Poverty, Gender, and Youth | Social and Behavioral Science Research (SBSR) | Population Council

The Population Council’s Poverty, Gender, and Youth program seeks to understand and address the disparities in opportunity that arise during adolescence, the critical requirements for reaching a successful, productive adulthood, the causes and consequences of gender inequality, and the social dimensions of poverty in developing countries.


Submissions from 2022


Addressing commercial sexual exploitation of women and children through prevention and reintegration approaches: Lessons from Bangladesh and India, K.G. Santhya, Sigma Ainul, Snigdha Banerjee, Avishek Hazra, Eashita Haque, Basant Kumar Panda, A.J. Francis Zavier, and Shilpi Rampal


Assessment of overseas labor migration systems in Bangladesh, Sigma Ainul, Eashita Haque, K.G. Santhya, and Ubaidur Rob


Biruh Tesfa ("Bright Future"), Population Council


Comparing cohabiting unions and formal marriages among adolescent girls in Zambia: The role of premarital fertility and parental support, Eunice N. Muthengi, Laura Muthoni, and Karen Austrian


COVID-19 hospitalizations in the United States: Where is the data on race?, Thoai Ngo and Danielle Richard


Economies of scale of large-scale international development interventions: Evidence from self-help groups in India, Garima Siwach, Sohini Paul, and Thomas de Hoop


Ethical recruitment and employment in the construction industry in India: Perspectives and experiences of workers and micro-contractors, K.G. Santhya, A.J. Francis Zavier, Snigdha Banerjee, and Shilpi Rampal


Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: Bangladesh case study, Eashita Haque, Natalie Wyss, Emily EunYoung Cho, and Karen Austrian


Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: India case study, Neelanjana Pandey, Emily EunYoung Cho, Shilpi Rampal, and Karen Austrian


Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: Kenya case study, Faith Mbushi, Natalie Wyss, Emily EunYoung Cho, Karen Austrian, Eva Ireri Muluve, Laura Muthoni, and Beth Kangwana


Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: Pakistan case study, Iram Kamran, Tahira Parveen, Rehan M. Niazi, Maqsood Sadiq, Fatima Azeem, Emily EunYoung Cho, and Karen Austrian


Getting girls back to school during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya: Lessons from the 4Ts initiative, George Odwe and Chi-Chi Undie


Identifying latent classes of empowerment among early adolescent girls and the factors that cultivate them: Evidence from a community-based skills training program, Christina Misunas and Sajeda Amin


Impacto multidimensional de la pandemia en las juventudes indígenas de Yucatán, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Suhayla Bazbaz, Fabiola Romero-Gamboa, and Isabel Vieitez Martínez


Impacts of multisectoral cash plus programs after four years in an urban informal settlement: Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya (AGI–K) randomized trial, Joy Koech, John A. Maluccio, Beth Kangwana, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Nicole Maddox, Rachel J. Sapire, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Benta Abuya, Eva Ireri Muluve, and Faith Mbushi


Impacts of multisectoral cash plus programs on marriage and fertility after 4 years in pastoralist Kenya: A randomized trial, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Beth Kangwana, Nicole Maddox, Maryama Diaw, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Benta Abuya, Eva Ireri Muluve, Faith Mbushi, Hassan Mohammed, Abdullahi Aden, and John A. Maluccio


Keeping girls in schools to reduce child marriage in rural Bangladesh: Endline assessment, Sigma Ainul, Forhana Rahman Noor, Md. Irfan Hossain, Iqbal Ehsan, Mehnaz Manzur, Ubaidur Rob, and Sajeda Amin


Key drivers of fertility levels and differentials in India, at the national, state and population subgroup levels, 2015–2016: An application of Bongaarts' proximate determinants model, Susheela Singh, Chander Shekhar, Akinrinola Bankole, Rajib Acharya, Suzette Audam, and Temitope Akinade


Maternal education, health care system and child health: Evidence from India, Sohini Paul, Sourabh Paul, Ashish Kumar Gupta, and K.S. James


Policies and interventions to remove gender‐related barriers to girls' school participation and learning in low‐ and middle‐income countries: A systematic review of the evidence, Stephanie Psaki, Nicole Haberland, Barbara Mensch, Lauren Woyczynski, and Erica Chuang

Promises to Keep: Impact of COVID-19 on Adolescents in Kenya—Photo Exhibition, Presidential Policy and Strategy Unit (Kenya) and Population Council


Promoting safe overseas labour migration: Lessons from ASK’s safe migration project in India, K.G. Santhya, A.J. Francis Zavier, Shilpi Rampal, and Avishek Hazra


Role of debt in overseas labour migration in India, K.G. Santhya, Snigdha Banerjee, Basant Kumar Panda, A.J. Francis Zavier, Avishek Hazra, and Shilpi Rampal


The development of adolescent agency and implications for reproductive choice among girls in Zambia, Katharine McCarthy, Katarzyna Wyka, Diana Romero, Karen Austrian, and Heidi E. Jones


The importance of reclassification to understanding urban growth: A demographic decomposition of the United States, 1990–2010, Leiwen Jiang, Bryan Jones, Deborah Balk, and Brian C. O'Neill

Webinar—From Data to Action: Informing Menstrual Health Management Programs, Karen Austrian, Nicole Haberland, Beth Kangwana, and Megan White Mukuria


Witnessing intimate partner violence impacts schooling and labor market outcomes for young women in India, Teralynn Ludwick, Marie Ishida, Sapna Desai, and Ajay Mahal

Submissions from 2021


Action for adolescent girls and COVID-19: Implications for safe space programming in the Sahel, Population Council


Adolescent girls and COVID-19: Mapping the evidence on interventions, Sarah Blake, Miriam Temin, Tara Abularrage, and Nihal Said


Adolescent girls’ and young women’s economic empowerment programs: Emerging insights from a review of reviews, Nicole Haberland, Thomas de Hoop, Sapna Desai, Sarah Engebretsen, and Thoai Ngo


Advancing girls' education in light of COVID-19 in East Africa: A synthesis report, Population Council, Regional Education Learning Initiative, and Mannion Daniels


Application of the Breakthrough RESEARCH social and behavior change costing guidelines to the RISE II Project in Niger, Nicole M. Bellows, Lori Bollinger, and Rudolph Chandler


Assessing the level and determinants of COVID-19 vaccine confidence in Kenya, Stacey Orangi, Jessie Pinchoff, Daniel Mwanga, Timothy Abuya, Mainga Hamaluba, George Warimwe, Karen Austrian, and Edwine Barasa


Association of maternal height and body mass index with nutrition of children under 5 years of age in India: Evidence from Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey 2016–18, Akash Porwal, Praween Kumar Agarwal, Sana Ashraf, Rajib Acharya, Sowmya Ramesh, Nizamuddin Khan, Robert Johnston, and Avina Sarna


Building Assets Toolkit: Developing Positive Benchmarks for Adolescent Girls—Asset Cards [Arabic], Judith Bruce, Sarah Engebretsen, and Kimberly Glazer


Building Assets Toolkit: Developing Positive Benchmarks for Adolescent Girls—Instruction Guide [Arabic], Judith Bruce, Sarah Engebretsen, and Kimberly Glazer


“Burnt by the scorching sun”: Climate-induced livelihood transformations, reproductive health, and fertility trajectories in drought-affected communities of Zambia, Joseph G. Rosen, Drosin Mulenga, Lyson Phiri, Natasha Okpara, Caila Brander, Nachela Chelwa, and Michael Mbizvo


Conceptual framework of the drivers of child marriage: A tool to guide programs and policies, Stephanie Psaki, Andrea J. Melnikas, Eashita Haque, Grace Saul, Christina Misunas, Sangram Kishor Patel, Thoai Ngo, and Sajeda Amin


Conducting Research in Humanitarian Settings: A Learning Session, Thoai Ngo, Judith Bruce, Pooja Sripad, Rima Mourtada, Myriam Narcisse, Neha S. Singh, Hannah Tappis, Chi-Chi Undie, and Ashish Bajracharya


COVID-19 knowledge, attitudes, and practices among young people in Port Said and Souhag, Egypt: A gender perspective, Monica Maher, Mohamed Ramy, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Elizabeth Tobey, and Aparna Jain


Crezcamos felices: Manual sobre prevención de la violencia para mentoras del programa Abriendo Oportunidades, Population Council


Delivering on the promise of gender equity in India: Lessons from the UDAYA Study, Nidhi Khurana


Drivers of marriage and health outcomes among adolescent girls and young women: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, Fatima Zahra, Karen Austrian, Mukta Gundi, Stephanie Psaki, and Thoai Ngo


Early effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on children in rural Bangladesh, Momoe Makino, Abu S. Shonchoy, and Zaki Wahhaj


Economic opportunities for refugees: Lessons from five host countries, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Abdullah Al Mahmud Shohag, Eashita Haque, Md. Irfan Hossain, Joseph Falcone, and Ubaidur Rob


Education, child marriage, and work outcomes among young people in rural Malawi, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Beth Kangwana, Karen Austrian, Sajeda Amin, and Stephanie Psaki


Effects of an e-reader intervention on literacy, numeracy and non-verbal reasoning among adolescent girls in Zambia: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial, Barbara Mensch, Nicole Haberland, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Jean Digitale, Natalie Jackson Hachonda, Nachela Chelwa, Pamela Nyirenda, Erica Chuang, Lisa Polen, Stephanie Psaki, Nkomba Kayeyi, and Michael Mbizvo


Effects of sanitary pad distribution and reproductive health education on upper primary school attendance and reproductive health knowledge and attitudes in Kenya: A cluster randomized controlled trial, Karen Austrian, Beth Kangwana, Eunice N. Muthengi, and Erica Soler-Hampejsek


Empowering women in conservative settings: Evidence from an intervention in rural Egypt, Ahmed Elsayed, Soiliou Daw Namoro, and Rania Roushdy


Endline Results Brief: What works to improve outcomes for Kenya's adolescent girls?, Population Council


Esperanza del Programa Abriendo Oportunidades, Population Council


Esperanza y la gran historia de nuestro camino: Guía para mentoras de Abriendo Oportunidades, Population Council


Evidence-informed planning and action in Central Asia: Learnings from the Tajikistan Adolescent Wellbeing and Health Pilot Project, Population Council


Evidence on educational strategies to address child labour in India and Bangladesh: Scoping paper summaries, Ellina Samantroy, AKM Masud Ali, Davuluri Venkateswarlu, Sajeda Amin, Renu Singh, and Jyotsna Jha


Factors associated with depression among young female migrants and commercial sex workers in Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar and Girmay Medhin


Factors determining paid and unpaid work in young adults: Evidence from a cohort study in Bihar, India, Ishita Pal, Balhasan Ali, Preeti Dhillon, and Neelanjana Pandey


Female labour force participation and dowries in Pakistan, Momoe Makino


Findings from the violence outcomes in COVID-19 era study (VoCes-19): Baseline results, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Lina López-Lalinde, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, Ricardo Regules, Juan Pablo Gutiérrez, René Nevárez, Cristina MacGregor, Pablo López, Nicole Haberland, and Thoai Ngo

From Data to Action: Partnering with Governments on Evidence to Support Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Karen Austrian, Beth Kangwana, Julie Mwabe, Guillermo Santiago, and Isabel Vieitez Martínez


Gendered economic, social and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and mitigation policies in Kenya: Evidence from a prospective cohort survey in Nairobi informal settlements, Jessie Pinchoff, Karen Austrian, Nandita Rajshekhar, Timothy Abuya, Beth Kangwana, Rhoune Ochako, James B. Tidwell, Daniel Mwanga, Eva Muluve, Faith Mbushi, Mercy Nzioki, and Thoai Ngo


Gender equitable attitudes among adolescents: A validation study and associations with sexual health behaviors, Amber L. Hill, Elizabeth Miller, Galen E. Switzer, Kaleab Z. Abebe, Judy C. Chang, Julie Pulerwitz, Lisa D. Brush, and Ashley V. Hill


Gender inequities in treatment-seeking for sexual and reproductive health amongst adolescents: Findings from a cross-sectional survey in India, Sapna Desai, Neelanjana Pandey, Roopal Jyoti Singh, and Shikha Bhasin


Getting girls back to school in Kenya: The 4Ts ('Trace, Track, Talk and reTurn') Initiative implementation report, George Odwe, Chi-Chi Undie, Ann Gachoya, Truphena Kirongo, Fredrick Kiiru, and Jane Njogu


Girls' Education Roadmap: 2021 Report, Stephanie Psaki, Nicole Haberland, Meredith L. Kozak, and Lauren Woyczynski


Girls' Education Roadmap: 2021 Report Summary, Stephanie Psaki, Nicole Haberland, Meredith L. Kozak, and Lauren Woyczynski


Global harmonization of urbanization measures: Proceed with care, Deborah Balk, Stefan Leyk, Mark R. Montgomery, and Hasim Engin


Guía de Esperanza del Programa Abriendo Oportunidades, Population Council


Harnessing data to end child marriage: Summarizing learnings to-date, Stephanie Psaki, Momoe Makino, Christina Misunas, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, and Fatima Zahra


Heterogeneous impacts of interventions aiming to delay girls' marriage and pregnancy across girls' backgrounds and social contexts, Momoe Makino, Thoai Ngo, Stephanie Psaki, Sajeda Amin, and Karen Austrian


How does the sex composition of children affect men's higher ideal family size preference relative to women and contraceptive use patterns among couples? A cross-sectional analysis of dyadic couple's data in India, Arnab Dey, Rajib Acharya, Shweta Tomar, Jay G. Silverman, and Anita Raj


How has COVID-19-related income loss and household stress affected adolescent mental health in Kenya?, Jessie Pinchoff, Elizabeth Layard Friesen, Beth Kangwana, Faith Mbushi, Eva Ireri Muluve, Thoai Ngo, and Karen Austrian


Impact of community-based girl groups, Miriam Temin and Craig Heck


Impacts of two-year multisectoral cash plus programs on young adolescent girls' education, health and economic outcomes: Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya (AGI-K) randomized trial, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Beth Kangwana, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Benta Abuya, and John A. Maluccio


Inclusive HIV prevention in South Africa: Reaching foreign migrant adolescent girls, Miriam Temin, Cecilia Milford, Mags Beksinska, Debbie Van Zyl, and Jonathan Cockburn


Income inequality and individual health status: Evidence from India, Sohini Paul


India's resurgence of COVID-19: Urgent actions needed, Yamini Aiyar, Vijay Chandru, Mirai Chatterjee, Sapna Desai, Armida Fernandez, Atul Gupta, Gagandeep Kang, Tarun Khanna, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Nachiket Mor, Arnab Mukherji, Poonam Muttreja, Thelma Narayan, Bhushan Patwardhan, K. Sujatha Rao, Sharad Sharma, Devi Shetty, S.V. Subramanian, Leila Caleb-Varkey, Sandhya Venkateswaran, and Vikram Patel


Insights Collection: Natural disasters and humanitarian settings, Nannette Beckley, Anne-Caroline Midy, Danielle Richard, and Lauren R. Rutherford


Intentional Design: Reaching the Most Excluded Girls in the Poorest Communities—A Guide for Practitioners and Advocates, Judith Bruce and Sophie Soares


Learning loss among adolescent girls during the COVID-19 pandemic in rural Bangladesh, Sajeda Amin, Md. Irfan Hossain, and Sigma Ainul


Leçons sur l'alphabetisation des adolescentes: reflexions pour les espaces sûrs du SWEDD, Population Council


Le Guide des normes minimales pour des espaces sûrs : la conception, la mise en oeuvre, et le suivi, l’évaluation et l’apprentissage, Population Council


Lessons on literacy training for adolescent girls: Considerations for SWEDD safe spaces, Population Council


Listen Up! How can social and behavior change programming improve reproductive health and family planning behaviors of out-of-school youth in the Philippines?, Breakthrough RESEARCH


Long-term impact of exposure to a gender-transformative program among young men: Findings from a longitudinal study in Bihar, India, K.G. Santhya and A.J. Francis Zavier


Measuring gender-based household maltreatment in urban slums of Mumbai, India, Julie Ritter, Anindita Dasgupta, Anita Raj, Michele R. Decker, Saritha Nair, Amruta Trivedi, Dattaram Naik, Balaiah Donta, Niranjan Saggurti, and Jay G. Silverman


Meeting the moment: The gender and education community's response to COVID-19, Evidence for Gender & Education Resource (EGER)


Mobility patterns during COVID-19 travel restrictions in Nairobi urban informal settlements: Who is leaving home and why, Jessie Pinchoff, Cara Kraus-Perrotta, Karen Austrian, James B. Tidwell, Timothy Abuya, Daniel Mwanga, Beth Kangwana, Rhoune Ochako, Eva Muluve, Faith Mbushi, Mercy Nzioki, and Thoai Ngo


More Than Brides Alliance: Endline evaluation report, Andrea J. Melnikas, Grace Saul, Michelle Chau, Neelanjana Pandey, James Mkandawire, Mouhamadou Gueye, Aissa Diarra, and Sajeda Amin


More Than Brides Alliance—Marriage: No child’s play, Endline evaluation brief, Population Council


More than Brides Alliance (MTBA) : Rapport d’évaluation finale, Andrea J. Melnikas, Grace Saul, Michelle Chau, Neelanjana Pandey, James Mkandawire, Mouhamadou Gueye, Aissa Diarra, and Sajeda Amin


Mujeres migrantes en Tapachula: barreras y facilitadores para el acceso a la salud sexual y reproductiva en 2020—Informe de la investigación, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Tania T. Marin, Graciela B. Muñoz García, Esperanza Basurto-Alcalde, Beatriz Ochoa, Betzaide Cortés-Maruris, Vanessa Sosa, Enrique Martínez, Nancy Lombardini, Chiara Santoro, Mauricio Guillermo, Karla Berdichevsky, and Isabel Vieitez Martínez


Mujeres migrantes en Tapachula, Mexico: barreras y facilitadores para el acceso a la salud sexual y reproductiva en 2020—Resumen de la investigación, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Tania T. Marin, Graciela B. Muñoz García, Esperanza Basurto-Alcalde, Beatriz Ochoa, Betzaide Cortés-Maruris, Vanessa Sosa, Enrique Martínez, Nancy Lombardini, Chiara Santoro, Mauricio Guillermo, Karla Berdichevsky, and Isabel Vieitez Martínez


Necesidades y atención en salud sexual y reproductiva de mujeres migrantes en México: Un estudio desde Ciudad Juárez—Volumen 1, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Jesús Peña, and Isabel Vieitez Martínez


Necesidades y atención en salud sexual y reproductiva de mujeres migrantes en México: Un estudio desde Ciudad Juárez—Volumen 2, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Jesús Peña, and Isabel Vieitez Martínez


Perceptions of minimum age at marriage laws and their enforcement: Qualitative evidence from Malawi, Andrea J. Melnikas, Nancy Mulauzi, James Mkandawire, and Sajeda Amin


Positioning community-based girl group programs for success: Lessons learned from the Population Council's technical assistance partnership with UNFPA-Mozambique's Rapariga Biz, Miriam Temin, Arune Estavela, Craig Heck, Natalie Jackson, and Joana Mendes


Preprint—Assessing the level and determinants of COVID-19 vaccine confidence in Kenya, Stacey Orangi, Jessie Pinchoff, Daniel Mwanga, Timothy Abuya, Mainga Hamaluba, George Warimwe, Karen Austrian, and Edwine Barasa


Prevalence of hypertension and its socio-demographic correlates: A micro level study among Santals of Bankura district, West Bengal, India, B.M. Das, T. Kundu Chowdhury, Arupendra Mozumdar, and S.K. Roy


Prise de mesures pour les adolescentes en periode de la COVID-19: implications pour la programmation des espaces sûrs au Sahel, Population Council


Promises to Keep: Impact of COVID-19 on Adolescents in Kenya, Presidential Policy and Strategy Unit (Kenya) and Population Council