, home to over 170 million people, has a disproportionately heavy youth population of 32 percent whose well-being is intricately tied to the country’s prospects for sustainable development. Nigeria has an HIV prevalence of 3.4 percent, the second highest number of infections in the world. In 2013, it was estimated that 160,000 adolescents in Nigeria were living with HIV. Although Nigeria has developed a national HIV strategic plan that forms a basis for the HIV response, national AIDS and related policies contain few youth-centered provisions. Overall, the national strategic plan targets youth as part of the general population. To fill this gap and heighten its focus on youth, the National Agency for the Control of AIDS is currently developing the first National HIV Strategy for Adolescent and Young People. A trend analysis of HIV prevalence, sexual and health-seeking behaviors, and HIV-related discrimination among youth would provide information that policy-makers and program planners can utilize to plan, design, allocate resources to, monitor, and evaluate policies and programs that effectively address the HIV-prevention and impact-mitigation needs of youth in Nigeria.




