"Quality of care received for family planning from community pharmacist" by Population Council

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The IntegratE Project is a four-year initiative (2017–21) implemented by the Population Council and partners that seeks to increase access to contraceptive methods by involving the private sector (community pharmacists [CPs] and patent and proprietary medicine vendors [PPMVs] in family planning (FP) service delivery in Lagos and Kaduna States, Nigeria. The project aims to establish a regulatory system with the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria to ensure that CPs and PPMVs provide quality FP services, comply with regulations, and report service statistics to the Health Information Management System. To achieve this, the project is implementing: a pilot three-tiered accreditation system for PPMVs; a supervisory model to ensure standard drug-stocking practices; building the capacity of CPs and PPMVs to provide expanded FP services and service statistics reporting. PPMVs are given standardized FP training and provide certain FP services based on their tier. CPs function outside the pilot accreditation system but receive the same training and provide the same services as Tier 2 PPMVs. This brief focuses on quality of care received by women voluntarily seeking FP services from CPs and PPMVs.






IntegratE Project
