"Spending, saving and borrowing: Perceptions and experiences of girls i" by Population Council

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Microfinance and savings programs that offer user-friendly and flexible savings schemes for women are increasingly being implemented in India, but such programs have been limited to adults. Although a number of programs have been implemented that aim to empower adolescent girls and young women, these have largely focused on enhancing life skills and awareness. The potential among young females to enhance control over resources through savings and use of other financial products in formal and informal banking institutions has rarely been addressed, either in research or through programs. As stated in this brief, the Council and the Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) jointly undertook a pilot project to better understand the perceptions and experiences of adolescent girls with regard to savings and financial literacy. The project was undertaken among adolescent and young married and unmarried women in three different settings of Gujarat to maximize differences in economic status and educational levels. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews with 76 adolescent girls and young women who hold some type of savings account with SEWA.




