Population Council Focus Area: Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Choices | Focus Areas | Population Council

The Population Council tackles intersecting inequalities that undermine rights and access to contraception, HIV and STI prevention, maternal and newborn health, safe abortion, prevention and treatment of infertility, and sexuality education, among other sexual and reproductive health needs. Our research and partnerships ensure high quality, evidence-based, voluntary, and rights-based comprehensive care for sexual and reproductive health.

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Submissions from 2019


The effect of job aids on knowledge retention among Patent and Proprietary Medicine Vendors trained to administer injectable contraceptives: Longitudinal results from implementation science in Nigeria, Sara Chace Dwyer, Aparna Jain, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Faizah Okunade, Chiamaka Uzomba, Adedamola Adebayo, and Elizabeth Tobey


The evaluation of the Woman's Condom marketing approach: What value did peer-led interpersonal communication add to the promotion of a new female condom in urban Lusaka?, Jessie Pinchoff, Christopher B. Boyer, Rachna Nag Chowdhuri, Gina Smith, Namwinga Chintu, and Thoai Ngo


The extent to which performance-based financing programs' operations manuals reflect rights-based principles: Implications for family planning services, Marie S. Cole, Victoria Boydell, Karen Hardee, and Benjamin Bellows


The Global Compact on Refugees: How the Sauti/VOICE Project fits, Josephine Ngebeh, Chi-Chi Undie, and Joanina Karugaba


The medicalisation of female genital mutilation/cutting in Kenya: Perspectives of families and health care providers, Population Council


The People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Resilience Scale: Development and validation in three countries in the context of the PLHIV Stigma Index, Ann Gottert, Barbara Friedland, Scott Geibel, Laura Nyblade, Stefan Baral, S. Kentutsi, C. Mallouris, L. Sprague, J. Hows, F. Anam, Ugochukwu Amanyeiwe, and Julie Pulerwitz


The People Living with HIV Stigma Index 2.0: Preliminary results from the Dominican Republic, Project SOAR


The People Living With HIV Stigma Index: Dominican Republic, Red Dominicana de Personas que Viven con VIH/SIDA, Alianza Solidaria para la Lucha Contra el VIH y SIDA, and Population Council


The prevalence and determinants of depression among HIV-positive perinatal women receiving antiretroviral therapy in India, Avina Sarna, Roopal Jyoti Singh, Mona Duggal, Prabha S. Chandra, and Nancy Reynolds


Time to change the paradigm: Limited condom and lubricant use among Nigerian men who have sex with men and transgender women despite availability and counseling, Trevor A. Crowell, Stefan Baral, Sheree Schwartz, Rebecca G. Nowak, Afoke Kokogho, Sylvia Adebajo, Babajide Keshinro, Olumide Makanjuola, Nelson L. Michael, Merlin L. Robb, Manhattan E. Charurat, Julie Ake, and TRUST/RV368 Study Group


Tracing change in female genital mutilation/cutting: Shifting norms and practices among communities in Narok and Kisii counties, Kenya—Brief, Dennis Matanda, Chantalle Okondo, Caroline W. Kabiru, and Bettina Shell-Duncan


Trends in contraceptive prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa: The roles of family planning programs and education, John Bongaarts and Karen Hardee


Understanding incentive preferences of community health workers using discrete choice experiments: A multicountry protocol for Kenya, Uganda, Bangladesh and Haiti, Smisha Agarwal, Udochisom Anaba, Timothy Abuya, Richard Kintu, Alain Casseus, Sharif M.I. Hossain, Melvin Obad, and Charlotte E. Warren


Understanding women’s motivations to participate in MTN-003/VOICE, a phase 2b HIV prevention trial with low adherence, Ariana Katz, Barbara Mensch, Kubashini Woeber, Petina Musara, Juliane Etima, and Ariane van der Straten


Unintended consequences of mHealth interactive voice messages promoting contraceptive use after menstrual regulation in Bangladesh: Intimate partner violence results from a randomized controlled trial, Kate Reiss, Kathryn L. Andersen, Erin Pearson, Kamal Biswas, Fahmida Taleb, Thoai Ngo, Altaf Hossain, Sharmani Barnard, Christopher Smith, James Carpenter, Jamie Menzel, Katharine Footman, Katherine Keenan, Megan Douthwaite, Reena Yasmin, Hassan Rushekh Mahmood, Tanzila Tabbassum, Manuela Colombini, Loraine Bacchus, and Kathryn Church


Use and acceptability of HIV self-testing among first-time testers at risk for HIV in Senegal, Carrie E. Lyons, Karleen Coly, Anna L. Bowring, Benjamin Liestman, Daouda Diouf, Vincent Wong, Gnilane Turpin, Delivette Castor, Penda Dieng, Oluwasolape Olawore, Scott Geibel, Sosthenes Ketende, Cheikh Ndour, Safiatou Thiam, Coumba Toure-Kane, and Stefan Baral


Using Demographic and Health Surveys in the campaign to end FGM/C: A Kenyan example, Dennis Matanda and Caroline W. Kabiru


Utilization of maternal health services and its determinants: A cross-sectional study among women in rural Uttar Pradesh, India, Ranjana Singh, Sutapa B. Neogi, Avishek Hazra, Laili Irani, Jenny Ruducha, Danish Ahmad, Sampath Kumar, Neelakshi Mann, and Dileep V. Mavalankar


Vaginal ring use in a phase 3 microbicide trial: A comparison of objective measures and self-reports of non-adherence in ASPIRE, Barbara Mensch, Barbara Richardson, Marla Husnik, Elizabeth R. Brown, Flavia Matovu Kiweewa, Ashley Mayo, Jared M. Baeten, Thesla Palanee-Phillips, Ariane van der Straten, and MTN-020-ASPIRE Study Team


Validation of two quality of care measures: Results from a longitudinal study of reversible contraceptive users in India, Aparna Jain, Kumudha Aruldas, Arupendra Mozumdar, Elizabeth Tobey, and Rajib Acharya


"What is the best method of family planning for me?" A text mining analysis of messages between users and agents of a digital health service in Kenya, Eric P. Green, Alexandra Whitcomb, Cynthia Kahumbura, Joseph G. Rosen, Siddhartha Goyal, Daphine Achieng, and Ben Bellows


When sex is power, Michelle R. Kaufman and Julie Pulerwitz


Who pays and how much? A cross-sectional study of out-of-pocket payment for modern contraception in Kenya, Emma Radovich, Mardieh Dennis, Edwine Barasa, Francesca L. Cavallaro, Kerry LM Wong, Josephine Borghi, Caroline A. Lynch, Mark Lyons-Amos, Timothy Abuya, and Lenka Benova


Women and HIV: Understanding and addressing stigma—Evidence from the Population Council, Population Council


Youth Engaging for Success (YES)—Youth peer mentor in-service training: Facilitator guide, Project SOAR


Youth Engaging for Success (YES)—Youth peer mentor in-service training: Youth peer mentor guide, Project SOAR


Youth Engaging for Success (YES)—Youth peer mentor pre-service training: Facilitator guide, Project SOAR


Youth Engaging for Success (YES)—Youth peer mentor pre-service training: Youth peer mentor guide, Project SOAR

Submissions from 2018


Accelerate progress—Sexual and reproductive health and rights for all: Report of the Guttmacher–Lancet Commission, Ann M. Starrs, Alex C. Ezeh, Gary Barker, Alaka Malwade Basu, Jane T. Bertrand, Robert W. Blum, Awa M. Coll-Seck, Anand Grover, Laura Laski, Monica Roa, Zeba Sathar, Lale Say, Gamal I. Serour, Susheela Singh, Karin Stenberg, Marleen Temmerman, Ann E. Biddlecom, Anna Popinchalk, Cynthia Summers, and Lori S. Ashford


Accelerating uptake of voluntary, rights-based family planning in developing countries, Kazuyo Machiyama, Francis Obare, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, Doris Chou, Mario Festin, Rajat Khosla, James Kiarie, Lale Say, and Nandita Thatte


Accélérer l’adoption de la planification familiale volontaire et fondée sur les droits dans les pays en développement, Kazuyo Machiyama, Francis Obare, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, Doris Chou, Mario Festin, Rajat Khosla, James Kiarie, Lale Say, and Nandita Thatte


Acceptability and stakeholders perspectives on feasibility of using trained psychologists and health workers to deliver school-based sexual and reproductive health services to adolescents in urban Accra, Ghana, Philip Teg-Nefaah Tabong, Ernest Tei Maya, Terence Adda-Balinia, Dela Kusi-Appouh, Harriet Birungi, Placide Tabsoba, and Philip Baba Adongo


Addressing barriers to quality of underutilized commodities and services for prevention and management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in Kenya, Charity Ndwiga, Pooja Sripad, and Charlotte E. Warren


Addressing stigma and gender inequities to strengthen HIV and AIDS programming: A focus on key populations, Population Council


Advances in our understanding of human spermatogenesis, Qing Wen, Elizabeth I. Tang, Tito T. Jesus, Bruno Silvestrini, and C. Yan Cheng


A look into the testis as a reservoir for HIV and ZIKV—A reproductive biologist’s perspective, Elizabeth I. Tang, Christopher L. Robinson, Chi Nok Chong, Shuibing Chen, and C. Yan Cheng


Ambivalence in pregnancy intentions: The effect of quality of care and context among a cohort of women attending family planning clinics in Kenya, Eliud Wekesa, Ian Askew, and Timothy Abuya


A new composite index to measure national-level quality of family planning programs, Anrudh K. Jain


A qualitative study to explore the attitudes of women and obstetricians towards caesarean delivery in rural Bangladesh, Tahmina Begum, Cathryn Ellis, Malabika Sarker, Jean Francois Rostoker, Aminur Rahman, Iqbal Anwar, and Laura Reichenbach


Arabic language social and behavior change toolkit for family planning and reproductive health, Evidence Project


A Reference Guide: Six Practical Tips for Understanding Data on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), Charlotte Greenbaum and Reshma Naik


Are services meeting the holistic family planning needs of female sex workers living with HIV in Tanzania?, Project SOAR


Assessing the community-level impact of a decade of user fee policy shifts on health facility deliveries in Kenya, 2003-2014, Francis Obare, Timothy Abuya, Dennis Matanda, and Benjamin Bellows


Assessing the feasibility, acceptability, and costs of diagnosing HIV at birth in Lesotho and Rwanda, Michelle M. Gill, Heather Hoffman, Majoalane Mokone, Lynne Mofenson, Michel Tchuenche, and Steven Forsythe


Assessing the feasibility and acceptability of community health extension workers to treat hypertension associated with pregnancy: An analysis of post-intervention findings, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku


Associations between intimate partner violence and married women's condom and other contraceptive use in rural India, Anindita Dasgupta, Niranjan Saggurti, Mohan Ghule, Elizabeth Reed, Balaiah Donta, Madhusudana Battala, Saritha Nair, Julie Ritter, Gajanan Velhal, Jay G. Silverman, and Anita Raj


Asymptomatic lymphogranuloma venereum among Nigerian men who have sex with men, Trevor A. Crowell, Justin Hardick, Kara Lombardi, Zahra Parker, Afoke Kokogho, Senate Amusu, Sunday Odeyemi, Andrew Ivo, Stefan Baral, Rebecca G. Nowak, Sylvia Adebajo, Manhattan E. Charurat, Julie Ake, Charlotte A. Gaydos, and TRUST/RV368 Study Group


Attitudes towards help-seeking for sexual and gender-based violence in humanitarian settings: The case of Rwamwanja refugee settlement scheme in Uganda, George Odwe, Chi-Chi Undie, and Francis Obare


Balancing paid work and child care in a slum of Nairobi, Kenya: The case for centre-based child care, Shelley Clark, Midanna De Almada, Caroline W. Kabiru, Stella Muthuri, and Milka Wanjohi


Baseline evaluation of Project Mesha in Bihar: Factsheet results 2017-2018, Population Council


Benchmark assessment of orphaned and vulnerable children in areas of the Zambia Family (ZAMFAM) Project, Michael Mbizvo, Paul C. Hewett, Nkomba Kayeyi, Lyson Phiri, Saziso N. Mulenga, Bwalya Mushiki, and Mwelwa Chibuye


Benchmark assessment of orphaned and vulnerable children in areas of the Zambia Family (ZAMFAM) Project—Brief, Michael Mbizvo and Paul C. Hewett


Building the evidence base on the HIV programme in India: An integrated approach to document programmatic learnings, Deepika Ganju, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Rajatashuvra Adhikary, Sangram Kishor Patel, Niranjan Saggurti, and Gina Dallabetta


Can a gender equity and family planning intervention for men change their gender ideology? Results from the CHARM intervention in rural India, Paul Fleming, Jay G. Silverman, Mohan Ghule, Julie Ritter, Madhusudana Battala, Gajanan Velhal, Saritha Nair, Anindita Dasgupta, Balaiah Donta, Niranjan Saggurti, and Anita Raj


Can depression screening be integrated into busy HIV clinics in Malawi? Early results demonstrate its feasibility and acceptability, Project SOAR—Malawi Mental Health


Cesarean section deliveries in Egypt: Trends, practices, perceptions, and cost, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Doaa Oraby, Nevine Hassanein, and Shatha El-Nakib


Challenges to and opportunities for the adoption and routine use of early warning indicators to monitor pediatric HIV drug resistance in Kenya, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Jerry Okal, James K. Matheka, Irene Mukui, and Sam Kalibala


Changes in FGM/C in Somaliland: Medical narrative driving shift in types of cutting, Richard A. Powell and Mohamed Yussuf


Changes in household well being and resilience: The role of population, family planning and reproductive health in the Tuungane Project, Kristen P. Patterson


Characterizing the unmet HIV prevention needs and HIV risk vulnerabilities of adolescent girls and young women in Ethiopia, Project SOAR


Closing the gap between people and programs: Lessons from implementation of social accountability for family planning and reproductive health in Uganda, Victoria Boydell, Stella Neema, Kelsey Wright, and Karen Hardee


Collaborative work with Somaliland stakeholders to increase evidence based decision making in FGM/C, Chantalle Okondo


Community mobilization to modify harmful gender norms and reduce HIV risk: Results from a community cluster randomized trial in South Africa, Audrey Pettifor, Sheri A. Lippman, Ann Gottert, Chirayath M. Suchindran, Amanda Selin, Dean Peacock, Suzanne Maman, Dumisani Rebombo, Rhian Twine, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Stephen Tollman, Kathleen Kahn, and Catherine MacPhail


Community organization membership, financial security, and social protection among female sex workers in India, Sangram Kishor Patel, Anrudh K. Jain, Madhusudana Battala, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, and Niranjan Saggurti


Condom use at last sex by young men in Ethiopia: The effect of descriptive and injunctive norms, Aparna Jain, Elizabeth Tobey, Hussein Ismail, and Annabel Erulkar


Contraceptive use and unintended pregnancy among young women and men in Accra, Ghana, Kate Grindlay, Phyllis Dako-Gyeke, Thoai Ngo, Gillian Eva, Leonard Gobah, Sarah T. Reiger, Sruthi Chandrasekaran, and Kelly Blanchard


Couple perspectives on unintended pregnancy in an area with high HIV prevalence: A qualitative analysis in Rakai, Uganda, Stephanie A. Grilo, Marina Catallozzi, Craig Heck, Sanyukta Mathur, Neema Nakyanjo, and John S. Santelli


Dataset: DREAMS Implementation Science: Phase 1 Analysis Data, Kenya, Sanyukta Mathur, Jerry Okal, Nanlesta Pilgrim, James K. Matheka, Nrupa Jani, and Julie Pulerwitz


Dataset: DREAMS Implementation Science: Phase 1 Analysis Data, Zambia, Sanyukta Mathur, Maurice Musheke, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Drosin Mulenga, Lunda Banda, Nrupa Jani, and Julie Pulerwitz


Dataset: Evaluating the impact of the Parivartan project in improving maternal and child health behaviors among women in self-help groups in Bihar, Niranjan Saggurti and Laili Irani


Dataset: Evaluating the impact of the Uttar Pradesh Community Mobilization Project in improving maternal and child health behaviors in self-help groups in Uttar Pradesh, India, Laili Irani


Dataset: Evaluation of the impact of removal of user fees for maternal health services on universal health coverage in Kenya, Timothy Abuya, Dennis Matanda, Francis Obare, and Benjamin Bellows


Dataset: Male partners of young women in Uganda: Understanding their relationships and use of HIV testing, Ann Gottert, Julie Pulerwitz, Anne Katahoire, Jerry Okal, Florence Ayebare, Nrupa Jani, Pamela Keilig, and Sanyukta Mathur


Dataset: Married adolescent girls in rural Assiut and Souhag: Limited choices and unfulfilled reproductive health needs, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab


Dataset: Tathmini GBV study: Evaluation of comprehensive gender-based violence programming delivered through the HIV program platform in Tanzania, Susan K. Settergren, Stella Mujaya, Wasima Rida, Lusajo Kajula, Hussein Kamugisha, Jessie K. Mbwambo, Felix Kisanga, Mucho M. Mizinduko, Megan S. Dunbar, Isihaka Mwandalima, Hijja Wazee, Diana Prieto, Saiqa Mullick, Jennifer Erie, and Delivette Castor


Dataset: Time use patterns of women in rural Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, Laili Irani


Delivering impact for adolescent girls: Emerging findings from Population Council research, Population Council


Developing strategies to address contraceptive needs of adolescents: Exploring patterns of use among sexually active adolescents in 46 low- and middle-income countries, Amanda Kalamar, Özge Tunçalp, and Michelle J. Hindin


Does a community-based, HIV service delivery model improve female sex workers’ care and treatment outcomes in Tanzania?, Project SOAR


Does supportive legislation guarantee access to pregnancy termination and postabortion care services? Findings from a facility census in Central Province, Zambia, Jenny A. Cresswell, Onikepe Owolabi, Nachela Chelwa, Mardieh Dennis, Sabine Gabrysch, Bellington Vwalika, Michael Mbizvo, Veronique Filippi, and Oona M.R. Campbell


Do women find the progesterone vaginal ring acceptable? Findings from Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal, Saumya RamaRao, Francis Obare, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Babacar Mane, Heather Clark, Wilson Liambila, Godwin Unumeri, Harriet Birungi, Nafissatou Diop, Deepa Rajamani, and John Townsend


Dynamics of injectable contraceptive use in India, The Evidence Project


Dynamics of interval IUD use in India, The Evidence Project


Dynamics of oral contraceptive pill use in India, The Evidence Project


Dynamics of postpartum IUD use in India, The Evidence Project


Early results demonstrate the importance of early treatment of HIV and the feasibility and acceptability of community-based antiretroviral treatment delivery for female sex workers in Tanzania, Project SOAR


Effect of health intervention integration within women's self-help groups on collectivization and healthy practices around reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health in rural India, Niranjan Saggurti, Yamini Atmavilas, Akash Porwal, Janine Schooley, Rajshree Das, Narender Kande, Laili Irani, and Katherine Hay


Élargissement du choix des contraceptifs, Heather Clark, Saumya RamaRao, Catherine Unthank, Kazuyo Machiyama, and Nandita Thatte


Ending Eclampsia: PHC PH/E_plus Model, Charlotte E. Warren


Engagement des hommes dans la planification familiale au Togo: évaluation des modèles de counseling de couples, Breakthrough RESEARCH


Engaging community women's groups for improved uptake of antenatal care services in Cross River State, Nigeria: An analysis of post-intervention findings, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku


Engaging male partners of adolescent girls and young women in HIV services in Malawi: Findings from DREAMS implementation science research, Project SOAR


Engendering healthy masculinities to prevent sexual violence: Rationale for and design of the Manhood 2.0 trial, Kaleab Z. Abebe, Kelley A. Jones, Alison J. Culyba, Nayck B. Feliz, Heather Anderson, Irving Torres, Sarah Zelazny, Patricia Bamwine, Adwoa Boateng, Benjamin Cirba, Autumn Detchon, Danielle Devine, Zoe Feinstein, Justin Macak, Michael Massof, Summer Miller-Walfish, Sarah Elizabeth Morrow, Paul Mulbah, Zabi Mulwa, Taylor Paglisotti, Lisa Ripper, Katie A. Ports, Jennifer L. Matjasko, Aapta Garg, Jane Kato-Wallace, Julie Pulerwitz, and Elizabeth Miller


Ensuring adequate financing of family planning commodities and services, Moazzam Ali and Benjamin Bellows


Evaluating a multidisciplinary integrated management team intervention to improve maternal and child outcomes and HIV service uptake and retention in Lesotho, Project SOAR


Evaluating quality neonatal care, call Centre service, tele-health and community engagement in reducing newborn morbidity and mortality in Bungoma county, Kenya, Jesse Gitaka, Alice Natecho, Humphrey M. Mwambeo, Daniel Maina Gatungu, David Githanga, and Timothy Abuya


Evaluating the impact of a maternal health voucher programme on service use before and after the introduction of free maternity services in Kenya: A quasi-experimental study, Mardieh Dennis, Timothy Abuya, Oona M.R. Campbell, Lenka Benova, Angela Baschieri, Matteo Quartagno, and Benjamin Bellows


Evaluating the impact of the DREAMS partnership to reduce HIV incidence among adolescent girls and young women in four settings: A study protocol, Isolde Birdthistle, Susan B. Schaffnit, Daniel Kwaro, Maryam Shahmanesh, Abdhalah Ziraba, Caroline W. Kabiru, Penelope Phillips-Howard, Natsayi Chimbindi, Kenneth Ondeng'E, Annabelle Gourlay, Frances M. Cowan, James R. Hargreaves, Bernadette Hensen, Tarisai Chiyaka, Judith R. Glynn, and Sian Floyd


"Even the fowl has feelings": Access to HIV information and services among persons with disabilities in Ghana, Uganda, and Zambia, Katie D. Schenk, Waimar Tun, Meredith Sheehy, Jerry Okal, Emmanuel Kuffour, Grimond Moono, Felix Mutale, Rita Kyeremaa, Edson Ngirabakunzi, Ugochukwu Amanyeiwe, and Suzanne Leclerc-Madlala


Examining and strengthening the role of patent and proprietary medicine vendors in the provision of injectable contraception in Nigeria, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Kayode Afolabi, Sara Chace Dwyer, Faizah Okunade, Chiamaka Uzomba, Adedamola Adebayo, Elizabeth Tobey, and Aparna Jain