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Breakthrough RESEARCH, in conjunction with the Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche sur l’Information en Population et Santé (CERIPS), designed and conducted a mixed method formative study to inform USAID Mali’s health and nutrition programming for the next five years. This project aimed to increase demand for and use of health, nutrition, water and sanitation services; increase individual and household adoption of healthy behaviors; and improve household and community capacities to plan, finance, and manage their own health and health systems. This formative research comprised three phases of data collection to reveal the contexts of health behaviors and determinants, motivators, and opportunities for improving access and use of health services in Mali. Primary data collection was in rural communities and health facilities (Centres de Santé Communautaire, CSCOMs) in the regions of Sikasso, Segou, and Mopti.
Recommended Citation
Breakthrough RESEARCH. 2020. "Recherche formative exhaustive sur les croyances, les pratiques et les comportements en matière de santé au Mali," Breakthrough RESEARCH Final Report. Washington, DC: Population Council.
Breakthrough RESEARCH
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