The Population Council tackles intersecting inequalities that undermine rights and access to contraception, HIV and STI prevention, maternal and newborn health, safe abortion, prevention and treatment of infertility, and sexuality education, among other sexual and reproductive health needs. Our research and partnerships ensure high quality, evidence-based, voluntary, and rights-based comprehensive care for sexual and reproductive health.
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Submissions from 2015
Distribution d'anneaux vaginaux contraceptifs, Population Council
Do clinical decision-support reminders for medical providers improve isoniazid prescription rates among HIV-positive adults?, Eric P. Green, Caricia Catalani, Aggrey Keny, Lameck Diero, Charity Ndwiga, Dennis Israelski, and Paul Biondich
Does a voucher program improve reproductive health service delivery and access in Kenya?, Rebecca Njuki, Timothy Abuya, James Kelly Kimani, Lucy Kanya, Allan Korongo, Piet Bracke, Benjamin Bellows, and Charlotte E. Warren
Do public health services in Egypt help young married women exercise their reproductive rights?, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Tamer Rabie, Zuzana Boehmova, Loraine Hawkins, Sally Saher, and Atef El Shitany
Education sector response to early and unintended pregnancy: A policy dialogue in Homa Bay County, Kenya, Chi-Chi Undie, Ian MacKenzie, Harriet Birungi, Stephen Barongo, Diosiana Ahindukha, and Caleb Omondi
Education sector response to early and unintended pregnancy: A review of country experiences in sub-Saharan Africa, Harriet Birungi, Chi-Chi Undie, Ian MacKenzie, Anne Katahoire, Francis Obare, and Patricia Machawira
Effectiveness of behavior change communications for reducing transmission risks among people living with HIV in 6 countries in Central America, Lung Vu, Benjamin Nieto-Andrade, Allison DiVincenzo, Jorge Rivas, Jennifer Wheeler, and Sussy Lungo
Emergency contraception in Senegal: Challenges and opportunities, Babacar Mane, Martha Brady, Saumya RamaRao, and Ababacar Thiam
Emerging priorities in reproductive, maternal, and newborn health, Population Council
Engaging the missing link: Evidence from FALAH for involving men in family planning in Pakistan—Case study, Seemin Ashfaq and Maqsood Sadiq
Engaging the missing link: Evidence from FALAH for involving men in family planning in Pakistan—Meeting report, Seemin Ashfaq and Farooq Ahmed
Enhancing contraceptive choice for postpartum women in sub-Saharan Africa with the progesterone vaginal ring: A review of the evidence, Saumya RamaRao, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Wilson Liambila, and Babacar Mane
European Society of Contraception statement on contraception in obese women, Gabriele S. Merki-Feld, Sven O. Skouby, David Serfaty, Medard M. Lech, Johannes Bitzer, Pier Giorgio Crosignani, Angelo Cagnacci, and Régine Sitruk-Ware
Evaluating health workers’ knowledge following the introduction of clinical mentoring in Jigawa State, northern Nigeria, Ekechi Okereke, Jamilu Tukur, and Ayodeji Oginni
Evaluating the effect of HIV prevention strategies on uptake of HIV counselling and testing among male most-at-risk-populations in Nigeria: A cross-sectional analysis, Sylvia Adebajo, George I. Eluwa, Jean Njab, Ayodeji Oginni, Francis Ukwuije, Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi, and Theo Lorenc
Evaluating the impact of health system strengthening on HIV and sexual risk behaviors in Nigeria, George I. Eluwa, Sylvia Adebajo, Omokhudu Idogho, Oluwole Fajemisin, Jennifer Anyanti, and Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi
Evaluation de la mise en oeuvre et des réalisations de l’Approche 3D au sein du Plan d’Action National de Planification Familiale (PANPF) au Sénégal—Partie 1: Revue Documentaire, Leslie Dubent, Fatou Mbow, Nafissatou Diop, Fatou Ndiaye Turpin, Bocar Mamadou Daff, and Babacar Mane
Evaluation de la mise en oeuvre et des réalisations de l’Approche 3D au sein du Plan d’Action National de Planification Familiale (PANPF) au Sénégal—Partie 2: Rapport de Synthese, Fatou Mbow, Leslie Dubent, Nafissatou Diop, Fatou Ndiaye Turpin, Bocar Mamadou Daff, and Babacar Mane
Evidence of son preference and resulting demographic and health outcomes in Pakistan, Zeba Sathar, Gul Rashida, Sabahat Hussain, and Anushe Hassan
Expanding access to education for teenage mothers in Homa Bay County: What ‘might’ work, Chi-Chi Undie
Expanding access to long-acting reversible contraceptives, Population Council
Expanding access to rights-based family planning: Activity brief, The Evidence Project
Expanding access to secondary school education for teenage mothers in Kenya: A baseline study report, Chi-Chi Undie, Harriet Birungi, George Odwe, and Francis Obare
Expanding the role of research evidence in family planning policy, program, and practice decisionmaking, Karen Hardee and Kelsey Wright
Expanding young people's access to integrated services in Malawi, Integra Initiative
Experiences with pregnancy among female sex workers in Ethiopia: A Link Up exploratory study, Population Council, Miz-Hasab Research Center, and Organization for Social Services for AIDS
Exploring the prevalence of disrespect and abuse during childbirth in Kenya, Timothy Abuya, Charlotte E. Warren, Nora Miller, Rebecca Njuki, Charity Ndwiga, Alice Maranga, Faith Mbehero, Anne Njeru, and Benjamin Bellows
Factors associated with mental depression among men who have sex with men in southern India, Sangram Kishor Patel, Parimi Prabhakar, and Niranjan Saggurti
Factors associated with non-use of antenatal iron and folic acid supplements among Pakistani women: A cross sectional household survey, Yasir Bin Nisar, Michael J. Dibley, and Ali M. Mir
Family planning policy, program, and practice decisionmaking: The role of research evidence and other factors, Karen Hardee, Kelsey Wright, and Joanne Spicehandler
Family planning through the lens of men: Readiness, preferences, and challenges, Iram Kamran, Zeba Tasneem, Tahira Parveen, and Rehan M. Niazi
Family planning use and fertility desires among women living with HIV in Kenya, James Kelly Kimani, Charlotte E. Warren, Timothy Abuya, Richard Mutemwa, Susannah H. Mayhew, Ian Askew, and Integra Initiative
Family planning vouchers to improve delivery and uptake of contraception in low and middle income countries: A systematic review, Benjamin Bellows, Ashish Bajracharya, Carol Bulaya, and Sophie Inambwae
Fertility transitions in Kenya and Ghana: Trends, determinants and implications for policy and programs, Ian Askew, Baker Ndugga Maggwa, and Francis Onyango
Fertility transitions in Kenya and Ghana: Trends, determinants and implications for policy and programs, Ian Askew, Baker Ndugga Maggwa, and Francis Onyango
Findings of an evaluation of community and school-based reproductive health and HIV prevention programs in Kenya, Carolyne Njue, Helene A.C.M. Voeten, Eric Ohuma, C. Looman, Dik F. Habbama, and Ian Askew
Gender-biased sex selection in India: A review of the situation and interventions to counter the practice, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Sharmistha Basu, Rajib Acharya, and A.J. Francis Zavier
Gender-biased sex selection in South Asia: The situation and promising approaches to restore balance, Population Council
Gender considerations along the HIV treatment cascade: An evidence review with priority actions, Melanie Croce-Galis, Jill Gay, Karen Hardee, What Works Association, and Population Council
HCV in people who inject drugs: A neglected epidemic, Avina Sarna and Samiran Panda
Health care coverage among long-distance truckers in India: An evaluation based on the Tanahashi model, Varun Sharma, Niranjan Saggurti, and Shalini Bharat
Health facility guidelines and management benchmarks: Improving workplace health services and health management in factories, farms and other workplaces in low- and middle-income countries, David Wofford, Marat Yu, Lauren Shields, and Maria Pontes
‘High profile health facilities can add to your trouble’: Women, stigma and un/safe abortion in Kenya, Chimaraoke O. Izugbara, Carolyne Egesa, and Rispah Okelo
Historical account of the National Health Insurance formulation in Kenya: Experiences from the past decade, Timothy Abuya, Thomas Maina, and Jane Chuma
HIV and STI prevalence and injection behaviors among people who inject drugs in Nairobi: Results from a 2011 bio-behavioral study using respondent-driven sampling, Waimar Tun, Meredith Sheehy, Dita Broz, Jerry Okal, Nicholas Muraguri, H. Fisher Raymond, Helgar Musyoki, Andrea Kim, Mercy Muthui, and Scott Geibel
HIV and STI prevalence and risk factors among male sex workers and other men who have sex with men in Nairobi, Kenya, Nicholas Muraguri, Waimar Tun, Jerry Okal, Dita Broz, H. Fisher Raymond, Timothy Kellogg, Sufia Dadabhai, Helgar Musyoki, Meredith Sheehy, David Kuria, Reinhard Kaiser, and Scott Geibel
HIV, Hepatitis B and C among people who inject drugs: High prevalence of HIV and Hepatitis C RNA positive infections observed in Delhi, India, Lopamudra Saraswati, Avina Sarna, Mary Philip Sebastian, Vartika Sharma, Ira Madan, Ibou Thior, Julie Pulerwitz, and Waimar Tun
HIV risk perception and risk behaviors among men who have sex with men in Nigeria, George I. Eluwa, Sylvia Adebajo, Stanley Luchters, and Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi
Household debt and relation to intimate partner violence and husbands' attitudes toward gender norms: A study among young married couples in rural Maharashtra, India, Elizabeth Reed, Balaiah Donta, Anindita Dasgupta, Mohan Ghule, Madhusudana Battala, Saritha Nair, Jay G. Silverman, Arun Jadhav, Prajakta Palaye, Niranjan Saggurti, and Anita Raj
How does quality of care relate to a rights-based approach to family planning programs?, Jan Kumar
How many more missing women? Excess female mortality and prenatal sex selection, 1970–2050, John Bongaarts and Christophe Z. Guilmoto
Implementation of a confidential helpline for men having sex with men in India, Ashok Agarwal, Myriam Hamdallah, Suvakanta N. Swain, Sonali Mukherjee, Neetu Singh, Sudip Mahapatra, Elizabeth J. King, Julie Pulerwitz, and Ibou Thior
Improving hospital-based quality of care by reducing HIV-related stigma: Evaluation results from Vietnam, Julie Pulerwitz, Khuat Thi Hai Oanh, Dayo Akinwolemiwa, Kim Ashburn, and Laura Nyblade
Increasing access to safe menstrual regulation services in Bangladesh by offering medical menstrual regulation, Reena Yasmin, Ubaidur Rob, Ismat Ara Hena, Tapash Ranjan Das, and Farid Uddin Ahmed
Influence of parental factors on adolescents’ transition to first sexual intercourse in Nairobi, Kenya: A longitudinal study, Chinelo C. Okigbo, Caroline W. Kabiru, Joyce Mumah, Sanyu A. Mojola, and Donatien Beguy
Integration of sexual and reproductive health and HIV services, Integra Initiative
Intimate partner violence and condom versus other modern contraception use among married women in rural India, Anindita Dasgupta, Niranjan Saggurti, Balaiah Donta, Madhusudana Battala, Mohan Ghule, Saritha Nair, Julie Ritter, Jay G. Silverman, and Anita Raj
Introducing antiretroviral (ARV)-based prevention products for women: A guide to strategic decisionmaking and planning, Population Council
Introduction of DMPA in public health facilities of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan: An evaluation, M.E. Khan, Anvita Dixit, Jaleel Ahmad, and G. Pillai
Investigating the low patterns of modern contraceptive use in Pakistan, Iram Kamran, Zeba Tasneem, Tahira Parveen, and Yasmin Zehra Zaidi
Invest in urban youth sexual and reproductive health to achieve a demographic dividend in Africa, Joyce Mumah, Jessica Brinton, Carol Mukiira, Caroline W. Kabiru, and Chimaraoke O. Izugbara
Kenya adolescent sexual and reproductive health policy, Ministry of Health Kenya
Knowledge and provision practices of misoprostol among pharmacies in Senegal, Ramatoulaye Ndao, Nafissatou Diop, Kate Reiss, and Eva Burke
La délégation des tâches au niveau communautaire dans le domaine de la planification familiale dans les pays du Partenariat de Ouagadougou : Expériences et leçons apprises pour une mise en œuvre effective—Rapport de synthèse, Fatou Mbow, El Hadji Alioune Badara Ningue, Nafissatou Diop, Babacar Mane, and Rodrigue Ngouana
Landscape analysis of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia in Nigeria, Charlotte E. Warren, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Ayodeji Oginni, Gloria Adoyi, Karen Kirk, and Amy Dempsey
Landscape analysis on pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in Bangladesh, Charlotte E. Warren, Sharif M.I. Hossain, Rahat Ara Nur, Kanij Sultana, Karen Kirk, and Amy Dempsey
L’anneau vaginal à progestérone: Résultats de l’étude d’acceptabilité au Sénégal, Babacar Mane, Papa Chimere Diaw, Nafissatou Diop, Fatou Mbow, Heather Clark, Saumya RamaRao, and Deepa Rajamani
Learning from women about HIV risk, HIV testing behaviors, and prevention practices in Mpumalanga, South Africa: A descriptive study to inform microbicides introduction, Martha Brady, Saiqa Mullick, Barbara Friedland, Marlena Gehret Plagianos, Linda Du Plessis, and Thabiso Mango
L’offre des anneux vaginaux contraceptifs— La planification familiale postpartum: experience du Sénégal, Fatou Mbow, Babacar Mane, and Saumya RamaRao
Low-dose risk assessment for arsenic: A meta-analysis approach, Munni Begum, John Horowitz, and Md. Irfan Hossain
Low use and high discontinuation of modern contraceptives in Pakistan: Reasons and policy recommendations, Population Council
Mainstreaming of emergency contraception pill in India: Challenges and opportunities, Anvita Dixit, M.E. Khan, and Isha Bhatnagar
Male sex workers: Practices, contexts, and vulnerabilities for HIV acquisition and transmission, Stefan Baral, M. Reuel Friedman, Scott Geibel, Kevin Rebe, Borche Bozhinov, Daouda Diouf, Keith Sabin, Claire E. Holland, Roy Chan, and Carlos F. Caceres
Male utilization in integrated SRH and HIV services, Integra Initiative
Marie Stopes International's SIFPO Project—Strengthening international family planning organizations, October 2010–September 2015, Population Council
Meeting contraceptive needs: Long-term associations of the PRACHAR project with married women’s awareness and behavior in Bihar, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Ravi Prakash, Rajib Acharya, Santosh Kumar Singh, and Elkan Daniel
Meeting demand for family planning within a generation: The post-2015 agenda, Madeleine Short Fabic, Yoonjoung Choi, John Bongaarts, Jacqueline E. Darroch, John A. Ross, John Stover, Amy Ong Tsui, Jagdish Upadhyay, and Ellen H. Starbird
Motivations for entering and remaining in volunteer service: findings from a mixed-method survey among HIV caregivers in Zambia, Stephanie M. Topp, Jessica Price, Tina Moyo, Drosin Mulenga, Mardieh Dennis, and Mathew Ngunga
New dialogue for the way forward in maternal health: Addressing market inefficiencies, Katharine McCarthy, Saumya RamaRao, and Hannah Taboada
Offering progesterone contraceptive vaginal rings for postpartum women through integrated family planning and immunization services, Ishita Chattopadhyay, John Townsend, and Saumya RamaRao
Patterns and trends of postpartum family planning in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Nigeria: Evidence of missed opportunities for integration, Sennen Hounton, William Winfrey, Aluisio J.D. Barros, and Ian Askew
Peer mentoring: An effective strategy for integrating HIV and SRH services, Integra Initiative
Physicians' and non-physicians' views about provision of medical abortion by nurses and AYUSH physicians in Maharashtra and Bihar, India, Rajib Acharya and Shveta Kalyanwala
Postpartum and post-abortion contraception: From research to programs, Iqbal Shah, K.G. Santhya, and John C. Cleland
Poverty identification for a pro-poor health insurance scheme in Tanzania: Reliability and multi-level stakeholder perceptions, August Kuwawenaruwa, Jitihada Baraka, Kate Ramsey, Fatuma Manzi, Benjamin Bellows, and Josephine Borghi
Prevalence of HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and risk behaviors among female sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya: Results of a respondent driven sampling study, Helgar Musyoki, Timothy Kellogg, Scott Geibel, Nicholas Muraguri, Jerry Okal, Waimar Tun, H. Fisher Raymond, Sufia Dadabhai, Meredith Sheehy, and Andrea Kim
Prevalence, trends, and determinants of menopause in India: NFHS 1992–93 to NFHS 2005–06, Arupendra Mozumdar and Praween Kumar Agrawal
Progesterone vaginal ring: A call-to-action to fill critical gaps in post-partum family planning, Population Council
Progesterone vaginal ring: Beneficial role in birth spacing, Population Council
Progesterone vaginal ring: Prevents pregnancy, Population Council
Progesterone vaginal ring: Results of an acceptability study in Kenya, Francis Obare, Wilson Liambila, Chi-Chi Undie, Harriet Birungi, Shiphrah Kuria, Heather Clark, Deepa Rajamani, and Saumya RamaRao
Progesterone vaginal ring: Results of an acceptability study in Nigeria, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Afolabi Kayode, Godwin Unumeri, Ayodeji Oginni, Adekunle Adeyemi, Deepa Rajamani, Heather Clark, Naomi Rijo, and Saumya RamaRao
Progesterone vaginal ring: Results of a three-country acceptability study, Saumya RamaRao, Heather Clark, Deepa Rajamani, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Babacar Mane, Francis Obare, Harriet Birungi, Nafissatou Diop, Wilson Liambila, Fatou Mbow, Chi-Chi Undie, Godwin Unumeri, and John Townsend
Progesterone vaginal ring: Safe for mothers and babies, Population Council
Promoting Respectful Maternity Care: A training guide for facility-based workshops—Facilitator’s guide, Population Council
Promoting Respectful Maternity Care Resource Package—Alternative dispute resolution: Resolving incidents of disrespect and abuse, Population Council
Promoting Respectful Maternity Care Resource Package—Debriefing sessions: Caring for the carers, Population Council
Promoting Respectful Maternity Care Resource Package—Implementing respectful maternity care in Kenya, Population Council
Promoting Respectful Maternity Care Resource Package—Maternity open days: Clarifying misconceptions about childbirth, Population Council
Proposed indicators to measure adherence to and effects of rights-based family planning: Resource guide, Kelsey Wright and Karen Hardee