"Berhane Hewan ('Light for Eve'): A program to support married and unma" by Population Council

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Berhane Hewan (meaning “Light for Eve” in Amharic) is a program in rural Amhara region designed to assist unmarried girls by imparting the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to avoid child marriage as well as give support to adolescent girls who are already married. With support from UNFPA, DFID, and the Turner Foundation, the program is implemented by the Ministry of Youth and Sport and the Regional Youth Bureaus, with technical assistance from the Population Council. The program promotes functional literacy, life skills, livelihoods skills, and reproductive health education. In developing the project, the Regional Youth Bureau staff felt that sensitization on the dangers of early marriage was insufficient and that the program needed to address the livelihoods needs of the communities and economic motives for the practice of child marriage. Accordingly, incentives such as community wells were added to encourage families to allow their daughters to participate in girls’ groups. As noted in this brief, the impact of Berhane Hewan is being assessed using baseline and endline surveys in project and control sites.






Berhane Hewan; Building an Evidence Base to Delay Marriage in Sub-Saharan Africa
