The Population Council’s Poverty, Gender, and Youth program seeks to understand and address the disparities in opportunity that arise during adolescence, the critical requirements for reaching a successful, productive adulthood, the causes and consequences of gender inequality, and the social dimensions of poverty in developing countries.


Submissions from 2007


Éducation sexuelle et VIH : il est temps de changer de méthodologie, Nicole Haberland and Deborah Rogow


Empowering young mothers in India: Results of the First-time Parents Project, K.G. Santhya and Nicole Haberland


Ethnic differentials in parental health seeking for childhood illness in Vietnam, Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan and James F. Phillips


Evaluación de las múltiples desventajas de las niñas mayas: efectos del género, el origen étnico, la pobreza y el lugar de residencia sobre la educación en Guatemala, Kelly Hallman, Sara Peracca, Jennifer Catino, and Marta Julia Ruiz


Factors influencing the use of prenatal diagnostic techniques and the sex ratio at birth in India, P.N. Mari Bhat and A.J. Francis Zavier


Girls' adolescence in Burkina Faso: A pivot point for social change, Martha Brady, Lydia Saloucou, and Erica Chong


Girls left behind: Redirecting HIV interventions toward the most vulnerable, Judith Bruce


Influencing girls’ lives: Acceptability and effectiveness of a livelihoods skill building intervention in Gujarat, Shveta Kalyanwala


Invisible and vulnerable: Adolescent domestic workers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar and Tekle-Ab Mekbib


Jovens abandonadas: redireccionar as intervenções de VIH no sentido das mais vulneráveis, Judith Bruce


Las niñas rezagadas: dirigir las intervenciones de VIH hacia las más vulnerables, Judith Bruce


Leave no woman behind, Ethiopia: Baseline report, Annabel Erulkar, Tekle-Ab Mekbib, Helen Amdemikael, and Garry Conille


Le contexte de l’initiation sexuelle en évolution dans la région subsaharienne de l’Afrique, Barbara Mensch


Les filles sont oubliées : rediriger les interventions en matière de VIH vers les plus vulnérables, Judith Bruce


Lessons learned from health sector reform: A four-country comparison, Noorunnabi Talukder, Ubaidur Rob, and Mahabub- Ul-Anwar


Maquiladoras and market mamas: Women's work and childcare in Guatemala City and Accra, Agnes R. Quisumbing, Kelly Hallman, and Marie T. Ruel


Nonconsensual sex, school enrollment and educational outcomes in South Africa, Kelly Hallman


Obtaining more accurate and reliable information from adolescents regarding STI/HIV risk behaviors, Barbara Mensch and Paul C. Hewett


Poverty and fertility: Evidence and agenda, Sajeda Amin, John B. Casterline, and Laura Spess


Premarital sex and schooling transitions in four sub-Saharan African countries, Ann E. Biddlecom, Richard Gregory, Cynthia B. Lloyd, and Barbara Mensch


Providing new opportunities to adolescent girls in socially conservative settings: The Ishraq program in rural Upper Egypt—full report, Martha Brady, Ragui Assaad, Barbara L. Ibrahim, Abeer Salem, Rania Salem, and Nadia Zibani


Rapid achievement of the child survival millennium development goal: Evidence from the Navrongo experiment in Northern Ghana, Fred N. Binka, Ayaga A. Bawah, James F. Phillips, Abraham Hodgson, Martin Adjuik, and Bruce MacLeod


Reducing the social exclusion of girls, Kelly Hallman and Eva Roca


Reducir la exclusión social des las niñas, Kelly Hallman and Eva Roca


Sexuality and HIV education: Time for a paradigm shift, Nicole Haberland and Deborah Rogow


Stagnation in fertility levels in Pakistan, Zeba Sathar


Support by migrants to their elderly parents in rural Cambodia and Thailand: A comparative study, Zachary Zimmer, Kim Korinek, John Knodel, and Napaporn Chayovan


Teacher absence as a factor in gender inequalities in access to primary schooling in rural Pakistan, Sharon Ghuman and Cynthia B. Lloyd


The changing context of sexual initiation in sub-Saharan Africa, Barbara Mensch


The effect of women's status on infant and child mortality in four rural areas of Bangladesh, Mian Bazle Hossain, James F. Phillips, and Brian Wells Pence


The experience of married adolescent girls in northern Nigeria, Annabel Erulkar and Mairo Bello


The Health Extension Program: A flagship for bringing health services to the doors of communities, Tekle-Ab Mekbib


The Ishraq Program: Reshaping gender norms in rural upper Egypt, Abeer Salem and Nadia Zibani


The role of schools in promoting sexual and reproductive health among adolescents in developing countries, Cynthia B. Lloyd


Towards messages that matter: Understanding and addressing HIV and SRH risks among married young people in India, Armin Jamshedji-Neogi, Renu Kapoor, Jayashree Kumar, Ashwini Bhalerao Gandhi, Lakshmi Murthy, K.G. Santhya, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Saswata Ghosh, Vijaya Nidadavolu, Nicole Haberland, Komal Saxena, and M.A. Jose


Vietnamese aging and marital sexual behavior in comparative perspective, John Knodel, Vu Tuan Huy, Vu Manh Loi, and Sharon Ghuman

Submissions from 2006


Berhane Hewan ('Light for Eve'): A program to support married and unmarried adolescent girls in rural Amhara Region, Ethiopia, Population Council


Biruh Tesfa ('bright future'): A program for poor, urban girls at risk of exploitation and abuse in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Population Council


Comment mener un exercice de couverture : Outil d'évaluation rapide de programmes et services, Carey Meyers and Solene Lardoux


Como conduzir um exercício de cobertura: Uma ferramenta para a avaliação rápida de programas e serviços, Carey Meyers and Solene Lardoux


Cómo realizar un ejercicio de cobertura: una herramienta de evaluación rápida para programas y servicios, Carey Meyers and Solene Lardoux


Disability and active life expectancy among older Cambodians, Zachary Zimmer


Early 40s and still unmarried: A continuing trend in Thailand, Lindy Williams, Philip Guest, and Anchalee Varangrat


Earthquake vulnerability assessment Pakistan, 2005–06, Arshad Mahmood


Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Malawi 2000, Population Council


Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Nigeria 2003, Population Council


Fewer and better-educated children: Expanded choices in schooling and fertility in rural Pakistan, Zeba Sathar, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Minhaj ul Haque, Mumraiz Khan, and Monica J. Grant


Formation of partnerships among young women and men in Pune district, Maharashtra, Mallika Alexander, Laila Garda, Savita Kanade, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, and Bela Ganatra


Formation of partnerships among young women and men in Pune district, Maharashtra, Population Council


Girls' schooling and marriage in rural Bangladesh, Simeen Mahmud and Sajeda Amin


How long will we live?, John Bongaarts


How long will we live?, John Bongaarts


How to conduct a coverage exercise: A rapid assessment tool for programs and services, Carey Meyers and Solene Lardoux


Influencing girls' lives: Acceptability and effectiveness of a livelihoods skill building intervention in Gujarat, SEWA, SEWA Academy, Shveta Kalyanwala, Rajib Acharya, and Sunetra Deshpande


In our own hands: SWAA-Ghana champions the female condom, Kathleen Cravero, Michelle Skaer, Victoria Ebin, and Martha Brady


Integrating adolescent livelihood activities within a reproductive health programme for urban slum dwellers in India, Population Council


Invertir cuando hacerlo cuenta: Generando la evidencia base para politicas y programas para adolescentes muy jóvenes—Guía y juego de herramientas, Erica Chong, Kelly Hallman, and Martha Brady


Investing When It Counts: Generating the Evidence Base for Policies and Programmes for Very Young Adolescents—Guide and Tool Kit, Erica Chong, Kelly Hallman, and Martha Brady


Late marriage and the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa, John Bongaarts


Living up to their name: Profamilia takes on gender-based violence, Claudia Garcia-Moreno and Rachel E. Goldberg


Marriage and childbirth as factors in school exit: An analysis of DHS data from sub-Saharan Africa, Cynthia B. Lloyd and Barbara Mensch


Marriage and motherhood: An exploratory study of the social and reproductive health status of married young women in Gujarat and West Bengal, F. Ram, Ranjana Sinha, S.K. Mohanty, Arup Das, Aruna Lakhani, Nicole Haberland, and K.G. Santhya


Measuring women's work: A methodological exploration, Ray Langsten and Rania Salem


Meeting the health and social needs of married girls in India: The First Time Parents Project's implementation and reach, Population Council


Migration and vulnerability among adolescents in slum areas of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar, Tekle-Ab Mekbib, Negussie Simie, and Tsehai Gulema


Multiple disadvantages of Mayan females: The effects of gender, ethnicity, poverty, and residence on education in Guatemala, Kelly Hallman, Sara Peracca, Jennifer Catino, and Marta Julia Ruiz


Policy lessons of the East Asian demographic transition, Geoffrey McNicoll


Policy lessons of the East Asian demographic transition, Geoffrey McNicoll


Poverty, wealth inequality, and health among older adults in rural Cambodia, Zachary Zimmer


Pregnancy-related school dropout and prior school performance in South Africa, Monica J. Grant and Kelly Hallman


Providing new opportunities to adolescent girls in socially conservative settings: The Ishraq program in rural Upper Egypt, Martha Brady, Ragui Assaad, Barbara L. Ibrahim, Abeer Salem, Rania Salem, and Nadia Zibani


Providing new opportunities to adolescent girls in socially conservative settings: The Ishraq program in rural Upper Egypt [Arabic], Martha Brady, Ragui Assaad, Barbara L. Ibrahim, Abeer Salem, Rania Salem, and Nadia Zibani


Romance and sex: Pre-marital partnership formation among young women and men, Pune District, India, Mallika Alexander, Laila Garda, Savita Kanade, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, and Bela Ganatra


Rural drinking water at supply and household levels: Quality and management, Bilqis A. Hoque, Kelly Hallman, Jason Levy, Howarth E. Bouis, Nahid Ali, Feroze Khan, Sufia Khanam, Mamun Kabir, Sanower Hossain, and Mohammad Shah Alam


'She knew only when the garland was put around her neck': Findings from an exploratory study on early marriage in Rajasthan, Population Council


She knew only when the garland was put around her neck': Findings from an exploratory study on early marriage in Rajasthan, K.G. Santhya, Nicole Haberland, and Ajay Kumar Singh


Slow fertility transition in Egypt: Reaching policy-makers and program managers with the findings, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Rania Roushdy, and John B. Casterline


Spending, saving and borrowing: Perceptions and experiences of girls in Gujarat, Shveta Kalyanwala and Jennefer Sebstad


Spending, saving and borrowing: Perceptions and experiences of girls in Gujarat, Population Council


Tap and Reposition Youth (TRY): prestar apoio social e oportunidades de microcrédito e de poupanças a mulheres jovens em áreas com uma prevalência de VIH elevada, Annabel Erulkar, Judith Bruce, Erica Chong, Aleke Dondo, Jennefer Sebstad, James K. Matheka, Arjmand Banu Khan, and Anne Gathuku


Tap and Reposition Youth (TRY) Program: Providing social support, savings, and microcredit opportunities to adolescent girls at risk for HIV/AIDS in Kenya, Joan Hall, Aleke Dondo, and Jennefer Sebstad


Tap and Reposition Youth (TRY): Providing social support, savings, and microcredit opportunities for young women in areas with high HIV prevalence, Annabel Erulkar, Judith Bruce, Erica Chong, Aleke Dondo, Jennefer Sebstad, James K. Matheka, Arjmand Banu Khan, and Anne Gathuku


Tap and Reposition Youth (TRY): Providing social support, savings, and microcredit opportunities for young women in areas with high HIV prevalence, Annabel Erulkar, Judith Bruce, Aleke Dondo, Jennefer Sebstad, James K. Matheka, Arjmand Banu Khan, and Anne Gathuku


The causes of stalling fertility transitions, John Bongaarts


The changing context of sexual initiation in sub-Saharan Africa, Barbara Mensch, Monica J. Grant, and Ann K. Blanc


The impact of immunization on the association between poverty and child survival: Evidence from Kassena-Nankana District of northern Ghana, Ayaga A. Bawah, James F. Phillips, Martin Adjuik, Maya Vaughan-Smith, Bruce MacLeod, and Fred N. Binka


The implications of changing educational and family circumstances for children's grade progression in rural Pakistan: 1997-2004, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Cem Mete, and Monica J. Grant


The political demography of the world system, 2000-2050, Paul Demeny and Geoffrey McNicoll


The quantum and tempo of life-cycle events, John Bongaarts and Griffith Feeney


Urban versus rural mortality among older adults in China, Zachary Zimmer, Toshiko Kaneda, and Laura Spess


Youth in India: Situation and needs study, Population Council

Submissions from 2005


Accelerating reproductive and child health program development: The Navrongo initiative in Ghana, James F. Phillips, Ayaga A. Bawah, and Fred N. Binka


Achieving the Cairo Conference (ICPD) goal for youth in Bangladesh, Laila Rahman, Ubaidur Rob, Ismat Bhuiya, M.E. Khan, and Md. Rafiqul Islam


Active life expectancy and functional limitations among older Cambodians: Results from a 2004 survey, Zachary Zimmer


A socio-demographic analysis of the size and structure of the family in India, Niranjan Saggurti, Saritha Nair, and T.K. Roy


Attitudes toward marriage among the urban middle-class in Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines, Lindy Williams and Philip Guest


Building assets for safe, productive lives: A report on a workshop on adolescent girls' livelihoods, Population Council


Building postgraduate capacity in medical and public health research in Vietnam: An in-service training model, Aya Goto, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Phuong, Nguyen Thi Mai Huong, and Jane Hughes


Causas de bajos logros educacionales y transición temprana a la edad adulta en Guatemala, Kelly Hallman, Sara Peracca, Jennifer Catino, and Marta Julia Ruiz


Child marriage briefing: Ethiopia, Population Council