"Validation study of LQAS-2 in Uttar Pradesh behavior change management" by Arupendra Mozumdar, Jaleel Ahmad et al.

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India’s Uttar Pradesh Behavior Change Management project studied the potential of community mobilization through Self Help Groups (SHGs) to improve healthy behaviors that may have a direct bearing on maternal, newborn, and child health outcomes. Multiple rounds of Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) surveys were undertaken to monitor project activities and take corrective measures to improve project indicators. The surveys also evaluated the diffusion of health messages in the project area. The LQAS-2 validation study aimed to examine the accuracy of LQAS-2 data and understand the process of administering the LQAS. The study, which documented the process of survey administration, accuracy of data, and effects of mentor support, used two approaches: a validation survey among a subsample of women who participated in LQAS-2, and observation of the sampled interviews during the LQAS-2 survey. The following programmatic recommendations were made: A longer training of the interviewers is necessary. Prolonged mentor support should be replaced by limited mentoring, but better mentor training is necessary so individuals can properly interview even without mentoring support.






Designing a Behavior Change Communication Strategy to Improve Family Health Outcomes in Rural Uttar Pradesh
