"Sexual health and HIV risk behaviors of men who have sex with men in M" by Population Council and Burnet Institute

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In 2013, an estimated 189,000 people were living with HIV in Myanmar. The overall adult HIV prevalence is estimated to be around 0.5 percent, but key populations such as men who have sex with men (MSM) bear a disproportionate disease burden. According to national estimates, HIV prevalence among MSM is 20 times higher than in the general population, at 10 percent. Effective, targeted, innovative, and culturally appropriate interventions that have been shown to significantly reduce high-risk sexual behaviors among MSM are needed to reduce the HIV burden among this population. In Myanmar, as part of the Link Up project, Alliance Myanmar and Marie Stopes International-Myanmar will carry out a project in which MSM peer educators will provide face-to-face peer education on sexual health and HIV issues, including referrals to local Link Up health facilities for services such as HIV testing and counseling and condom provision. The Population Council, in collaboration with the Burnet Institute, is conducting an evaluation of these Link Up activities in Myanmar. This brief describes findings from the baseline data collection activities among MSM in Link Up sites.






Link Up
