"Proposed indicators to measure adherence to and effects of rights-base" by Kelsey Wright and Karen Hardee

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At the London Summit on Family Planning in 2012, the goal of expanding access to FP programs by 120 million additional women and girls by 2020 was established. This goal calls attention to the need for FP information and services to be delivered in ways that are voluntary and respect human rights. While human rights have been codified and affirmed in declarations, conventions, and treaties, operationalizing rights in FP programs is still in an early stage of development. With the recent emergence of global numeric benchmarks for FP programs, there is the risk that the focus will move away from these rights. The Evidence Project has taken the lead on compiling indicators of human rights and FP based on recommendations from global stakeholders. The Proposed Indicators of Human Rights and Family Planning table found in this resource guide is helping Uganda operationalize the rights language in its Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan. The table is an important resource in helping countries or organizations move from rights principles embodied in planning documents to monitoring adherence to and effects of rights-based approaches to FP.






The Evidence Project
