Gender inequality, reinforced by systems of oppression around the globe, perpetuates gender discrimination, violence, and systemic neglect. These structural forces are especially pronounced in communities with multiple marginalized social identities, particularly women of color, adolescents, Indigenous people, migrants, people with disabilities, gender minorities, LGBT people, and people affected by armed conflict and mass atrocities. The world lacks basic data related to these communities’ health, safety, wellbeing, and socioeconomic status, and evidence on what works to disrupt entrenched gender systems. The Population Council collaborates with locally rooted organizations, communities, and governments using context-relevant surveys, collects rigorous data, and creates evidence-based solutions.
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Submissions from 2002
Letting Girls Play: The Mathare Youth Sports Association's football program for girls, Martha Brady and Arjmand Banu Khan
Responding to Cairo: Case Studies of Changing Practice in Reproductive Health and Family Planning, Nicole Haberland and Diana Measham
The effect of gender differences in primary school access, type, and quality on the decision to enroll in rural Pakistan, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Cem Mete, and Zeba Sathar
Submissions from 2001
Determinants of educational attainment among adolescents in Egypt: Does school quality make a difference?, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Sahar El Tawila, Wesley H. Clark, and Barbara Mensch
Transitions to adulthood in the context of AIDS in South Africa: Report of Wave I, Naomi Rutenberg, Cathrien Kehus-Alons, Lisanne Brown, Kate Macintyre, Anthea Dallimore, and Carol E. Kaufman
Submissions from 2000
Egipto: Los proveedores de servicios de planificación deben motivar a sus clientas a hablar de sus problemas de sexualidad, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypte: Les prestataires de service de planification familiale doivent encourage les discussions sur les problèmes sexuels, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypt: Family planning providers should encourage clients to discuss sexual problems, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Gender and generation in household labor supply in Jordan, Mary Kawar
Gender and generation in household labor supply in Jordan [Arabic], Mary Kawar
Greater investments in children through women's empowerment: A key to demographic change in Pakistan?, Valerie L. Durrant and Zeba Sathar
Schooling opportunities for girls as a stimulus for fertility change in rural Pakistan, Zeba Sathar, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Cem Mete, and Minhaj ul Haque
Socialization to gender roles and marriage among Egyptian adolescents, Barbara Mensch, Barbara L. Ibrahim, Susan M. Lee, and Omaima El-Gibaly
The effects of schooling incentive programs on household resource allocation in Bangladesh, Mary Arends-Kuenning and Sajeda Amin
Submissions from 1998
The effects of primary school quality on the educational participation and attainment of Kenyan girls and boys, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Barbara Mensch, and Wesley H. Clark
The Uncharted Passage: Girls' Adolescence in the Developing World, Barbara Mensch, Judith Bruce, and Margaret E. Greene
Workshop on youth across Asia, John Townsend, Ann P. McCauley, and Kokila Agarwal
Submissions from 1997
Empowering the next generation: Girls of the Maqattam garbage settlement, Marie Assaad and Judith Bruce
Empowering the next generation: Girls of the Maqattam garbage settlement [Arabic], Marie Assaad and Judith Bruce
Gender differences in the schooling experiences of adolescents in low-income countries: The case of Kenya, Barbara Mensch and Cynthia B. Lloyd
Male involvement in family planning: A KABP study of Agra District, Uttar Pradesh, M.E. Khan and Bella C. Patel
Submissions from 1996
Gender Inequalities and Demographic Behavior: Egypt [Arabic], Nora Guhl Naguib, Cynthia B. Lloyd, and Barbara L. Ibrahim
Submissions from 1994
Family, Gender, and Population Policy: Views from the Middle East, Jodi Jacobson
Family, Gender, and Population Policy: Views from the Middle East [Arabic], Jodi Jacobson, Barbara L. Ibrahim, and Carla Makhlouf Obermeyer
Family planning and reproductive health: Briefing sheets for a gender analysis, Kirsten Moore and Debbie Rogow
Gender Inequalities and Demographic Behavior: Egypt, Nora Guhl Naguib, Cynthia B. Lloyd, and Barbara L. Ibrahim
Gender Inequalities and Demographic Behavior: Ghana/Kenya, Anastasia J. Gage and Wamucii Njogu
Gender Inequalities and Demographic Behavior: India, Sonalde Desai
Submissions from 1993
The development of microbicides: A new method of HIV prevention for women, Christopher J. Elias and Lori L. Heise