The Population Council tackles intersecting inequalities that undermine rights and access to contraception, HIV and STI prevention, maternal and newborn health, safe abortion, prevention and treatment of infertility, and sexuality education, among other sexual and reproductive health needs. Our research and partnerships ensure high quality, evidence-based, voluntary, and rights-based comprehensive care for sexual and reproductive health.
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Submissions from 2020
The community health system in Mali: An overview, Frontline Health Project
The community health system in the DRC: An overview, Frontline Health Project
The impact of an integrated depression and HIV treatment program on mental health and HIV care outcomes among people newly initiating antiretroviral therapy in Malawi, Melissa A. Stockton, Michael Udedi, Kazione Kulisewa, Mina C. Hosseinipour, Bradley N. Gaynes, Steven M. Mphonda, Joanna Maselko, Audrey Pettifor, Ruth Verhey, Dixon Chibanda, Ilana Lapidos-Salaiz, and Brian Wells Pence
The impact of disaster events on sexual and reproductive health service provision and outcomes in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review of the literature, Samantha Loewen, Jessie Pinchoff, Thoai Ngo, and Michelle J. Hindin
The inclusion of sexual and reproductive health services within universal health care through intentional design, Gabrielle Appleford, Saumya RamaRao, and Benjamin Bellows
The People Living with HIV Stigma Index 2.0: Generating critical evidence for change worldwide, Barbara Friedland, Ann Gottert, Julian Hows, Stefan Baral, Laurel Sprague, Laura Nyblade, Tracy McClair, Florence Anam, Scott Geibel, Stella Kentutsi, Ubald Tamoufe, Daouda Diouf, Amenyeiwe Ugo, Christoforos Mallouris, Julie Pulerwitz, and PLHIV Stigma Index 2.0 Study Group
The relationship between attitudes towards pregnancy and contraceptive continuation: Results from a longitudinal study of married women in India, Elizabeth Tobey, Aparna Jain, and Arupendra Mozumdar
The short-term effects of the implementation of the "Treat All" guidelines on ART service delivery costs in Namibia, Carl Schutte, Steven Forsythe, Johnface Fedes Mdala, Brady Zieman, Rachael Linder, and Lung Vu
The use of case advocates to manage child survivors of sexual violence in public health facilities in Kenya: A qualitative study exploring the perceptions of child survivors, care givers and health care providers, Lina Digolo, Carol Ajema, Millicent Kiruki, Maryline Mireku, Ronald Kotut, and Chi-Chi Undie
The use of segmented regression for evaluation of an interrupted time series study involving complex intervention: The CaPSAI project experience, Ndema Habib, Petrus S. Steyn, Victoria Boydell, Joanna Paula Cordero, My Huong Nguyen, Soe Soe Thwin, Dela Nai, Donat Shamba, James Kiarie, and CaPSAI Project Team
Tracing change in female genital mutilation/cutting through social networks: An intersectional analysis of the influence of gender, generation, status, and structural inequality, Amadou Moreau and Bettina Shell-Duncan
Trends in family planning services in Bangladesh before, during and after COVID-19 lockdowns: Evidence from national routine service data, Md. Irfan Hossain, Md. Saddam Hossain, Sigma Ainul, Md. Kamruzzaman Bhuiyan, Sharif M.I. Hossain, Ubaidur Rob, and Ashish Bajracharya
Trends in fertility and fertility preferences in sub-Saharan Africa: The roles of education and family planning programs, John Bongaarts
Trends in maternal health services in Bangladesh before, during and after COVID-19 lockdowns: Evidence from national routine service data, Sigma Ainul, Md. Saddam Hossain, Md. Irfan Hossain, Md. Kamruzzaman Bhuiyan, Sharif M.I. Hossain, Ubaidur Rob, and Ashish Bajracharya
Twelve recommended SBC indicators for family planning: Indicator reference sheets, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Twelve recommended social and behavior change indicators for family planning, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Two implementation models of workers' health education programs in Egypt: What works? What doesn't work?, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Norhan Bader, Elizabeth Tobey, and Aparna Jain
UDAYA, Adolescent Survey, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, 2018–19, K.G. Santhya
Understanding barriers to clinical management of rape (CMR) services among survivors of rape in crisis settings in Borno state, Osasuyi Dirisu
Understanding female genital mutilation/cutting abandonment in Egypt, Nada Wahba, Hania El Banhawi, and Amira El Ayouti
Understanding local variation in how female genital mutilation/cutting declines, changes, or persists: Analysis of household survey data for Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal, Population Reference Bureau
Understanding provider and parent experiences in caring for hospitalized young children: Summary findings from a formative study in Kenya, Breakthrough RESEARCH
UNHCR and partner practices of community-based protection across sectors in the East and Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes Region, Charles Mballa, Josephine Ngebeh, Machtelt De Vriese, Katie Drew, Abigayil Parr, and Chi-Chi Undie
UNHCR and partner practices of community-based protection across sectors in the East and Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes Region [Arabic], Charles Mballa, Josephine Ngebeh, Machtelt De Vriese, Katie Drew, Abigayil Parr, and Chi-Chi Undie
Upholding rights under COVID-19: The Respectful Maternity Care Charter, R. Rima Jolivet, Charlotte E. Warren, Pooja Sripad, Elena Ateva, Jewel Gausman, Kate Mitchell, Hagar Palgi Hacker, Emma Sacks, and Ana Langer
Validating women's reports of antenatal and postnatal care received in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Kenya, Katharine McCarthy, Ann K. Blanc, Charlotte E. Warren, Ashish Bajracharya, and Benjamin Bellows
Validation of the Interpersonal Quality of Family Planning Scale in a rural Indian setting, Nicole E. Johns, Anvita Dixit, Mohan Ghule, Shahina Begum, Madhusudana Battala, Gennifer Kully, Jay G. Silverman, Christine Dehlendorf, Anita Raj, and Sarah Averbach
Viral load outcomes in a cohort of alcohol-consuming people living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy in Mumbai, India, Avina Sarna, Roopal Jyoti Singh, Jean J. Schensul, Sushma S. Gaikwad, Kavita Joshi, Rupal Malye, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Toan Ha, and Stephen L. Schensul
Webinar—Breastfeeding: Insights for improving malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health outcomes in northwestern Nigeria, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Webinar—Evaluation of Integrated SBC in Nigeria Behavioral Sentinel Surveillance Survey: MNCH+N baseline results, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Webinar—Family Planning: Insights for improving malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health outcomes in northwestern Nigeria via SBC programming, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Webinar: Improving the Health System and Legal Frameworks' Response to FGM/C, Bettina Shell-Duncan, Jacinta Muteshi-Strachan, Samuel Kimani, Agnes K. Meroka-Mutua, and Flavia Mwangovya
Webinar—Malaria: Insights for improving malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health outcomes in northwestern Nigeria, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Webinar—Pregnancy and childbirth: Insights for improving malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health outcomes in northwestern Nigeria, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Webinar—Sick child care-seeking and treatment: Improving malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health outcomes in northwestern Nigeria, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Webinar: Understanding the What, Where and Why the Practice of FGM/C continues, Bettina Shell-Duncan, Dennis Matanda, P. Stanley Yoder, Nada Wahba, and Nafissatou Diop
Webinar—Vaccination: Insights for improving malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health outcomes in northwestern Nigeria, Breakthrough RESEARCH
What shapes resilience among people living with HIV? A multi-country analysis of data from the PLHIV Stigma Index 2.0, Ann Gottert; Tracy McClair; Julie Pulerwitz; Barbara Friedland; and PLHIV Stigma Index 2.0 Study Group in Cambodia, the Dominican Republic and Uganda
“What’s in a name?”: Exploring inconsistent and contradictory definitions and clinical guidelines for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy from published literature from Nigeria and Bangladesh, Karen Kirk and Charlotte E. Warren
When and how does law effectively reduce the practice of female genital mutilation/cutting?, Josephine Wouango, Susan L. Ostermann, and Daniel Mwanga
When and how the law is effective in reducing the practice of FGM/C: A cross-border study in Burkina Faso and Mali, Josephine Wouango, Susan L. Ostermann, and Daniel Mwanga
Which contraceptive side effects matter most? Evidence from current and past users of injectables and implants in Western Kenya, George Odwe, Francis Obare, Kazuyo Machiyama, and John C. Cleland
Women’s and girls’ experiences of reproductive coercion and opportunities for intervention in family planning clinics in Nairobi, Kenya: A qualitative study, Sabrina Boyce, Jasmine Uysal, Stephanie M. DeLong, Nicole Carter, Chi-Chi Undie, Wilson Liambila, Seri Wendoh, and Jay G. Silverman
Submissions from 2019
Abortion among married young women: Findings from a community-based study in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, India, A.J. Francis Zavier, K.G. Santhya, and Shireen J. Jejeebhoy
A conceptual framework for measuring community health workforce performance within primary health care systems, Smisha Agarwal, Pooja Sripad, Caroline Johnson, Karen Kirk, Benjamin Bellows, Joseph Ana, Vince Blaser, Meghan Bruce Kumar, Kathleen Buchholz, Alain Casseus, Nan Chen, Hannah Sarah Faich Dini, Rachel Hoy Deussom, David Jacobstein, Richard Kintu, Nazo Kureshy, Lory Meoli, Lilian Otiso, Neil Pakenham-Walsh, Jérôme Pfaffmann Zambruni, Mallika Raghavan, Ryan Schwarz, John Townsend, Brittney Varpilah, William Weiss, and Charlotte E. Warren
Adapted tool for the assessment of domestic violence against women in a low-income country setting: A reliability analysis, Agumasie Semahegn, Kwasi Torpey, Abubakar Manu, Nega Assefa, and Augustine Ankomah
Adding a question about method switching to the Method Information Index is a better predictor of contraceptive continuation, Aparna Jain, Kumudha Aruldas, Elizabeth Tobey, Arupendra Mozumdar, and Rajib Acharya
Adding it up: Costs and benefits of meeting the contraceptive and maternal and newborn health needs of women in Pakistan, Aparna Sundaram, Rubina Hussain, Zeba Sathar, Sabahat Hussain, Emma Pliskin, and Eva Weissman
Advancing integrated social and behavior change programming, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Advancing provider behavior change programming, Breakthrough RESEARCH
A gender synchronized family planning intervention for married couples in rural India: Study protocol for the CHARM2 cluster randomized controlled trial evaluation, Anvita Dixit, Sarah Averbach, Jennifer Yore, Gennifer Kully, Mohan Ghule, Madhusudana Battala, Shahina Begum, Nicole E. Johns, Florin Vaida, Prashant Bharadwaj, Natalie Wyss, Niranjan Saggurti, Jay G. Silverman, and Anita Raj
A meta-analysis approach for estimating average unit costs for ART using pooled facility-level primary data from African countries, Diego Cerecero-Garcia, Carlos Pineda-Antunez, Lily Alexander, Drew Cameron, Gisela Martinez-Silva, Carol Dayo Obure, Elliot Marseille, Lung Vu, James G. Kahn, Anna Vassall, Gabriela Gomez, Lori Bollinger, Carol Levin, and Sergio Bautista-Arredondo
An assessment of human resources for health hiring, deployment and retention, procedures and practices in Cross river and Bauchi states, Nigeria, Osasuyi Dirisu, Akinwumi Akinola, Ekechi Okereke, Godwin Unumeri, Ibrahim Suleiman, Aisha Jibril, and George I. Eluwa
A new approach to assess the capability of health facilities to provide clinical care for sexual violence against women: A pilot study, Mardieh Dennis, Onikepe Owolabi, Jenny A. Cresswell, Nachela Chelwa, Manuela Colombini, Bellington Vwalika, Michael Mbizvo, and Oona M.R. Campbell
Anorectal and urogenital Mycoplasma genitalium in Nigerian men who have sex with men and transgender women: Prevalence, incidence, and association with HIV, Trevor A. Crowell, John Lawlor, Kara Lombardi, Rebecca G. Nowak, Justin Hardick, Sunday Odeyemi, Afoke Kokogho, Jennifer Malia, Catherine Stewart, Merlin L. Robb, Stefan Baral, Sylvia Adebajo, Manhattan E. Charurat, Julie Ake, Sheila Peel, and Charlotte A. Gaydos
Antihypertensive drugs, Population Council
Are interventions focused on gender-norms effective in preventing domestic violence against women in low and lower-middle income countries? A systematic review and meta-analysis, Agumasie Semahegn, Kwasi Torpey, Abubakar Manu, Nega Assefa, Gezahegn Tesfaye, and Augustine Ankomah
A spatial analysis of the prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting among 0–14-year-old girls in Kenya, Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala, Chibuzor Christopher Nnanatu, Glory Atilola, Paul Komba, Lubanzadio Mavatikua, Zhuzhi Moore, Gerry Mackie, and Bettina Shell-Duncan
Assessing quality of care and outcomes for women and their Infants in Nigeria after pregnancies complicated by hypertensive disorders, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Gloria Adoyi, Innocent Agbo, Karen Kirk, Pooja Sripad, and Charlotte E. Warren
Assessing the effect of a primary health care intervention for improving pre-eclampsia and eclampsia knowledge and practice in Bangladesh, Sharif M.I. Hossain, Shongkour Roy, Kanij Sultana, and Charlotte E. Warren
Assessing the feasibility of primary health care provider prescription of anti-hypertensive medication to pregnant women in Bangladesh, Sharif M.I. Hossain, Kanij Sultana, Shongkour Roy, Pooja Sripad, and Charlotte E. Warren
Assessing the relationship between intimate partner violence, externally-decided pregnancy and unintended pregnancies among women in slum communities in Mumbai, India, Anindita Dasgupta, Anita Raj, Saritha Nair, Dattaram Naik, Niranjan Saggurti, Balaiah Donta, and Jay G. Silverman
Assessing the role of women’s autonomy and acceptability of intimate-partner violence in maternal health-care utilization in 63 low- and middle-income countries, Pooja Sripad, Charlotte E. Warren, Michelle J. Hindin, and Mahesh Karra
Assessment of in-service training and continuing education (IST/CE) for frontline health workers in Bauchi and Cross River states, Nigeria, Ekechi Okereke, Iliyasu Zubairu, Udoh Nsekpong, Godwin Unumeri, Ibrahim Suleiman, and Aisha Jibril
Association between the quality of contraceptive counseling and method continuation: Findings from a prospective cohort study in social franchise clinics in Pakistan and Uganda, Nirali M. Chakraborty, Karen Chang, Benjamin Bellows, Karen A. Grépin, Waqas Hameed, Amanda Kalamar, Xaher Gul, Lynn Atuyambe, and Dominic Montagu
Associations between female genital mutilation/cutting and HIV: A review of the evidence, Yetunde A. Noah Pinheiro
Associations between FGM/C and HIV in Ethiopia, the Gambia, Kenya, and Sierra Leone: A limited analysis of Demographic and Health Survey data, Yetunde A. Noah Pinheiro, Zhuzhi Moore, and David Gathara
Autonomy, intimate partner violence, and maternal health-seeking behavior: Findings from mixed-methods analysis in Bangladesh, Pooja Sripad, Sharif M.I. Hossain, Charity Ndwiga, and Charlotte E. Warren
Autonomy, intimate partner violence, and maternal health-seeking behavior: Findings from mixed-methods analysis in Ethiopia, Charlotte E. Warren, Pooja Sripad, and Charity Ndwiga
Autonomy, intimate partner violence, and maternal health-seeking behavior: Findings from mixed-methods analysis in Kenya, Charlotte E. Warren, Pooja Sripad, and Charity Ndwiga
Autonomy, intimate partner violence, and maternal health-seeking behavior: Findings from mixed-methods analysis in Nigeria, Pooja Sripad, Charity Ndwiga, and Charlotte E. Warren
Causal effects of education on sexual and reproductive health in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Stephanie Psaki, Erica Chuang, Andrea J. Melnikas, David B. Wilson, and Barbara Mensch
Cell phone counseling improves retention of mothers with HIV infection in care and infant HIV testing in Kisumu, Kenya: A randomized controlled study, Avina Sarna, Lopamudra Saraswati, Jerry Okal, James K. Matheka, Danmark Owuor, Roopal Jyoti Singh, Nancy Reynolds, and Sam Kalibala
Child marriage in Ghana: Evidence from a multi-method study, Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi, Kamil Fuseini, Dela Nai, Erika Goldson, Selina Owusu, Ismail Ndifuna, Icilda Humes, and Placide Tapsoba
Child marriages and unions in Latin America: Understanding the roles of agency and social norms, Alice Y. Taylor, Erin Murphy-Graham, Julia Van Horn, Bapu Vaitla, Angel del Valle, and Beniamino Cislaghi
Choice of contraceptive methods in public and private facilities in rural India, Arupendra Mozumdar, Vandana Gautam, Abhishek Gautam, Arnab Dey, U Uttamacharya, Ruhi Saith, Pranita Achyut, Abhishek Kumar, Kumudha Aruldas, Amit Chakraverty, Dinesh Agarwal, Ravi K. Verma, Priya Nanda, Suneeta Krishnan, and Niranjan Saggurti
Climate change and contraception, John Bongaarts and Régine Sitruk-Ware
Collaboration with the University of Calabar for human resources for health management training for Bauchi and Cross River states, Ekechi Okereke, Godwin Unumeri, Ibrahim Suleiman, and Aisha Jibril
Community-based antiretroviral therapy (ART) delivery for female sex workers in Tanzania: 6-month ART initiation and adherence, Waimar Tun, Louis Apicella, Caterina Casalini, D. Bikaru, G. Mbita, K. Jeremiah, Neema Makyao, Todd Koppenhaver, and Lung Vu
Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey: 2016–2018, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, UNICEF, and Population Council
Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey: Preliminary Factsheets, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, UNICEF, and Population Council
Comprehensive sexuality education for adolescents in Zambia via the mobile-optimized website TuneMe: A content analysis, Erin Rogers, Kshipra Hemal, Zangose Tembo, Mulenga Mukanu, Michael Mbizvo, and Benjamin Bellows
Concours d’excellence en production médiatique sur la planification familiale à l’intention des journalistes des pays du Partenariat de Ouagadougou organisé par le Population Council et le Partenariat de Ouagadougou : Rapport d’évaluation du concours, Fatou Mbow and Elh Bassirou Sow
Contraception and public health ethics, Saumya RamaRao and John Townsend
Cost and cost-effectiveness of health behavior change interventions implemented with self-help groups in Bihar, India, S. Chandrashekar, S. Saha, B. Varghese, L. Mohan, G. Shetty, Akash Porwal, Avishek Hazra, Subrato Mondal, and Rajshree Das
Dataset: Validating indicators of family planning, maternal and newborn care—Cambodia, Bangladesh and Kenya, Ann K. Blanc
Dataset: Vulnerable street boys and girls in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Nrupa Jani, Lung Vu, Sam Kalibala, Gebeyehu Mekonnen, and Kay Lynn
Decision-making in the practice of female genital mutilation or cutting in Sudan: A cross-sectional study, Majdi Sabahelzain, Ahmed Gamal Eldin, Suad Babiker, Caroline W. Kabiru, and Muna Eltayeb
Detecting and managing hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: A cross-sectional analysis of the quality of antenatal care in Nigeria, Angela Salomon, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Karen Kirk, and Charlotte E. Warren
Développer des approches pour comprendre, caractériser et adresser l'infertilité et ses conséquences pour les individus et les familles en Afrique subsaharienne: Le cas du Sénégal, Fatou Mbow and Isseu Diop Toure
Dietary adequacy among young children in India: Improvement or stagnation? An investigation from the National Family Health Survey, Nizamuddin Khan, Arupendra Mozumdar, and Supreet Kaur
Differential impacts of HIV status on short-term fertility desires among couples in Rakai, Uganda, Xiaoyu Song, Stephanie A. Grilo, Sanyukta Mathur, Tom Lutalo, Robert Ssekubugu, Fred Nalugoda, and John S. Santelli
Dynamics of women's autonomy in household decision-making in Ghana, Kamil Fuseini, Ishmael Kalule-Sabiti, and Charles Lwanga
Effect of behavioral change intervention around new-born care practices among most marginalized women in self-help groups in rural India: Analyses of three cross-sectional surveys between 2013 and 2016, Niranjan Saggurti, Akash Porwal, Yamini Atmavilas, Monika Walia, Rajshree Das, and Laili Irani
Effect of temperature and time delay in centrifugation on stability of select biomarkers of nutrition and non-communicable diseases in blood samples, Ransi Abraham, Praween Kumar Agrawal, Rajib Acharya, Avina Sarna, Sowmya Ramesh, Robert Johnston, Arjan de Wagt, Nizamuddin Khan, Akash Porwal, Sucheta Banerjee Kurundkar, Arvind Pandey, Raghu Pullakhandam, K. Madhavan Nair, Geeta Trilok Kumar, Harshpal Singh Sachdev, Umesh Kapil, Renu Saxena, Sila Deb, Ajay Khera, and Lakshmy Ramakrishnan
Effects of health behaviour change intervention through women's self-help groups on maternal and newborn health practices and related inequalities in rural India: A quasi-experimental study, Avishek Hazra, Yamini Atmavilas, Katherine Hay, Niranjan Saggurti, Raj Kumar Verma, Jaleel Ahmad, Sampath Kumar, P.S. Mohanan, Dileep V. Mavalankar, and Laili Irani