"Tap and Reposition Youth (TRY) Program: Providing social support, savi" by Joan Hall, Aleke Dondo et al.

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This brief was commissioned by the Population Council to complement its two previous publications on the TRY project. The two previous publications contain data and information essential for understanding the project and its results, although they do not analyze the microfinance component in depth. In contrast, this brief was written by microfinance practitioners for a microfinance audience. In 1998, the Population Council and K-Rep (a Kenyan microfinance institution) developed a microfinance approach to address livelihood-strategy constraints for adolescent girls at risk for HIV/AIDS in an urban slum in Kenya. The initiative was named the Tap and Reposition Youth (TRY) program, and its objective was to reduce adolescent girls’ vulnerabilities to adverse social and reproductive health outcomes by improving their livelihoods options. The adolescents in this project were out-of-school girls and young women aged 16–22 residing in low-income and slum areas of Nairobi. TRY used a group-based microfinance model to provide credit, savings, business support, and mentoring to program participants. This brief is a focused analysis of the microfinance components of the project.




