Population Council Focus Area: Gender Equality and Equity | Focus Areas | Population Council

Gender inequality, reinforced by systems of oppression around the globe, perpetuates gender discrimination, violence, and systemic neglect. These structural forces are especially pronounced in communities with multiple marginalized social identities, particularly women of color, adolescents, Indigenous people, migrants, people with disabilities, gender minorities, LGBT people, and people affected by armed conflict and mass atrocities. The world lacks basic data related to these communities’ health, safety, wellbeing, and socioeconomic status, and evidence on what works to disrupt entrenched gender systems. The Population Council collaborates with locally rooted organizations, communities, and governments using context-relevant surveys, collects rigorous data, and creates evidence-based solutions.

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Submissions from 2014

Neqdar Nesharek: Encouraging Young Women’s Economic Participation and Leadership in Rural Upper Egypt, Population Council


Nutrition education curriculum for the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP), Population Council


Population and Reproductive Health in India: An Assessment of the Current Situation and Future Needs, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, P.M. Kulkarni, K.G. Santhya, and Firoza Mehrotra


Sexuality, Gender Roles, and Domestic Violence in South Asia, M.E. Khan, John Townsend, and Pertti J. Pelto


Strengthening the enabling environment for women and girls: What is the evidence in social and structural approaches in the HIV response?, Karen Hardee, Jill Gay, Melanie Croce-Galis, and Amelia Peltz

Turning the Tide for Girls & Young Women: How to Achieve an AIDS-Free Future, Peter J. Donaldson, Daniela Ligiero, Jennifer Kates, Annabel Erulkar, Haileleul Siyoum, Judith Bruce, and Wafaa El-Sadr


What HIV programs work for adolescent girls?, Karen Hardee, Jill Gay, Melanie Croce-Galis, and Nana Ama Afari-Dwamena

Submissions from 2013


Adolescent girls, Population Council


Commentary: Explicit attention to age and gender disparities is key to understanding adolescent experiences and outcomes, Ann K. Blanc and Judith Bruce


Financial education curriculum for the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP), Population Council


Financial inclusion of female garment workers, Sigma Ainul, Md. Irfan Hossain, Sajeda Amin, and Ubaidur Rob


Health and life skills curriculum for the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP), Population Council


Integrating gender and rights into sexuality education: Field reports on using It's All One, Deborah Rogow, Nicole Haberland, Angel del Valle, Nicole Lee, Grace Osakue, Zhihong Sa, and Michelle Skaer


Menstruation and school absenteeism: Evidence from rural Malawi, Monica J. Grant, Cynthia B. Lloyd, and Barbara Mensch


Safe and smart savings products for vulnerable adolescent girls in Kenya and Uganda: Evaluation report, Karen Austrian and Eunice N. Muthengi


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Rwanda 2010, Population Council


The Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program: Lessons learned from the pilot test program, Karen Austrian, Natalie Jackson Hachonda, and Paul C. Hewett


The adolescent girls vulnerability index: Guiding strategic investment in Uganda, Sajeda Amin, Karen Austrian, Michelle Chau, Kimberly Glazer, Eric P. Green, David Stewart, and Marie Stoner


The contracting world of girls at puberty: Violence and gender-divergent access to the public sphere among adolescents in South Africa, Kelly Hallman, Nora Kenworthy, Judith A. Diers, Nick Swan, and Bashi Devnarain


The Ishraq Program for out-of-school girls: From pilot to scale-up [Arabic], Mona Selim, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Khaled El Sayed, Asmaa Elbadawy, and Heba El Kalaawy

Submissions from 2012


Addis Birhan Wendoch ('New Light Boys'): Working with boys and young men to create healthier futures, Woldemariam Girma, Diane Rubino, Annabel Erulkar, Worku Ambelu, and Ayenechew Kerie


Baseline and endline findings of Filles Eveillées ('Girls awakened'): A pilot program for migrant adolescent girls in domestic service. Cohort 1 (2011–2012), Bobo-Dioulasso, Sarah Engebretsen


Belize coverage exercise study: Assessing the status to build a portfolio of targeted interventions for vulnerable girls, Joint UN Programme of Adolescent Girls


Challenges facing the Egyptian education system: Access, quality, and inequality, Caroline Krafft


Challenges facing the Egyptian education system: Access, quality, and inequality [Arabic], Caroline Krafft


Community norms about youth condom use in Western Kenya: Is transition occurring?, Paula Tavrow, Eunice N. Muthengi, Albert Obbuyi, and Vidalyne Omollo


Évaluation de processus : Programme Filles eveillées pour adolescentes migrantes employées de maison au Burkina Faso urbain 2012, Leah Jarvis and Gisele Kaboré


Female disadvantage in the Egyptian labor market: A youth perspective, Maia Sieverding


Female disadvantage in the Egyptian labor market: A youth perspective [Arabic], Maia Sieverding


Filles Eveillées ('Girls awakened'): A pilot program for migrant adolescent girls in domestic service in urban Burkina Faso, Sarah Engebretsen, Gisele Kaboré, and Leah Jarvis


Filles Eveillées : Programme pilote pour adolescentes migrantes employées de maison au Burkina Faso urbain, Sarah Engebretsen, Gisele Kaboré, and Leah Jarvis


Girls' leadership and mentoring, Karen Austrian


Informality and labor market dynamics during economic downturns: Evidence from Egypt, Rania Roushdy and May Gadallah


Is mobility the missing link in improving girls' schooling in Pakistan?, Christine Callum, Zeba Sathar, and Minhaj ul Haque


La santé des adolescentes vulnérables : un investissement stratégique doublement rentable, Jennifer Catino


La violence faite aux adolescentes : un défi fondamental à la vraie égalité, Judith Bruce


Leadership des filles et mentoring, Karen Austrian


Looking beyond universal primary education: Gender differences in time use among children in rural Bangladesh, Sajeda Amin and S. Chandrasekhar


Observations initiales et finales de Filles eveillées : Programme pilote de renforcement des compétences des adolescentes migrantes employées de maison. Cohorte 1 (2011–2012), Bobo-Dioulasso, Sarah Engebretsen


Priorités pour l'éducation des adolescentes, Cynthia B. Lloyd


Priorities for adolescent girls' education, Cynthia B. Lloyd


Process evaluation: The Filles Eveillées ('Girls awakened') program for migrant adolescent girls in domestic service in urban Burkina Faso, Leah Jarvis and Gisele Kaboré


Recours aux données pour révéler et sélectionner les adolescentes les plus vulnérables, Sarah Engebretsen


Réseaux sociaux et les capacités financières des filles employées de maison à Bobo-Dioulasso, Gisele Kaboré


Safe and smart savings for vulnerable girls in Kenya and Uganda: The evolving model, lessons learned, and recommendations, Karen Austrian, Eunice N. Muthengi, Angela Wambugu, Dennitah Ghati, and Elizabeth Kariuki


The health of vulnerable adolescent girls: A strategic investment for double return, Jennifer Catino


Using data to see and select the most vulnerable adolescent girls, Sarah Engebretsen


Violence against adolescent girls: A fundamental challenge to meaningful equality, Judith Bruce

Submissions from 2011


A methodology for building culture and gender norms into intervention: An example from Mumbai, India, Kristin M. Kostick, Stephen L. Schensul, Rajendra Singh, Pertti Pelto, and Niranjan Saggurti


Assessing equity of access in programs for young people, Adam Weiner


Conception d'un programme centré sur les filles : Boîte à outils pour l'elaboration, le renforcement et l'expansion de programmes destinés aux adolescentes, Karen Austrian and Dennitah Ghati


Creación de 'espacios seguros' para niñas adolescentes, Wendy Baldwin


Creating 'safe spaces' for adolescent girls, Wendy Baldwin


Decrease of youth participation in the labor market in the Palestinian territories: Reasons and determinants from gender prospects [Arabic], Ayman Abdul Majeed


Diseño de un Programa Centrado en las Niñas: Un juego de herramientas para desarrollar, fortalecer y expandir programas para niñas adolescentes, Karen Austrian and Dennitah Ghati


Enhancing the benefits of girls' livelihood initiatives, Sajeda Amin


Equipping Mayan girls to improve their lives, Jennifer Catino, Alejandra Colom, and Marta Julia Ruiz


Factors of career mobility in Egypt by gender, May Gadallah


Female wages in the Egyptian textiles and clothing industry: Low pay or discrimination?, Amirah El-Haddad


Filles éveillées: Programme pour les adolescentes employées de maison—Guide du mentor, Population Council


First generation of gender and HIV programs: Seeking clarity and synergy, Judith Bruce, Nicole Haberland, Amy Joyce, Eva Roca, and Tobey Nelson Sapiano


From research, to program design, to implementation: Programming for rural girls in Ethiopia—A toolkit for practitioners, Annabel Erulkar


Involving men, Population Council


La dynamique de la discrimination salariale et de l'équité gendorielle sur le marché du travail au Maroc, Sami Zouari


Le travail des femmes dans le secteur agricole: Entre précarité et empowerment—Cas de trois régions en Egypte, au Maroc et en Tunisie, Zhour Bouzidi, Saker El Nour, and Wided Moumen


Leveling the playing field: Building girls' sports programs and creating new opportunities, Martha Brady


On trade policies and wage disparity in Egypt: Evidence from microeconomic data, Chahir Zaki


Pilotage d'un programme visant à sécuriser l'espace et à renforcer les ressources des adolescentes vivant dans les zones urbaines du Ghana, Sarah Engebretsen and Selina F. Esantsi


Piloting a safe spaces, asset-building program for adolescent girls in urban Ghana, Sarah Engebretsen and Selina F. Esantsi


Preparación de las niñas mayas para mejorar su calidad de vida, Jennifer Catino, Alejandra Colom, and Marta Julia Ruiz


Rethinking the time allocation of Egyptian females: A matching analysis, Rana Hardy


Safe and smart savings products for vulnerable adolescent girls in Kenya and Uganda: Results from the Uganda pilot evaluation, Karen Austrian


Scaling for change: Strategic investment in the poorest girls in the poorest communities, Judith Bruce


Summary of New Lessons: The Power of Educating Adolescent Girls, Cynthia B. Lloyd


Transition from higher education to the labor market: Unemployment among graduates from the gender perspective in the Palestinian Territory, Saleh Alkafri


When girls' lives matter: Ending forced and early marriage in Cameroon, Sajeda Amin and Andrea Lynch


Women's economic resources and bargaining in marriage: Does Egyptian women's status depend on earnings or marriage payments?, Rania Salem


Women's job search behavior in the Egyptian labor market, Somaya Abdel Mowla


Young Women: Your Future, Your Money—Workbook for Girls Ages 10–14 in Kenya, Population Council and Microfinance Opportunities


Young Women: Your Future, Your Money—Workbook for Girls Ages 10–14 in Uganda, Population Council and Microfinance Opportunities


Young Women: Your Future, Your Money—Workbook for Girls Ages 15–19 in Kenya, Population Council and Microfinance Opportunities


Young Women: Your Future, Your Money—Workbook for Girls Ages 15–19 in Uganda, Population Council and Microfinance Opportunities

Submissions from 2010

Addis Birhan ("New Light"), Population Council


Addressing gender dynamics and engaging men in HIV programs: Lessons learned from Horizons research, Julie Pulerwitz, Annie P. Michaelis, Ravi K. Verma, and Ellen Weiss


Building programs to address child marriage: The Berhane Hewan experience in Ethiopia, Eunice N. Muthengi and Annabel Erulkar


Ethiopia gender survey: A study in seven regions, Annabel Erulkar, Abebaw Ferede, Worku Ambelu, Woldemariam Girma, Helen Amdemikael, Behailu GebreMedhin, Berhanu Legesse, Ayehualem Tameru, and Messay Teferi


Ethiopia young adult survey: A study in seven regions, Annabel Erulkar, Abebaw Ferede, Worku Ambelu, Woldemariam Girma, Helen Amdemikael, Behailu GebreMedhin, Berhanu Legesse, Ayehualem Tameru, and Messay Teferi


Girl-Centered Program Design: A Toolkit to Develop, Strengthen and Expand Adolescent Girls Programs, Karen Austrian and Dennitah Ghati


L'adolescence des filles au Burkina Faso: Une clé de voûte pour le changement social, Martha Brady, Lydia Saloucou, and Erica Chong


Looking back, moving forward: Promoting gender equity to fight HIV, Horizons studies 1999 to 2007, Julie Pulerwitz, Annie P. Michaelis, and Ellen Weiss


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Egypt 2008, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Ghana 2008, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Kenya 2008–09, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Nigeria 2008, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Sierra Leone 2008, Population Council

Submissions from 2009

Abriendo Oportunidades ("Opening Opportunities"), Population Council


And how will you remember me, my child? Redefining fatherhood in Turkey, Gary Barker, Deniz Dogruoz, and Debbie Rogow


BEING (Becoming Empowered in Nursing Growth): Training guide for nursing students on sexuality and gender, Maryann Washington


Broadening girls' horizons: Effects of life skills education programme in rural Uttar Pradesh, Rajib Acharya, Shveta Kalyanwala, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, and Vinita Nathani


Educational inequalities in the midst of persistent poverty: Diversity across Africa in educational outcomes, Cynthia B. Lloyd and Paul C. Hewett