The Population Council tackles intersecting inequalities that undermine rights and access to contraception, HIV and STI prevention, maternal and newborn health, safe abortion, prevention and treatment of infertility, and sexuality education, among other sexual and reproductive health needs. Our research and partnerships ensure high quality, evidence-based, voluntary, and rights-based comprehensive care for sexual and reproductive health.
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Submissions from 2020
Level of adherence and associated factors among HIV-positive adolescents on antiretroviral therapy in Cameroon, Mbuwir Charlotte Bongfen, Kwasi Torpey, John Ganle, and Augustine Ankomah
Looking at the bigger picture: Effect of performance-based contracting of district health services on equity of access to maternal health services in Zambia, Collins Chansa, Mulenga Mukanu, Chitalu Miriam Chama-Chiliba, Mpuma Kamanga, Nicholas Chikwenya, Benjamin Bellows, and Naasegnibe Kuunibe
Looking Back, Looking Forward: Using Evidence to Inform Sexual and Reproductive Health Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic—Webinar, Saumya RamaRao, Kristin Bietsch, Julia N. White, Johannes van Dam, and Ann K. Blanc
Malaria: Insights for improving malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health outcomes in northwestern Nigeria through social and behavior change programming, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Male adolescents’ gender attitudes and violence: Implications for youth violence prevention, Elizabeth Miller, Alison J. Culyba, Taylor Paglisotti, Michael Massof, Qi Gao, Katie A. Ports, Jane Kato-Wallace, Julie Pulerwitz, Dorothy L. Espelage, Kaleab Z. Abebe, and Kelley A. Jones
Male reproductive function and fecundity, Michael Mbizvo and Tendai M. Chiware
Masculine gender ideologies, intimate partner violence, and alcohol use increase risk for genital tract infections among men, Kiyomi Tsuyuki, Balaiah Donta, Anindita Dasgupta, Paul Fleming, Mohan Ghule, Madhusudana Battala, Saritha Nair, Jay G. Silverman, Niranjan Saggurti, and Anita Raj
Measurement of anticipated stigma: A barrier to family planning use among married youth, Evidence Project
Measurement that matters: Understanding quality of care from clients’ perspectives, Leah Jarvis, Katey Peck, Sara Chace Dwyer, Erika Martin, and Aparna Jain
Measuring service quality and assessing its relationship to contraceptive discontinuation: A prospective cohort study in Pakistan and Uganda, Karen T. Chang, Nirali M. Chakraborty, Amanda Kalamar, Waqas Hameed, Benjamin Bellows, Karen A. Grépin, Xaher Gul, Sarah E.K. Bradley, Lynn M. Atuyambe, and Dominic Montagu
Medicalisation of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Kenya, Samuel Kimani, Caroline W. Kabiru, Jacinta Muteshi, and Jakdesa Guyo
Men and COVID-19: Adding a gender lens, Myra Betron, Ann Gottert, Julie Pulerwitz, Dominick Shattuck, and Natacha Stevanovic-Fenn
Men’s needs and women’s fears: Gender-related power dynamics in contraceptive use and coping with consequences in a rural setting in Kenya, Francis Obare, George Odwe, and John C. Cleland
Metrics for monitoring and improving quality of care in family planning, Evidence Project
Midterm evaluation of USAID Tulonge Afya Project, Catherine Kahabuka, Salum Mshamu, Nrupa Jani, and Kamden Hoffmann
Migration and family planning in the state with highest total fertility rate in India, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Niranjan Saggurti, Raman Mishra, Monika Walia, and Saradiya Mukherjee
Modeling HIV transmission from sexually active alcohol-consuming men in ART programs to seronegative wives, Kevin D. Dieckhaus, Toan Ha, Stephen L. Schensul, and Avina Sarna
Modeling the impact of inclusion of family planning services in Ghana's National Health Insurance scheme, Justin Archer, Gillian Eva, Augustine Ankomah, Saumya RamaRao, Kamil Fuseini, Anne Coolen, Stephen Duku, and Benjamin Bellows
Modelling and mapping of regional disparities associated with female genital mutilation/cutting prevalence among girls aged 0–14 Years in Senegal: Evidence from Senegal (SDHS) Surveys 2005–2017, Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala, Paul Komba, Chibuzor Christopher Nnanatu, Glory Atilola, Lubanzadio Mavatikua, Zhuzhi Moore, and Dennis Matanda
Modelling and mapping of state disparities associated with female genital mutilation/cutting prevalence among girls aged 0–14 years in Nigeria: Evidence from DHS and MICS 2003–2017, Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala, Paul Komba, Chibuzor Christopher Nnanatu, Glory Atilola, Lubanzadio Mavatikua, Zhuzhi Moore, and Dennis Matanda
Multiple HPV infections among men who have sex with men engaged in anal cancer screening in Abuja, Nigeria, Rebecca G. Nowak, Lisa M. Schumaker, Nicholas P. Ambulos, Nicaise Ndembi, Wuese Dauda, Chineda H. Nnaji, Andrew Mitchell, Trevor J. Mathias, Paul Jibrin, Teresa M. Darragh, Oluwole Olaomi, Trevor A. Crowell, Stefan Baral, Manhattan E. Charurat, Søren M. Bentzen, Joel M. Palefsky, Kevin J. Cullen, TRUST/RV368 Study Group, and Elizabeth Shoyemi
National guidelines for school re-entry in early learning and basic education, Ministry of Education
No to circumcision’: The road to effective social marketing campaigns in Egypt [Arabic], Salma Abou Hussein and Sarah Ghattass
Obstacles limitant la détection et la prise en charge de l’HPP par les prestataires de soins de santé à Madagascar, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Opportunities and challenges of delivering postabortion care and postpartum family planning during the COVID-19 pandemic, Anne Pfitzer, Eva Lathrop, Alison Bodenheimer, Saumya RamaRao, Megan Christofield, Patricia MacDonald, Bethany Arnold, Neeta Bhatnagar, Erin Mielke, and Meridith Mikulich
Opportunities for SGBV data collection in the time of COVID-19: The value of implementation science, Chi-Chi Undie, Sanyukta Mathur, Nicole Haberland, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, and Julie Pulerwitz
Overview of High Impact Practices for Improved Prevention, Detection, and Management of Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy, Population Council
Participation and membership in microfinance based self help groups in India, Danish Ahmad, Itismita Mohanty, Laili Irani, Dileep Mavalankar, and Theo Nivonseng
Patent: Method of providing birth control, George W. Creasy and Ruth Merkatz
Pattern and correlates of out-of-pocket payment (OOP) on female sterilization in India, 1990–2014, Sanjay Kumar Mohanty, Suyash Mishra, Sayantani Chatterjee, and Niranjan Saggurti
Perceptions and use of non-pneumatic anti-shock garments for management of postpartum hemorrhage in Malawi, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Piloting and evaluating family-centered HIV care in Eswatini, Caspian Chouraya, Nobuble Mthethwa, Lynne Mofenson, Philisiwe Khumalo, Lydia Mpango, Munamato Mirira, Rhoderick Machekano, Leila Katirayi, and Kim Ashburn
Piloting respectful maternity care solutions: Research findings from a study in Zambia, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Policy brief: Fertility preferences and behaviors among younger cohorts in Egypt: Recent trends, correlates, and prospects for change [Arabic], Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Shadia Attia, Nourhan Bader, Rania Roushdy, Shatha El-Nakib, and Doaa Oraby
Poor women's reproductive health and family planning challenges and needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, Population Council
Population Council-led partnership influences national and global efforts to end female genital mutilation/cutting, Population Council
Practice-based learning: Establishing simple monitoring systems to support SGBV programming in refugee settings, Chi-Chi Undie, Josephine Ngebeh, Jane Harriet Namwebya, Michael Gaitho, George Odwe, Nachela Chelwa, Harriet Birungi, and Michael Mbizvo
Practice-based learning: Medico-legal evidence collection as part of post-rape care in refugee contexts, Michael Gaitho, Ronald Kotut, Anne Ngunjiri, Jane T. Thiomi, Josephine Ngebeh, and Chi-Chi Undie
Pratiques du HCR et de ses partenaires en matière de protection communautaire dans les secteurs dans la région de l’Afrique de l’Est, de la Corne de l’Afrique et des Grands Lacs, Charles Mballa, Josephine Ngebeh, Machtelt De Vriese, Katie Drew, Abigayil Parr, and Chi-Chi Undie
Pregnancy and childbirth: Insights for improving malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health outcomes in northwestern Nigeria through social and behavior change programming, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Preprint—Family and provider perceptions of quality of care in the management of sick young infants in primary health care settings in four counties of Kenya, Samuel Mbugua, Jesse Gitaka, Tabither Gitau, George Odwe, Peter Mwaura, Wilson Liambila, Charity Ndwiga, Kezia K'Oduol, Charlotte E. Warren, and Timothy Abuya
Preprint—Intraindividual coexistence of anthropometric undernutrition and "metabolic obesity" in Indian children: A paradox that needs action, Harshpal Singh Sachdev, Akash Porwal, Avina Sarna, Rajib Acharya, Sowmya Ramesh, Umesh Kapil, and Anura V. Kurpad
Prestation de soins de maternels respectueux: conclusions d'une evaluation à petite echelle à Chipata en Zambie, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Prevalence and characteristics of HIV drug resistance among antiretroviral treatment (ART) experienced adolescents and young adults living with HIV in Ndola, Zambia, Sam Miti, Ray Handema, Lloyd Mulenga, Jonathan Kaunda Mwansa, Elizabeth A. Abrams, Christiana Frimpong, Virginia M. Burke, Mangani Zulu, Mpanji Siwingwa, David Mwakazanga, Sam Kalibala, and Julie Denison
Prevalence and correlates of perceived infertility in Ghana, Chelsea B. Polis, Easmon Otupiri, Michelle J. Hindin, Doris W. Chiu, Sarah C. Keogh, Cara Aidoo, Roderick Larsen-Reindorf, and Suzanne O. Bell
Program effects of DREAMS among adolescent girls and young women in Kisumu County, Kenya: Findings from DREAMS implementation science research, Population Council
Program effects of DREAMS among adolescent girls and young women in Zambia: Findings from DREAMS implementation science research, Population Council
Project YES! Youth Engaging for Success: A randomized controlled trial assessing the impact of a clinic-based peer mentoring program on viral suppression, adherence and internalized stigma among HIV-positive youth (15–24 years) in Ndola, Zambia, Julie Denison, Virginia M. Burke, Sam Miti, Bareng A.S. Nonyane, Christiana Frimpong, Katherine G. Merrill, Elizabeth A. Abrams, and Jonathan Kaunda Mwansa
Promoting respectful maternity care for adolescents in Ghana: A quasi-experimental study protocol, Helen H. Habib, Kwasi Torpey, Ernest Tei Maya, and Augustine Ankomah
Proposal for the development and addition of a cybersecurity assessment section into technology involving global public health, Stanley J. Mierzwa, Saumya RamaRao, Jung Ah Yun, and Bok Gyo Jeong
Protecting newborn infants during the COVID-19 pandemic should be based on evidence and equity, Emma Sacks, Pooja Sripad, Charity Ndwiga, Peter Waiswa, and Charlotte E. Warren
Protocol for a matched-pair cluster control trial of ARCHES (Addressing Reproductive Coercion in Health Settings) among women and girls seeking contraceptive services from community-based clinics in Nairobi, Kenya, Jasmine Uysal, Nicole Carter, Nicole Johns, Sabrina Boyce, Wilson Liambila, Chi-Chi Undie, Esther Muketo, Jill Adhiambo, Kate Gray, Seri Wendoh, and Jay G. Silverman
Provider behavior change approaches to improve family planning services in the Ouagadougou partnership countries: A landscaping review, Kathryn Spielman, Elizabeth Tobey, Martha Silva, and Leanne Dougherty
Provider provision of respectful maternity care: Findings from a small scale evaluation in Chipata, Zambia, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Provision of clinical management of rape (CMR) in crisis settings: Analysis of factors affecting delays in accessing services in Borno state, Nigeria, Osasuyi Dirisu, Mayokun Adediran, Akinwumi Akinola, and Solomon Kongyamba
Psychosocial influences on breastfeeding practices in Sokoto, Kebbi and Zamfara States—Slide deck, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Psychosocial influences on malaria prevention and treatment in Sokoto, Kebbi and Zamfara—Slide deck, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Psychosocial influences on modern contraceptive use in Sokoto, Kebbi and Zamfara States—Slide deck, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Psychosocial influences on pregnancy and childbirth in Sokoto, Kebbi and Zamfara States—Slide deck, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Psychosocial influences on routine childhood immunization in Sokoto, Kebbi and Zamfara States—Slide deck, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Psychotropic medication non-adherence and its associated factors among patients with major psychiatric disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Agumasie Semahegn, Kwasi Torpey, Adom Manu, Nega Assefa, Gezahegn Tesfaye, and Augustine Ankomah
Quality of care in sterilization services at the public health facilities in India: A multilevel analysis, Vinod Joseph K.J., Arupendra Mozumdar, Hemkhothang Lhungdim, and Rajib Acharya
Quality of care received for family planning from community pharmacists and patent and proprietary medicine vendors in Lagos and Kaduna, Nigeria: The IntegratE project, Population Council
Quand et comment la loi est-elle efficace pour réduire la pratique des MGF/E: une étude transfrontalière au Burkina Faso et au Mali, Josephine Wouango, Susan L. Ostermann, and Daniel Mwanga
Quick take: Corona crisis in Bangladesh, Ubaidur Rob
Rationale and design of a complex intervention measuring the impact and processes of social accountability applied to contraceptive programming: CaPSAI Project, Petrus S. Steyn, Victoria Boydell, Joanna Paula Cordero, Ndema Habib, Thi My Huong Nguyen, Dela Nai, Donat Shamba, James Kiarie, and CaPSAI Project Team
Reaching 90-90-90: Evidence from Project SOAR to strengthen the HIV response, Scott Geibel
Recherche formative exhaustive sur les croyances, les pratiques et les comportements en matière de santé au Mali, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Reducing barriers to accessing fistula repair in Nigeria and Uganda: An implementation research study, Pooja Sripad, Elly Arnoff, Charity Ndwiga, George Odwe, and Emmanuel Nwala
Reducing HIV risk among young women and their partners: Highlights from the DREAMS implementation science research portfolio, Population Council
Reducing HIV risk for adolescent girls and young women and their male partners: Insights from the DREAMS Partnership, Sanyukta Mathur
Reducing stigma and discrimination: New evidence and its implications, Janet Seeley and Ann K. Blanc
Reflections from Five Years of Research on FGM/C, Lori S. Ashford, Reshma Naik, and Charlotte Greenbaum
Removing barriers to fistula care: Applying appreciative inquiry to improve access to screening and treatment in Nigeria and Uganda, Vandana Tripathi, Elly Arnoff, and Pooja Sripad
Renforcement du suivi et de l'evaluation des changements sociaux et comportementaux pour le planning familial en Afrique de l'Ouest francophone, Leanne Dougherty, Martha Silva, and Kathryn Spielman
Replication data for: The relationship between attitudes towards pregnancy and contraceptive continuation: Results from a longitudinal study of married women in India, Elizabeth Tobey, Aparna Jain, and Arupendra Mozumdar
Reproductive health care in the time of COVID-19: Perspectives of poor women and service providers from Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab, Iram Kamran, Tahira Parveen, Rehan M. Niazi, and Irfan Masood
Routine childhood immunization—Insights for improving malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health outcomes in northwestern Nigeria through social and behavior change programming, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Safer conception for female sex workers living with HIV in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Cross-sectional analysis of needs and opportunities in integrated family planning/HIV services, Eileen Yam, Catherine Kahabuka, Gasper Mbita, Koheleth Winani, Louis Apicella, Caterina Casalini, and Zuhura Mbuguni
Scales to measure motivation among community health workers, and trust and empowerment among their clients: A guide, Frontline Health Project
Seizing opportunities for intervention: Changing HIV-related knowledge among men who have sex with men and transgender women attending trusted community centers in Nigeria, Milissa U. Jones, Habib O. Ramadhani, Sylvia Adebajo, Charlotte A. Gaydos, Afoke Kokogho, Stefan Baral, Rebecca G. Nowak, Julie Ake, Hongjie Liu, Manhattan E. Charurat, Merlin L. Robb, Trevor A. Crowell, and TRUST/RV368 Study Group
Services for women's sexual and reproductive health in India: An analysis of treatment-seeking for symptoms of reproductive tract infections in a nationally representative survey, Shikha Bhasin, Ankita Shukla, and Sapna Desai
Share of current unmet need for modern contraceptive methods attributed to past users of these methods in India, Ankita Shukla, Anrudh K. Jain, Rajib Acharya, Faujdar Ram, Arupendra Mozumdar, Abhishek Kumar, Subrato Mondal, and Niranjan Saggurti
Shughuli za UNHCR na Washirikiza Ulinzi kwa Jamii baina ya Sekta katika Maeneo ya Masharik na, Pembe ya Afrika na Maziwa Makuu, Charles Mballa, Josephine Ngebeh, Machtelt De Vriese, Katie Drew, Abigayil Parr, and Chi-Chi Undie
Social and behavior change programming landscape for out-of-school adolescent and youth reproductive health programs in the Philippines: A scoping review, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Socioeconomic inequality trends in childhood vaccination coverage in India: Findings from multiple rounds of National Family Health Survey, Nizamuddin Khan and Niranjan Saggurti
Stigma among key populations living with HIV in the Dominican Republic: Experiences of people of Haitian descent, MSM, and female sex workers, Eileen Yam, Julie Pulerwitz, Dulce Almonte, Felipa García, Angel del Valle, Alejandra Colom, Tracy McClair, and Yordana Dolores
Strengthening capacity for assessment of HIV-related data needs among key populations to inform evidence-based responses, Amrita Rao, Nikita Viswasam, and Stefan Baral
Strengthening Capacity for Research Uptake on FGM/C, Population Reference Bureau
Strengthening social and behavior change monitoring and evaluation for family planning in Francophone West Africa, Leanne Dougherty, Martha Silva, and Kathryn Spielman
Strengthening social and behavior change monitoring and evaluation for family planning in francophone West Africa, Leanne Dougherty, Martha Silva, and Kathryn Spielman
Support clubs for children and youth in Haiti living with HIV: A case study, Susan Settergren, Robert Philippe, Joanne St. Louis, Nathaniel Segaren, Sylvie Boisson, Tessa Lewis, Olbeg Désinor, and Kesner François
Sustainability of barefoot nurse (BFN) project—Screening NCD and ensuring livelihood: A randomized control trial, Biswamitra Sahu, Sathyanarayana Tn, and Avishek Hazra
Sustaining consistent condom use among female sex workers by addressing their vulnerabilities and strengthening community-led organizations in India, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Monika Walia, Sangram Kishor Patel, Madhusudana Battala, Saradiya Mukherjee, Prachi Patel, Balakrishnan Subramanium, Yamini Atmavilas, and Niranjan Saggurti
Test pilote de solutions pour des soins maternels respectueux: conclusions de recherches d'une etude menee en Zambie, Breakthrough RESEARCH
The benefits and limitations of donating new contraceptive technology: The case of the International Contraceptive Access (ICA) Foundation and the LNG IUS Program in Brazil, Laura Miranda, John Townsend, Anibal Faundes, and Luis Bahamondes
The community health system in Bangladesh: An overview, Frontline Health Project
The community health system in Haiti: An overview, Frontline Health Project