Population Council Focus Area: Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Choices | Focus Areas | Population Council

The Population Council tackles intersecting inequalities that undermine rights and access to contraception, HIV and STI prevention, maternal and newborn health, safe abortion, prevention and treatment of infertility, and sexuality education, among other sexual and reproductive health needs. Our research and partnerships ensure high quality, evidence-based, voluntary, and rights-based comprehensive care for sexual and reproductive health.

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Submissions from 2008


CD4-specific designed ankyrin repeat proteins are novel potent HIV entry inhibitors with unique characteristics, Andreas Schweizer, Peter Rusert, Livia Berlinger, Claudia R. Ruprecht, Axel Mann, Stéphanie Corthesy, Stuart G. Turville, Meropi Aravantinou, Marek Fischer, Melissa Robbiani, Patrick Amstutz, and Alexandra Trkola


Circumstances and motivations for fostering children in Zambia, Katie D. Schenk, Lewis Ndhlovu, Stephen Tembo, Andson Nsune, Chozi Nkhata, Batuke Walusiku, and Charlotte Watts


Community-based kangaroo mother care to prevent neonatal and infant mortality: A randomized, controlled cluster trial, Nancy L. Sloan, Salahuddin Ahmed, Satindra N. Mitra, Nuzhat Choudhury, Mushtaque Chowdhury, Ubaidur Rob, and Beverly Winikoff


Community development and HIV/STI-related vulnerability among female sex workers in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Deanna Kerrigan, Paulo Telles, Helena Torres, Cheryl Overs, and Christopher Castle


Comparative actions of progesterone, medroxyprogesterone acetate, drospirenone and nestorone on breast cancer cell migration and invasion, Xiao-Dong Fu, Maria Silva Giretti, Lorenzo Goglia, Marina Ines Flamini, Angel Matias Sanchez, Chiara Baldacci, Silvia Garibaldi, Régine Sitruk-Ware, Andrea R. Genazzani, and Tommaso Simoncini


Comparing the effectiveness and costs of alternative strategies for improving access to information and services for the IUD in Ghana, Ivy Osei, Gertrude Voetagbe, Moses Aikins, John Gyapong, Philomena Nyarko, Harriet Birungi, Gloria Quansah Asare, Henrietta Odoi-Agyarko, and Olivia Aglah


Consentement éclairé dans les essais de prévention du VIH: Points saillants d'un atelier international, Population Council


Consentimento informado nos ensaios de prevenção do HIV: Pontos altos dum workshop internacional, Population Council


Consentimiento informado en ensayos de prevención del VIH: Aspectos destacados de un taller internacional, Population Council


Creating the conditions for scale-up of the Men in Maternity intervention in India, Leila Caleb-Varkey, Anurag Mishra, and M.E. Khan


Creating the conditions for scaling up the integration of reproductive health services for men in health and family welfare centers in Bangladesh, M.A. Mannan, Jafar Ahmad Hakim, Syeda Tazneen Waris, Ashraf Ali, AKM Nurul Hakim, Abdul Hannan, Sameena Chowdhury, Saria Tasnim, Saiful Islam, AQM Rezaul Karim, Sharif M.I. Hossain, Ubaidur Rob, and M.E. Khan


Cross-talk between tight and anchoring junctions: Lesson from the testis, Helen H.N. Yan, Dolores D. Mruk, Will M. Lee, and C. Yan Cheng


Cyclic 3′,5′-AMP causes ADAM1/ADAM2 to rapidly diffuse within the plasma membrane of guinea pig sperm, Gary R. Hunnicutt, Dennis E. Koppel, Susanna Kwitny, and Ann E. Cowan


'Dare to Be Different': Enhancing life skills education for HIV prevention in South African schools, Tobey Nelson Sapiano, Nathi Sohaba, and Eka Esu-Williams


Delinking female genital mutilation/cutting from Islam, Ibrahim Lethome Asmani and Maryam Sheikh Abdi


Delivering non-hormonal contraceptives to men: Advances and obstacles, Dolores D. Mruk and C. Yan Cheng


Delivery of contraceptives to men: Lesson from other therapeutic drugs, Elissa W.P. Wong, Dolores D. Mruk, and C. Yan Cheng


Depressive symptoms in youth heads of household in Rwanda: Correlates and implications for intervention, Neil W. Boris, Lisanne A. Brown, Tonya R. Thurman, Janet C. Rice, Leslie M. Snider, Joseph Ntaganira, and Laetitia N. Nyirazinyoye


Desire for motherhood: Exploring HIV-positive women's desires, intentions and decision-making in attaining motherhood, S. Kanniappan, M.J. Jeyapaul, and Shvveta Kalyanwala


Determinants of the rate and extent of spermatogenic suppression during hormonal male contraception: An integrated analysis, Peter Y. Liu, Ronald S. Swerdloff, Bradley D. Anawalt, Richard A. Anderson, William J. Bremner, Joerg Elliesen, Yi-Qun Gu, Wendy M. Kersemaekers, Robert I. McLachlan, M. Cristina Meriggiola, Eberhard Nieschlag, Régine Sitruk-Ware, Kirsten M. Vogelsong, Xing-Hai Wang, Frederick C.W. Wu, Michael Zitzmann, David J. Handelsman, and Christina Wang


Developing comprehensive and evidence-based policy and guidelines for antenatal and postnatal care in KwaZulu-Natal, Prudence Ditlopo, Mantshi Menziwa, Saiqa Mullick, Saumya RamaRao, Janet Dalton, Dolly Nyasulu, Mags Beksinska, and Busi Kunene


Development of a quality assurance procedure for reproductive health services for district public health systems: Implementation and scale-up in the state of Gujarat, M.E. Khan, Anurag Mishra, Vivek Sharma, and Leila Caleb-Varkey


Differentiating normal from abnormal rates of genital epithelial findings in vaginal microbicide trials, Janneke van de Wijgert, Peter H. Kilmarx, Heidi E. Jones, John M. Karon, and Supaporn Chaikummao


Dissocier les mutilations génitales féminines de l'Islam, Ibrahim Lethome Asmani and Maryam Sheikh Abdi


Does estrogen therapy reduce coronary artery calcification in postmenopausal women?, Régine Sitruk-Ware


Domestic violence, contraceptive use, and unwanted pregnancy in rural India, Rob Stephenson, Michael A. Koenig, Rajib Acharya, and Tarun K. Roy


Dominican Republic, Haiti, Nicaragua: Promoting family planning during the postpartum period can increase contraceptive acceptance, Population Council


Dominican Republic, Haiti, Nicaragua: Women living with HIV have unmet family planning needs, Population Council


Dynamins, spermatogenesis and contraceptive development, Pearl P.Y. Lie, Dolores D. Mruk, and C. Yan Cheng


Efficacy of Carraguard®-based microbicides in vivo despite variable in vitro activity, Stuart G. Turville, Meropi Aravantinou, Todd Miller, Jessica Kenney, Aaron Teitelbaum, Lieyu Hu, Anne Chudolij, Thomas M. Zydowsky, Michael Piatak Jr., Julian W. Bess Jr., Jeffrey D. Lifson, James Blanchard, Agegnehu Gettie, and Melissa Robbiani


Efficacy of Carraguard for prevention of HIV infection in women in South Africa: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Stephanie Skoler-Karpoff, Gita Ramjee, Khatija Ahmed, Lydia Altini, Marlena Gehret Plagianos, Barbara Friedland, Sumen Govender, Alana de Kock, Nazira Cassim, Thesla Palanee, Gregory Dozier, Robin A. Maguire, and Pekka Lahteenmaki


Empowering communities to make pregnancy safer: An intervention in rural Andhra Pradesh, Dipa Sinha


Empowering married young women and improving their sexual and reproductive health: Effects of the First-time Parents Project, K.G. Santhya, Nicole Haberland, Arup Das, F. Ram, R.K. Sinha, Usha Ram, and S.K. Mohanty


Endocrine manipulation in male infertility, Howard H. Kim and Peter N. Schlegel


Engaging communities in supporting HIV prevention and adherence to antiretroviral therapy in Zambia, Fiona Samuels, Joseph Simbaya, Avina Sarna, Scott Geibel, Phillimon Ndubani, and Jolly Kamwanga


Enhancing utilization of the findings from the youth reproductive health project in Senegal, Nafissatou J. Diop and Anta Fall Diagne


Estimates of induced abortion in Mexico: What's changed between 1990 and 2006?, Fatima Juarez, Susheela Singh, Sandra G. Garcia, and Claudia Diaz


Evaluation of the long-term impact of the TOSTAN programme on the abandonment of FGM/C and early marriage: Results from a qualitative study in Senegal, Nafissatou J. Diop, Amadou Moreau, and Helene Benga


Exploring context and dynamics of homosexual experiences among rural youth in India, Ajay Kumar Singh, Vaishali Sharma Mahendra, and Ravi K. Verma


Exploring opportunities to project a 'responsible man' image: Gatekeepers views of young men's sexual and reproductive health needs in Uttaranchal, India, M.E. Khan, Anurag Mishra, and Sudhakar Morankar


Exploring positive women's lives in Namakkal District, India, P. Kousalya and Deepika Ganju


Exploring the links between drug use and sexual vulnerability among young female injecting drug users in Manipur, Archana Oinam


Extending prevention of mother-to-child transmission through postpartum family planning in Lesotho, Charlotte E. Warren, Semakaleng Phafoli, Bosielo Majara, and Thato Tsukuluet


Factors associated with self-reported unprotected anal sex among male sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya, Scott Geibel, Stanley Luchters, Nzioki King'ola, Eka Esu-Williams, Agnes Rinyiru, and Waimar Tun


Family planning and comprehensive abortion care handbook for medical students and house officers, Population Council


Feasibility, acceptability, effect, and cost of integrating counseling and testing for HIV within family planning services in Kenya, Wilson Liambila, Charlotte E. Warren, Saiqa Mullick, Ian Askew, Rick Homan, Ibrahim Mohammed, Robert Ayisi, Margaret Gitau, Josephine Kibaru, Mary W. Gathitu, Judith Maua, Helton Jilo, Juma Mwangi, John Njoroge, Anthony K. Wanyoro, Peter Mohammed Njuguna, and Andrew Mboche


Feasibility, acceptability, effectiveness and cost of models of integrating HIV prevention and counseling and testing for HIV within family planning services in North West Province, South Africa, Saiqa Mullick, Mantshi Menziwa, Nzwakie Mosery, Doctor Khoza, and Edwin Maroga


Feline immunodeficiency virus dendritic cell infection and transfer, Wendy S. Sprague, Melissa Robbiani, Paul R. Avery, Kevin P. O'Halloran, and Edward A. Hoover


Female-Initiated Prevention Methods (FIPM) in Kenya: Focus on the female condom, Martha Brady


Financial capacity building for NGO sustainability, John H. Bratt, Rick Homan, Barbara Janowitz, and James R. Foreit


Food on the table: The role of livelihood strategies in maintaining nutritional status among ART patients in Kenya and Zambia, Fiona Samuels, Naomi Rutenberg, Joseph Simbaya, Jerry Okal, Nicodemus Kisengese, Stanley Luchters, Susan Kaai, and Scott Geibel


From pilot to program: Scaling up the Kenya Adolescent Reproductive Health Project, Humphres Evelia, Japheth Nyambane, Harriet Birungi, Ian Askew, Rikka Trangsrud, Eva Muthuuri, Irene Chaami, Agnes Odawa, Lucy Musyoka, Susan Mutungi, Margaret Githuiya, and Joan Omuruli


Gender-related differences in quality of life domains of persons living with HIV/AIDS in South India in the era prior to greater access to antiretroviral therapy, Suniti Solomon, Kartik K. Venkatesh, Lisanne Brown, Praneeta Verma, Anitha J. Cecelia, Celine Daly, Vaishali Sharma Mahendra, N. Cheng, N. Kumarasamy, and Kenneth H. Mayer


Guía operativa para programas de educación sexual y servicios de salud reproductiva para jóvenes, Ofelia Aguilar, Lorena Santos, Marisa Diaz Infante, Rocio Mejia, Ricardo Vernon, and Antonieta Martin


Helping Egyptian women achieve optimal birth spacing intervals through fostering linkages between family planning and maternal/child health services, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Sarah Loza, and Amal Zaki


Helping youth prevent HIV: An evaluation of the Straight Talk program in Uganda, Susan E. Adamchak, Karusa Kiragu, Cathy Watson, Medard Muhwezi, Tobey Nelson Sapiano, Ann Akia-Fiedler, Richard Kibombo, and Milka Juma


Highlighting marital HIV risk and promoting premarital VCT in Nyanza Province, Kenya, Ben Ochieng and Annabel Erulkar


HIV-related stigma, service utilization, and status disclosure among truck drivers crossing the Southern borders in Brazil, Julie Pulerwitz, Annie P. Michaelis, Sheri A. Lippman, Magda Chinaglia, and Juan Diaz


HIV risk behaviours among contracted and non-contracted male migrant workers in India: Potential role of labor contractors and contractual systems in HIV prevention, Niranjan Saggurti, Ravi K. Verma, Anrudh K. Jain, Saumya Ramarao, Anil K. Kumar, Anjaneyalu Subbiah, Hamini Reddy Modugu, Shiva S. Halli, and Shalini Bharat


HIV voluntary counseling and testing and behavioral risk reduction in developing countries: A meta-analysis, 1990–2005, Julie Denison, Kevin R. O'Reilly, George P. Schmid, Caitlin E. Kennedy, and Michael D. Sweat


Identification and characterization of the minimal androgen-regulated kidney-specific kidney androgen-regulated protein gene promoter, Liqiang Fan, Dianne O. Hardy, James F. Catteral, Jian Zhao, and Suxia Li


Idhini fahamishi katika majaribio ya kikliniki ya ukingaji wa virusi vya ukimwi, Population Council


If you build it, will they come? Kenya healthy start pediatric HIV study: A diagnostic study investigating barriers to HIV treatment and care among children, Karusa Kiragu, Katie D. Schenk, Julie Murugi, and Avina Sarna


Improving communication between parents and adolescents on reproductive health and HIV/AIDS, Nafissatou J. Diop and Alioune Diagne


Improving hospital-based quality of care in Vietnam by reducing HIV-related stigma and discrimination, Khuat Thi Hai Oanh, Kim Ashburn, Julie Pulerwitz, Jessica Ogden, and Laura Nyblade


Improving reproductive health and HIV prevention among married adolescents in Amhara, Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar and Tekle-Ab Mekbib


Imvume unolwazi ocwaningweni lokuvimbela igciwane lesandulela ngculaza, Population Council


Increasing the accessibility, acceptability and use of the IUD in Gujarat, India, M.E. Khan, Sitanshu Sekhar Kar, Vikas Kishor Desai, Pratibha Patel, B.P. Itare, and Sandhya Barge


Increasing women's use of the IUD for family planning, Ricardo Vernon


India: Quality assurance procedure monitors and improves quality of services, Population Council


Informed consent in HIV prevention trials: Highlights from an international workshop, Population Council


Inhibition of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzymatic activities by glycyrrhetinic acid in vivo supports direct glucocorticoid-mediated suppression of steroidogenesis in leydig cells, Guo-Xin Hu, Han Lin, Chantal M. Sottas, David J. Morris, Matthew P. Hardy, and Renshan Ge


Institutionalization of quality assurance within district health management: Experiences from Maharashtra and Karnataka, M.E. Khan, Anurag Mishra, Vivek Sharma, Jaleel Ahmad, Jose Joseph, Venkatesh Srinivasan, K.M. Sathyanarayana, Viji Vargees, K.D. Maiti, and Rashmi Sharma


Integrating tuberculosis case finding and treatment into focused antenatal care in Kenya, Charlotte E. Warren and Annie Mwangi


Interleukin 1 alpha (IL1A) is a novel regulator of the blood-testis barrier in the rat, Oli Sarkar, Premendu P. Mathur, C. Yan Cheng, and Dolores D. Mruk


Intimate partner violence and HIV infection among married Indian women, Jay G. Silverman, Michele R. Decker, Niranjan Saggurti, Donta Balaiah, and Anita Raj


Introducing Systematic Screening to Reduce Unmet Health Needs: A Manager's Manual, Ricardo Vernon, James R. Foreit, and Emma Ottolenghi


Introduction of emergency contraceptive pills in the public health system of Pakistan: A south-to-south collaboration, M.E. Khan, Gul Rashida, Sharif M.I. Hossain, Ali M. Mir, and Ubaidur Rob


Introduction of quality of care and a gender perspective in reproductive health service organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean, Patricia Riveros, Antonieta Martin, and Ricardo Vernon


Involvement of testicular growth factors in fetal Leydig cell aggregation after exposure to phthalate in utero, Han Lin, Renshan Ge, Guo-Rong Chen, Guo-Xin Hu, Lei Dong, Qing-Quan Lian, Dianne O. Hardy, Chantal M. Sottas, Xiao-Kun Li, and Matthew P. Hardy


Involving young people in the care and support of people living with HIV in Zambia: An evaluation of program sustainability, Eka Esu-Williams, Catherine Searle, and Anderson Zulu


Is it feasible to integrate alcohol-related risk reduction counseling into VCT services? Findings from Kenya, Caroline Mackenzie, Karusa Kiragu, George Odingo, Rukia Yassin, Peter Shikuku, Patrick Angala, Nduku Kilonzo, William Sinkele, and Melania Akinyi


Kenya and Ethiopia: Community and religious leaders are effective advocates for HIV testing for young couples, Population Council


Kenya: Integrating services for FP and HIV improves quality and HIV testing, Population Council


Kenya: Islamic scholars find no religious justification for FGM/C, Population Council


Kenya: Training can enhance providers' management of FGM/C and willingness to advocate against the practice, Population Council


Knowledge and opinions of emergency contraceptive pills among female factory workers in Tijuana, Mexico, Sandra G. García, Davida Becker, Marcela Martínez de Castro, Francisco Paz, Claudia Díaz, and Dolores Acevedo-García


L’introduction de l’identification systématique pour réduire les besoins non satisfaits en santé : Manuel du manager, Ricardo Vernon, James R. Foreit, and Emma Ottolenghi


Lutte contre la pratique de l'excision au Mali: De l'approche santé à l'approche basée sur les droits de l'enfant-Rapport d'Evaluation du Programme du Centre Djoliba, Anta Fall Diagne


Malaria in pregnancy pilot projects nationally adopted in Kenya and Malawi, Population Council


Managing and preventing female genital cutting (FGM/C) among the Somali community in Kenya, Maryam Sheikh Abdi, Jaldesa Guyo, and Ian Askew


Manual for Building Capacity of Trainers and Program Managers in Emergency Contraception, Sharif M.I. Hossain, M.E. Khan, Mary Philip Sebastian, and Sohini Roychowdhury


Measuring attitudes toward gender norms among young men in Brazil: Development and psychometric evaluation of the GEM scale, Julie Pulerwitz and Gary Barker


Meeting the family planning needs of postpartum women, Ricardo Vernon


Microbicide product development, Robin A. Maguire


Microbicides: Chemistry, structure, and strategy, Thomas Zydowsky


Migration/mobility and vulnerability to HIV among male migrant workers: Andhra Pradesh 2007-08, Niranjan Saggurti, Anrudh K. Jain, Saumya RamaRao, Hanimi Reddy Modugu, Ajay Kumar Singh, Suvakanta N. Swain, and Ravi K. Verma


Migration/mobility and vulnerability to HIV among male migrant workers: Karnataka 2007-08, Shiva S. Halli, Raluca Buzdugan, Niranjan Saggurti, Ravi K. Verma, Stephen Moses, James Blanchard, Anrudh K. Jain, Saumya RamaRao, Ajay Kumar Singh, and Suvakanta N. Swain


Migration/mobility and vulnerability to HIV among male migrant workers: Maharashtra 2007-08, K. Anil Kumar, Shalini Bharat, Niranjan Saggurti, Ravi K. Verma, Anrudh K. Jain, Saumya RamaRao, Kanchan Mukherjee, Ajay Kumar Singh, and Suvakanta N. Swain


Migration/mobility and vulnerability to HIV among male migrant workers: Tamil Nadu 2007-08, Anjaneyalu Subbiah, S. Ramachandran, A.K. Ravi Shankar, Niranjan Saggurti, Ravi K. Verma, Anrudh K. Jain, Saumya RamaRao, Suvakanta N. Swain, and Ajay Kumar Singh