"Proposal for the development and addition of a cybersecurity assessmen" by Stanley J. Mierzwa, Saumya RamaRao et al.

Proposal for the development and addition of a cybersecurity assessment section into technology involving global public health

Document Type

Article (peer-reviewed)

Publication Date



This paper discusses and proposes the inclusion of a cyber or security risk assessment section during the course of public health initiatives involving the use of information and communication computer technology. Over the last decade, many public health research efforts have included information technologies such as Mobile Health (mHealth), Electronic Health (eHealth), Telehealth, and Digital Health to assist with unmet global development health needs. This paper provides a background on the lack of documentation on cybersecurity risks or vulnerability assessments in global public health areas. This study suggests existing frameworks and policies be adopted for public health. We also propose to incorporate a simple assessment toolbox and a research paper section intended to help minimize cybersecurity and information security risks for public, non-profit, and healthcare organizations.


