Population Council Focus Area: Gender Equality and Equity | Focus Areas | Population Council

Gender inequality, reinforced by systems of oppression around the globe, perpetuates gender discrimination, violence, and systemic neglect. These structural forces are especially pronounced in communities with multiple marginalized social identities, particularly women of color, adolescents, Indigenous people, migrants, people with disabilities, gender minorities, LGBT people, and people affected by armed conflict and mass atrocities. The world lacks basic data related to these communities’ health, safety, wellbeing, and socioeconomic status, and evidence on what works to disrupt entrenched gender systems. The Population Council collaborates with locally rooted organizations, communities, and governments using context-relevant surveys, collects rigorous data, and creates evidence-based solutions.

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Submissions from 2017


Gender differentials in feeding practices, health care utilization and nutritional status of children in Northern India, Abhishek Singh and Sangram Kishor Patel


Girls Creating Opportunities for a Brighter Tomorrow: Integrated Curriculum Guide (8 to 17 years old)—Two-year cycle (adapted for Belize), Cecilia Garcés and Paola Broll


Guía Curricular de Abriendo Oportunidades: Para niños de 8 a 12 años, Population Council


Herramientas para la formación y el acompañamiento a mentoras del programa Abriendo Oportunidades®, Cecilia Garcés and Alejandra Munguia


Indigenous Adolescent Girls' Empowerment Network (IMAGEN), Kelly Hallman and Stephanie Martinez


Inequitable gender norms from early adolescence to young adulthood in Uganda: Tool validation and differences across age groups, Lung Vu, Julie Pulerwitz, Brady Zieman, Cecily Banura, Jerry Okal, and Eileen Yam


Intersections between polyvictimisation and mental health among adolescents in five urban disadvantaged settings: The role of gender, Mphatso Kamndaya, Pedro T. Pisa, Matthew F. Chersich, Michele R. Decker, Adesola Olumide, Rajib Acharya, Yan Cheng, Heena Brahmbhatt, and Sinead Delany-Moretlwe


Learning to be gendered: Gender socialization in early adolescence among urban poor in Delhi, India, and Shanghai, China, Sharmistha Basu, Xiayun Zuo, Chaohua Lou, Rajib Acharya, and Rebecka Lundgren


Marching to a different drummer: A cross-cultural comparison of young adolescents who challenge gender norms, Chunyan Yu, Xiayun Zuo, Robert W. Blum, Deborah L. Tolman, Anna Kagesten, Kristin Mmari, Sara De Meyer, Kristien Michielsen, Sharmistha Basu, Rajib Acharya, Qiguo Lian, and Chaohua Lou


Measuring gender equality in education: Lessons from 43 countries, Stephanie Psaki, Katharine McCarthy, and Barbara Mensch


Modifying behaviours and notions of masculinity: Effect of a programme led by locally elected representatives, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, A.J. Francis Zavier, K.G. Santhya, Rajib Acharya, Neelanjana Pandey, Santosh Kumar Singh, Komal Saxena, Aparajita Gogoi, Madhu Joshi, and Sandeep Ojha


More Than Brides Alliance: Baseline report, India, Sharmistha Basu, Rajib Acharya, Andrea J. Melnikas, and Sajeda Amin


More Than Brides Alliance: Baseline report, Malawi, Christine A. Kelly, Andrea J. Melnikas, Sajeda Amin, James Mkandawire, and Hamza Daud


More Than Brides Alliance: Baseline report, Mali, Andrea J. Melnikas, Sajeda Amin, Sarah Engebretsen, and Mouhamadou Gueye


More Than Brides Alliance: Baseline report, Niger, Grace Saul, Andrea J. Melnikas, Sajeda Amin, Sarah Engebretsen, Aissa Diarra, and Chaibou Saadou


More Than Brides Alliance (MTBA): Mariage n’est pas un jeu d’enfat, Rapport de référence Mali, Andrea J. Melnikas, Sajeda Amin, Sarah Engebretsen, and Mouhamadou Gueye


More Than Brides Alliance (MTBA): Mariage n’est pas un jeu d’enfat, Rapport de référence Niger, Grace Saul, Andrea J. Melnikas, Sajeda Amin, Sarah Engebretsen, Aissa Diarra, and Chaibou Saadou


School related violence, sanitation facilities at school, and menstrual hygiene management: What is the evidence for their effect on school attendance and learning, and how might population scientists advance this research agenda?, Barbara Mensch


Status of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Zambia: Comprehensive sexuality education and adolescents sexual and reproductive health, Population Council


The effect of a gender transformative life skills education and sports-coaching programme on the attitudes and practices of adolescent boys and young men in Bihar, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Rajib Acharya, Neelanjana Pandey, K.G. Santhya, A.J. Francis Zavier, Santosh Kumar Singh, Komal Saxena, Aparajita Gogoi, Madhu Joshi, and Sandeep Ojha


The effects of school violence on education in Malawi, Stephanie Psaki, Barbara Mensch, and Erica Soler-Hampejsek


The global state of evidence on interventions to prevent child marriage, Sophia Chae and Thoai Ngo


Using data to target and scale-up girls' support programs and child marriage prevention, The Evidence Project

Submissions from 2016


Abriendo Oportunidades: Guía Curricular Plan de Vida 2016—Cuadernillo español, Population Council


Abriendo Oportunidades: Guía Curricular Plan de Vida 2016—Cuadernillo Q’eqchi, Population Council


Abriendo Oportunidades para alcanzar mi plan de vida: Programa de 5 meses—14 a 18 años, Cecilia Garcés and Paola Broll


Abriendo Oportunidades para alcanzar mi plan de vida: Programa de 5 meses—8 a 13 años, Cecilia Garcés


Abriendo Oportunidades: Sesión—Mi plan de vida, Population Council


Access to money and relation to women’s use of family planning methods among young married women in rural India, Elizabeth Reed, Balaiah Donta, Anindita Dasgupta, Mohan Ghule, Madhusudana Battala, Saritha Nair, Jay G. Silverman, Arun Jadhav, Prajakta Palaye, Niranjan Saggurti, and Anita Raj


Addressing child marriage and adolescent pregnancy as barriers to gender parity and equality in education, Stephanie Psaki


Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP): Mid-term findings—Brief, Population Council


Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP): Savings account, Population Council


Adolescent Girls Empowerment Programme in Zambia: Qualitative evaluation report, Zoe Duby, Chipo Natasha Zulu, and Karen Austrian


Adolescent Girls Empowerment Programme: Research and evaluation mid-term technical report—Executive Summary, Karen Austrian, Paul C. Hewett, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Fiammetta Bozzani, Jere R. Behrman, and Jean Digitale


Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya: Qualitative report, Eunice N. Muthengi, Karen Austrian, Amanda Landrian, Benta Abuya, Joyce Mumah, and Caroline W. Kabiru


BALIKA: Empowering girls to delay child marriage in Bangladesh, Sajeda Amin


BALIKA study design, Sajeda Amin


Building Girls' Protective Assets: A Collection of Tools for Program Design, Population Council


CHARM, a gender equity and family planning intervention for men and couples in rural India: Protocol for the cluster randomized controlled trial evaluation, Jennifer Yore, Anindita Dasgupta, Mohan Ghule, Madhusudana Battala, Saritha Nair, Jay G. Silverman, Niranjan Saggurti, Balaiah Donta, and Anita Raj


Cluster randomized controlled trial evaluation of a gender equity and family planning intervention for married men and couples in rural India, Anita Raj, Mohan Ghule, Julie Ritter, Madhusudana Battala, Gajanan Velhal, Saritha Nair, Anindita Dasgupta, Jay G. Silverman, Balaiah Donta, and Niranjan Saggurti


Considerations on the use and interpretation of survey data on FGM/C, Bettina Shell-Duncan


Développer les Compétences de Protection des Filles: Ensemble d’Outils pour la Conception d’un Programme, Population Council


Does shifting gender norms on the community level lead to increased HIV services uptake?, Project SOAR


Engaging parents to promote girls' transition to secondary education: Evidence from a cluster randomised trial in rural Gujarat, India, K.G. Santhya, A.J. Francis Zavier, Pallavi Patel, and Neeta Shah


Evidence to end FGM/C: Research to help girls and women thrive, Population Council


Evidence to end FGM/C: Research to help girls and women thrive [Arabic], Population Council


Fatherhood, marriage and HIV risk among young men in rural Uganda, Sanyukta Mathur, Jenny A. Higgins, Nityanjali Thummalachetty, Mariko Rasmussen, Laura Kelley, Neema Nakyanjo, Fred Nalugoda, and John S. Santelli


Filling the gender data gap, Miriam Temin and Eva Roca


Girl Empower Intervention Baseline Survey, Kelly Hallman, Elizabeth A. Kelvin, Berk Ozler, Juliette Seban, Erica Kuhlik, Cooper Alton, Joseph Kamara, and Sarah Goodman


Health impacts of female genital mutilation/cutting: A synthesis of the evidence, Samuel Kimani, Jacinta Muteshi-Strachan, and Carolyne Njue


'Her future is marriage': Young people's attitudes towards gender roles and the gender gap in Egypt, Maia Sieverding and Rasha Hassan


Intimate partner violence perpetration among adolescent males in disadvantaged neighborhoods globally, Sarah M. Peitzmeier, Anna Kagesten, Rajib Acharya, Yan Cheng, Sinead Delany-Moretlwe, Adesola Olumide, Robert Wm. Blum, Freya Sonenstein, and Michele R. Decker


Is working risky or protective for married adolescent girls in urban slums in Kenya? Understanding the association between working status, savings and intimate-partner violence, Eunice N. Muthengi, Tabither Gitau, and Karen Austrian


Maternal morbidity associated with violence and maltreatment from husbands and in-laws: Findings from Indian slum communities, Jay G. Silverman, Balaiah Donta, Julie Ritter, Anindita Dasgupta, Sabrina Boyce, Michele R. Decker, Dattaram D. Naik, Saritha Nair, Niranjan Saggurti, and Anita Raj


Methodology: Reaching the most vulnerable adolescent girls, Population Council


The Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya (AGI-K): Study protocol, Karen Austrian, Eunice N. Muthengi, Joyce Mumah, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Caroline W. Kabiru, Benta Abuya, and John A. Maluccio


Understanding HIV-related vulnerabilities and stigma among Egyptian youth, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Doaa Oraby, Sally Saher, and Sarah Ismail

Webinar—Investing When it Counts: Making the Case for Very Young Adolescents, Population Council

Submissions from 2015


Abriendo Oportunidades: Guía Curricular Integrada 2015, Cecilia Garcés and Paola Broll


Abriendo Oportunidades Program: Integrated Curriculum Guide (8 to 17 years old)—Two-year cycle, Cecilia Garcés and Paola Broll


Addressing gender-biased sex selection in Haryana, India: Promising approaches, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Rajib Acharya, Sharmistha Basu, and A.J. Francis Zavier


Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP): Program overview, Population Council


Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya: Baseline report, Karen Austrian, Eunice N. Muthengi, Taylor Riley, Joyce Mumah, Caroline W. Kabiru, and Benta Abuya


Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya: Financial Education Curriculum, Kibera, Population Council


Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya: Financial Education Curriculum, Wajir, Population Council


Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya: Health and Life Skills Curriculum, Kibera, Population Council


Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya: Health and Life Skills Curriculum, Wajir, Population Council


Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya: Program overview, Population Council


Curriculum on adolescent-friendly health services and health voucher mechanisms: Facilitator's training manual, Population Council


Education, numeracy, and literacy: Baseline findings, Population Council

Equity in Access to University Education in Egypt: The Actual Cost of University Education, Population Council


Evidence of son preference and resulting demographic and health outcomes in Pakistan, Zeba Sathar, Gul Rashida, Sabahat Hussain, and Anushe Hassan


Gender-biased sex selection in India: A review of the situation and interventions to counter the practice, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Sharmistha Basu, Rajib Acharya, and A.J. Francis Zavier


Gender considerations along the HIV treatment cascade: An evidence review with priority actions, Melanie Croce-Galis, Jill Gay, Karen Hardee, What Works Association, and Population Council


Gender equality in university education in Egypt [Arabic], Nagwa Megahed


Girls' education, Population Council


Is AGEP building assets for vulnerable girls in Zambia? Preliminary research findings, Population Council


Participatory research results from training with the Mabinti Tushike Hatamu out-of-school girls program: Tanzania 2015, Kelly Hallman, Ilan Cerna-Turoff, and Neema Matee


Sexual behaviors and biomarkers: Baseline findings, Population Council


Statement and action agenda from the Girls in Emergencies Collaborative, Omar Robles, Judith Bruce, Holly G. Atkinson, Dale Buscher, Karen Scriven, Kristin Kim Bart, and Shelby French


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Belize 2011, Population Council and UNICEF Belize


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Tanzania 2009–2012, Population Council, Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS), Zanzibar AIDS Commission (ZAC), and UNICEF Tanzania


The case for addressing gender and power in sexuality and HIV education: A comprehensive review of evaluation studies, Nicole Haberland


Understanding factors influencing adverse sex ratios at birth and exploring what works to achieve balance: The situation in selected districts of Nepal, Mahesh Puri and Anand Tamang


Understanding factors influencing adverse sex ratios at birth in Bangladesh, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Ubaidur Rob, Md. Irfan Hossain, and Forhana Rahman Noor

What Works to Delay Child Marriage, Alisa Cameron, Susan Markham, Julia Bunting, Annabel Erulkar, Dick Mlimuka, Placide Tapsoba, and Mihira V. Karra

Submissions from 2014


Adolescent Girls Empowerment Programme: Research and evaluation baseline technical report, Paul C. Hewett, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Jere R. Behrman, Christine A. Kelly, Dela Kusi-Appouh, Fiammetta Bozzani, Barbara Mensch, and Minyoi Maimbolwa


Assessment of sex selection in Bangladesh, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Ubaidur Rob, and Forhana Rahman Noor


BALIKA fact sheet: Highlight on gender and rights, Population Council


BALIKA fact sheet: Highlight on girls' social lives, Population Council


BALIKA fact sheet: Highlight on livelihoods, Population Council


BALIKA fact sheet: Highlight on marriage, Population Council


BALIKA fact sheet: Highlight on married adolescents, Population Council


BALIKA fact sheet: Highlight on schooling, Population Council


Brief report: Parent–adolescent child concordance in social norms related to gender equity in marriage—Findings from rural India, Anita Raj, Mohan Ghule, Madhusudana Battala, Anindita Dasgupta, Julie Ritter, Saritha Nair, Niranjan Saggurti, Jay G. Silverman, and Balaiah Donta


Building the Assets to Thrive: Addressing the HIV-related Vulnerabilities of Adolescent Girls in Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar


Building the assets to thrive: Addressing the HIV-related vulnerabilities of adolescent girls in Ethiopia—Policy Brief, Population Council


Enhancing livelihood opportunities for young women in rural Upper Egypt: The Neqdar Nesharek Program, Nada Ramadan, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Khaled El Sayed, and Rania Roushdy


Evaluation of health and education impacts of a girls’ safe spaces program in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar and Girmay Medhin


From evidence to action: Results from the 2013 baseline survey for the BALIKA project, Sajeda Amin, Sigma Ainul, Farhana Akter, Mohammad Masudul Alam, Md. Irfan Hossain, Johana Ahmed, and Ubaidur Rob