Population Council Focus Area: Gender Equality and Equity | Focus Areas | Population Council

Gender inequality, reinforced by systems of oppression around the globe, perpetuates gender discrimination, violence, and systemic neglect. These structural forces are especially pronounced in communities with multiple marginalized social identities, particularly women of color, adolescents, Indigenous people, migrants, people with disabilities, gender minorities, LGBT people, and people affected by armed conflict and mass atrocities. The world lacks basic data related to these communities’ health, safety, wellbeing, and socioeconomic status, and evidence on what works to disrupt entrenched gender systems. The Population Council collaborates with locally rooted organizations, communities, and governments using context-relevant surveys, collects rigorous data, and creates evidence-based solutions.

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Submissions from 2023


The impact of primary schooling expansion on adult educational attainment, literacy, and health: Evidence from India’s Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Arindam Nandi, Nicole Haberland, and Thoai Ngo

The One Who Uses a Pencil Will Go Far, Population Council Kenya


The Radical Potential of Education, Thoai Ngo, Nicole Haberland, and Corinne White


The Radical Power of Education, Arindam Nandi, Nicole Haberland, and Thoai Ngo


The Radical Power of Education—Brief, Arindam Nandi, Nicole Haberland, and Thoai Ngo


The Roots of Gender Inequality Grow Deeper Than Technology Can Reach, Thoai Ngo


Unlocking Potential: Bridging the Gap in Early Childhood Education For a Brighter Future, Arindam Nandi


Utilisation des approches de segmentation du public pour renseigner les programmes intégrés de planification familiale et de santé maternelle au Niger, Breakthrough RESEARCH


Where was Gender at CIES 2023?, Emily Cho and Nicole Haberland


Which intervention synergies maximize AGYW's HIV outcomes? A classification and regression tree analysis of layered HIV prevention programming, Sanyukta Mathur, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Raman Mishra, Craig Heck, and Michael Mbizvo


Women's groups, covariate shocks, and resilience: An evidence synthesis of past shocks to inform a response to COVID-19, Rebecca Walcott, Carly Schmidt, Marina Kaminsky, Roopal Jyoti Singh, Leigh Anderson, Sapna Desai, and Thomas de Hoop

Submissions from 2022


A3 Policy Checklist User Guide, Yeeva Cheng and Cara Kraus-Perrotta


Adolescent health in the Middle East and North Africa region: Leaving no one behind, Fadia AlBuhairan, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Mohamed Nar, Bassam Hamad, Jennifer Dabis, Farah Feteha, Sally Saher, Khalid Siddeeg, and Mamdouh Wahba


An Overview of the Adolescent Data Hub (ADH), Yeeva Cheng and Cara Kraus-Perrotta


Association between school dropouts, early marriages, childbearing, and mental health in early adulthood of women: Evidence from a cohort study in Bihar, India, Ravita Yadav, Preeti Dhillon, Archana Kujur, and Sangram Kishor Patel


Biruh Tesfa ("Bright Future"), Population Council


Building the A3 Policy Checklist, Yeeva Cheng and Cara Kraus-Perrotta


Building the Adolescent Indicators and Gender Gaps Dashboard, Lauren Woyczynski, Christina Misunas, and Md. Irfan Hossain


Capacity building of national rural livelihood mission personnel on evaluations and data utilization for evidence-based decision making, Avishek Hazra, Apollonius Purty, Supriya, Jaleel Ahmad, Ankit Nanda, Raj Kumar Verma, and Niranjan Saggurti


Crisis upon crisis: A qualitative study exploring the joint effect of the political, economic, and pandemic challenges in Lebanon on Syrian refugee women's fertility preferences and behaviour, Rima Mourtada and Andrea J. Melnikas


Élaboration du tableau de bord A3 des indicateurs relatifs aux adolescents et du tableau de bord des écarts entre les sexes, Lauren Woyczynski, Christina Misunas, and Md. Irfan Hossain


Evaluation of a gender synchronized family planning intervention for married couples in rural India: The CHARM2 cluster randomized control trial, Anita Raj, Mohan Ghule, Nicole Johns, Madhusudana Battala, Shahina Begum, Anvita Dixit, Florin Vaida, Niranjan Saggurti, Jay G. Silverman, and Sarah Averbach


Exploitative working conditions for child domestic workers in Ethiopia, The Freedom Fund


Factors associated with depression among young female migrants in Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar and Girmay Medhin


From Data to Action: Informing Menstrual Health Management Programs, Emily EunYoung Cho, Karen Austrian, and Nicole Haberland


Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: Bangladesh case study, Eashita Haque, Natalie Wyss, Emily EunYoung Cho, and Karen Austrian


Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: India case study, Neelanjana Pandey, Emily EunYoung Cho, Shilpi Rampal, and Karen Austrian


Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: Kenya case study, Faith Mbushi, Natalie Wyss, Emily EunYoung Cho, Karen Austrian, Eva Ireri Muluve, Laura Muthoni, and Beth Kangwana


Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: Pakistan case study, Iram Kamran, Tahira Parveen, Rehan M. Niazi, Maqsood Sadiq, Fatima Azeem, Emily EunYoung Cho, and Karen Austrian


Gender-related barriers to schooling: What do we know about the effects of sexuality and life skills education?, Nicole Haberland


Getting girls back to school during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya: Lessons from the 4Ts initiative, George Odwe and Chi-Chi Undie


GIRL Center Roadmap to 2030, GIRL Center


Girls on the Map: Mapping for Program Planning and Social Change, Eva Roca


Guide d’utilisation de la liste de contrôle de la politique A3, Yeeva Cheng and Cara Kraus-Perrotta


Identifying latent classes of empowerment among early adolescent girls and the factors that cultivate them: Evidence from a community-based skills training program, Christina Misunas and Sajeda Amin


Improving evidence on women’s groups: A proposed typology and common reporting indicators, Sapna Desai, Thomas de Hoop, Leigh Anderson, Bidisha Barooah, Tabitha Mulyampiti, Ekwaro Obuku, Audrey Prost, and Howard White


Intersections of financial agency, gender dynamics, and HIV risk: A qualitative study with adolescent girls and young women in Zambia, Laura Gauer Bermudez, Drosin Mulenga, Maurice Musheke, and Sanyukta Mathur


Invisible threads: Addressing the root causes of migration from Guatemala by investing in women and girls, Ingrid Arias, Angel del Valle, Michelle Dubón, Aracely Martínez Rodas, Kathleen Mogelgaard, L. Tatiana Paz Lemus, and J. Joseph Speidel


Learnings from past interventions in the digital era: Evidence-based considerations for adolescents’ programming using information and communication technologies, Grace Saul and Waimar Tun


L’élaboration de la liste de contrôle pour les politiques A3, Yeeva Cheng and Cara Kraus-Perrotta


Meeting men’s mental health needs during COVID-19 and beyond: A global health imperative, Ann Gottert, Dominick Shattuck, Julie Pulerwitz, Myra Betron, Courtney McLarnon-Silk, Jasmine Danette Wilkins, Tuo-Yen Tseng, and Interagency Gender Working Group Male Engagement Task Force


Menstruation, myopia, and marginalization: Advancing menstrual policies to “keep girls in school” at the risk of exacerbating inequalities, Nay Alhelou, Purvaja S. Kavattur, Mary M. Olson, Lillian Rountree, and Inga T. Winkler


Migrant women’s health and safety: Why do Ethiopian women choose irregular migration to the Middle East for domestic work?, Zewdneh Shewamene, Cathy Zimmerman, Eyasu Hailu, Lemi Negeri, Annabel Erulkar, Elizabeth J. Anderson, Yuki Lo, Orla Jackson, and Joanna Busza


Policies and interventions to remove gender‐related barriers to girls' school participation and learning in low‐ and middle‐income countries: A systematic review of the evidence, Stephanie Psaki, Nicole Haberland, Barbara Mensch, Lauren Woyczynski, and Erica Chuang


The development of adolescent agency and implications for reproductive choice among girls in Zambia, Katharine McCarthy, Katarzyna Wyka, Diana Romero, Karen Austrian, and Heidi E. Jones


The good, the bad and the unintended: Education, child marriage and early childbearing, Thoai Ngo


The role of agents and brokers in facilitating Ethiopian women into domestic work in the Middle East: Findings from the Meneshachin (‘Our Departure’) study on responsible recruitment models, Joanna Busza, Zewdneh Sabe, and Cathy Zimmerman


The taboo gap: Implications for adolescent risk of HIV infection, Sophia N. Nesamoney, Iván Mejía-Guevara, Ann M. Weber, Beniamino Cislaghi, Michael Mbizvo, and Gary L. Darmstadt


Towards safer recruitment of Ethiopian women into domestic work abroad: Early findings from the Meneshachin ‘Our Departure’ qualitative study, Joanna Busza, Zewdneh Shewamene, and Cathy Zimmerman


Understanding quality of contraceptive counseling in the CHARM2 gender-equity focused family planning intervention: Findings from a cluster randomized controlled trial among couples in rural India, Sarah Averbach, Nicole Johns, Mohan Ghule, Anvita Dixit, Shahina Begum, Madhusudana Battala, Niranjan Saggurti, Jay G. Silverman, and Anita Raj


Using audience segmentation approaches to inform integrated family planning and maternal health programs in Niger, Breakthrough RESEARCH


‘We are the bridge’: An implementation research study of SEWA Shakti Kendras to improve community engagement in publicly funded health insurance in Gujarat, India, Susan Thomas, Sharmada Sivaram, Zubin Shroff, Ajay Mahal, and Sapna Desai

Webinar—From Data to Action: Informing Menstrual Health Management Programs, Karen Austrian, Nicole Haberland, Beth Kangwana, and Megan White Mukuria


What works to improve outcomes for Kenya’s adolescent girls?, Population Council


“When you live in good health with your husband, then your children are in good health ….” A qualitative exploration of how households make healthcare decisions in Maradi and Zinder Regions, Niger, Sara Chace Dwyer, Sanyukta Mathur, Karen Kirk, Chaibou Dadi, and Leanne Dougherty


Women's groups and COVID-19: An evidence review on savings groups in Africa, Olayinka Adegbite, Leigh Anderson, Sybil Chidiac, Osasuyi Dirisu, Jenna Grzeslo, Julia Hakspiel, Chinmaya Holla, Emily Janoch, Krishna Jafa, Shubha Jayaram, Grace Majara, Tabitha Mulyampiti, Eve Namisango, Eva Noble, Bukola Onyishi, David Panetta, Garima Siwach, Munshi Sulaiman, Rebecca Walcott, Sapna Desai, and Thomas de Hoop

Submissions from 2021


A Covid Agenda from the Perspective of Adolescent Girls and Young Women, Judith Bruce


Action for adolescent girls and COVID-19: Implications for safe space programming in the Sahel, Population Council


Adolescent girls and COVID-19: Mapping the evidence on interventions, Sarah Blake, Miriam Temin, Tara Abularrage, and Nihal Said


Adolescent girls’ and young women’s economic empowerment programs: Emerging insights from a review of reviews, Nicole Haberland, Thomas de Hoop, Sapna Desai, Sarah Engebretsen, and Thoai Ngo


Advancing girls' education in light of COVID-19 in East Africa: A synthesis report, Population Council, Regional Education Learning Initiative, and Mannion Daniels


Crezcamos felices: Manual sobre prevención de la violencia para mentoras del programa Abriendo Oportunidades, Population Council


Dataset—Shifting gender norms to improve HIV service uptake: Qualitative findings from a large-scale community mobilization intervention in rural South Africa, Anna M. Leddy, Ann Gottert, Nicole Haberland, Jennifer Hove, Sheri A. Lippman, Kathleen Kahn, Rhandzekile Mathebula, Dumisani Rebombo, Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Rhian Twine, Dean Peacock, and Julie Pulerwitz


Decolonised and Inclusive: Reflections on the Generation of Violence Against Women (VAW) Prevention Evidence for African Women’s Rights Organisations, Sexual Violence Research Initiative


Delivering on the promise of gender equity in India: Lessons from the UDAYA Study, Nidhi Khurana


Effects of an e-reader intervention on literacy, numeracy and non-verbal reasoning among adolescent girls in Zambia: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial, Barbara Mensch, Nicole Haberland, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Jean Digitale, Natalie Jackson Hachonda, Nachela Chelwa, Pamela Nyirenda, Erica Chuang, Lisa Polen, Stephanie Psaki, Nkomba Kayeyi, and Michael Mbizvo


Empowering women in conservative settings: Evidence from an intervention in rural Egypt, Ahmed Elsayed, Soiliou Daw Namoro, and Rania Roushdy


Endline Results Brief: What works to improve outcomes for Kenya's adolescent girls?, Population Council


Esperanza del Programa Abriendo Oportunidades, Population Council


Esperanza y la gran historia de nuestro camino: Guía para mentoras de Abriendo Oportunidades, Population Council


Evidence on educational strategies to address child labour in India and Bangladesh: Scoping paper summaries, Ellina Samantroy, AKM Masud Ali, Davuluri Venkateswarlu, Sajeda Amin, Renu Singh, and Jyotsna Jha


Findings from the violence outcomes in COVID-19 era study (VoCes-19): Baseline results, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Lina López-Lalinde, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, Ricardo Regules, Juan Pablo Gutiérrez, René Nevárez, Cristina MacGregor, Pablo López, Nicole Haberland, and Thoai Ngo


Finding the Path Forward: Promoting Equity and Ethics in Research on GBV among Refugee Populations in the Global South, The Global Women's Institute

From Data to Action: Partnering with Governments on Evidence to Support Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Karen Austrian, Beth Kangwana, Julie Mwabe, Guillermo Santiago, and Isabel Vieitez Martínez


From Data to Action: Partnering with Governments on Evidence to Support Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Emily EunYoung Cho, Karen Austrian, and Isabel Vieitez Martínez


Gendered economic, social and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and mitigation policies in Kenya: Evidence from a prospective cohort survey in Nairobi informal settlements, Jessie Pinchoff, Karen Austrian, Nandita Rajshekhar, Timothy Abuya, Beth Kangwana, Rhoune Ochako, James B. Tidwell, Daniel Mwanga, Eva Muluve, Faith Mbushi, Mercy Nzioki, and Thoai Ngo


Gender equitable attitudes among adolescents: A validation study and associations with sexual health behaviors, Amber L. Hill, Elizabeth Miller, Galen E. Switzer, Kaleab Z. Abebe, Judy C. Chang, Julie Pulerwitz, Lisa D. Brush, and Ashley V. Hill


Gender inequities in treatment-seeking for sexual and reproductive health amongst adolescents: Findings from a cross-sectional survey in India, Sapna Desai, Neelanjana Pandey, Roopal Jyoti Singh, and Shikha Bhasin


Getting girls back to school in Kenya: The 4Ts ('Trace, Track, Talk and reTurn') Initiative implementation report, George Odwe, Chi-Chi Undie, Ann Gachoya, Truphena Kirongo, Fredrick Kiiru, and Jane Njogu


Girl-only clubs’ influence on SRH knowledge, HIV risk reduction, and negative SRH outcomes among very young adolescent girls in rural Malawi, Wanangwa Chimwaza Manda, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Mphatso Kamndaya, Sanyukta Mathur, and Yandisa Sikweyiya


Girls' Education Roadmap: 2021 Report, Stephanie Psaki, Nicole Haberland, Meredith L. Kozak, and Lauren Woyczynski


Girls' Education Roadmap: 2021 Report Summary, Stephanie Psaki, Nicole Haberland, Meredith L. Kozak, and Lauren Woyczynski


Guía de Esperanza del Programa Abriendo Oportunidades, Population Council


Impact of community-based girl groups, Miriam Temin and Craig Heck


Impacts of two-year multisectoral cash plus programs on young adolescent girls' education, health and economic outcomes: Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya (AGI-K) randomized trial, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Beth Kangwana, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Benta Abuya, and John A. Maluccio


Inclusive HIV prevention in South Africa: Reaching foreign migrant adolescent girls, Miriam Temin, Cecilia Milford, Mags Beksinska, Debbie Van Zyl, and Jonathan Cockburn


Intentional Design: Reaching the Most Excluded Girls in the Poorest Communities—A Guide for Practitioners and Advocates, Judith Bruce and Sophie Soares


Leçons sur l'alphabetisation des adolescentes: reflexions pour les espaces sûrs du SWEDD, Population Council


Le Guide des normes minimales pour des espaces sûrs : la conception, la mise en oeuvre, et le suivi, l’évaluation et l’apprentissage, Population Council


Lessons on literacy training for adolescent girls: Considerations for SWEDD safe spaces, Population Council


Long-term impact of exposure to a gender-transformative program among young men: Findings from a longitudinal study in Bihar, India, K.G. Santhya and A.J. Francis Zavier


Meeting the Moment: New Data on Learning Loss and What We Can Do About It, Emily EunYoung Cho, Karen Austrian, and Nicole Haberland


Meeting the moment: The gender and education community's response to COVID-19, Evidence for Gender & Education Resource (EGER)


Muslim men's perceptions and attitudes on family planning: A qualitative study in Wajir and Lamu counties in Kenya, Batula Abdi, Jerry Okal, Gamal I. Serour, and Marleen Temmerman


Positioning community-based girl group programs for success: Lessons learned from the Population Council's technical assistance partnership with UNFPA-Mozambique's Rapariga Biz, Miriam Temin, Arune Estavela, Craig Heck, Natalie Jackson, and Joana Mendes


Potential of organizing unmarried adolescent girls and young women into self-help groups for a better transition to adulthood: Findings from a cross-sectional study in India, Jaleel Ahmad, Avishek Hazra, Kumudha Aruldas, Arima Singh, and Niranjan Saggurti


Prise de mesures pour les adolescentes en periode de la COVID-19: implications pour la programmation des espaces sûrs au Sahel, Population Council


Reducing the prevalence of child domestic servitude in Addis Ababa: Stakeholder and expert scoping study, The Freedom Fund and Population Council


Research in forced displacement: Guidance for a feminist and decolonial approach, Neha S. Singh, Michelle Lokot, Chi-Chi Undie, Monica A. Onyango, Rosemary Morgan, Anne Harmer, Jane Freedman, and Shirin Heidari


Resultados del estudio sobre violencia en la era COVID-19 (VoCes-19): Línea base reporte, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Lina López-Lalinde, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, Ricardo Regules, Juan Pablo Gutiérrez, René Nevárez, Cristina MacGregor, Pablo López, Nicole Haberland, and Thoai Ngo