"Rights-based family planning: 10 resources to guide programming" by Jan Kumar and Karen Hardee

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The FP2020 goal of providing FP services to 120 million more women and girls that emerged from the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning refocused attention on the need to ensure that FP programs respect, protect, and fulfill human rights. The current challenge is how to operationalize human rights in existing FP programs and new projects. This resource guide reviews ten key resources available to guide programming—FP2020: Rights and Empowerment Principles for Family Planning; Ensuring Human Rights in the Provision of Contraceptive Information and Services, Ensuring Human Rights Within Contraceptive Service Delivery: Implementation Guide; Voluntary Family Planning Programs that Respect, Protect, and Fulfill Human Rights: A Conceptual Framework; Voluntary Family Planning Programs That Respect, Protect, and Fulfill Human Rights: Conceptual Framework Users’ Guide; Checkpoints for Choice: An Orientation and Resource Package; A Human Rights-Based Approach to Programming: Practical Implementation Manual and Training Material; The Right to Contraceptive Information and Services for Women and Adolescents: Briefing Paper; Voluntary Family Planning Programs that Respect, Protect, and Fulfill Human Rights: A Systematic Review of Tools; Handbook for National Human Rights Institutions: Reproductive Rights are Human Rights.






The Evidence Project
