Population Council Focus Area: Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Choices | Focus Areas | Population Council

The Population Council tackles intersecting inequalities that undermine rights and access to contraception, HIV and STI prevention, maternal and newborn health, safe abortion, prevention and treatment of infertility, and sexuality education, among other sexual and reproductive health needs. Our research and partnerships ensure high quality, evidence-based, voluntary, and rights-based comprehensive care for sexual and reproductive health.

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Submissions from 2007


Contraceptive discontinuation and failure and subsequent abortion in Romania: 1994-99, Andreea A. Creanga, Rajib Acharya, Saifuddin Ahmed, and Amy Ong Tsui


Contributing towards efforts to abandon female genital mutilation/cutting in Kenya: A situation analysis, Humphres Evelia, Maryam Sheikh Abdi, Carolyne Njue, and Ian Askew


Coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR) is a product of Sertoli and germ cells in rat testes which is localized at the Sertoli-Sertoli and Sertoli-germ cell interface, Claire Q.F. Wang, Dolores D. Mruk, Will M. Lee, and C. Yan Cheng


C-type natriuretic peptide regulates blood-testis barrier dynamics in adult rat testes, Weiliang Xia, Dolores D. Mruk, and C. Yan Cheng


Current concepts of HIV transmission, Gavin Morrow, Laurence Vachot, Panagiotis Vagenas, and Melissa Robbiani


Current research and good practice in HIV and AIDS treatment education, Avina Sarna and Ellen Weiss


Day of dialogue—Insights and evidence from product introduction: Lessons for microbicides, Martha Brady and C. Elizabeth McGrory


Demonstrating public health at work: A demonstration project of congenital syphilis prevention efforts in Bolivia, Sandra G. García, Freddy Tinajeros, Rita Revollo, Eileen Yam, Kara Richmond, Claudia Diaz, and Daniel Grossman


Determining the feasibility of utilizing the microbicide applicator compliance assay for use in clinical trials, Andrea R. Wallace, Aaron Teitelbaum, Livia Wan, Maria Gloria Mulima, Laura Guichard, Stephanie Skoler, Hlengiwe Vilakazi, Fridda S. Mapula, Jasmine Rossier, Sumentheran N. Govender, Pekka Lahteenmaki, Robin A. Maguire, and David M. Phillips


Developing and testing strategies for increasing awareness of the IUD as a contraceptive option, Ricardo Vernon, M.E. Khan, Harriet Birungi, Ian Askew, and William Stones


Developing regional operations research training capacity in South Asia, M.E. Khan, James R. Foreit, Sohini Roychowdhury, F. Ram, and Chander Shekhar


Development of a cryopreservation protocol for Leydig cells, Guo-Rong Chen, Renshan Ge, Han Lin, Lei Dong, Chantal M. Sottas, and Matthew P. Hardy


Early marriage and HIV/AIDS: Risk factors among young women in India, K.G. Santhya and Shireen J. Jejeebhoy


Ectoplasmic specialization: A friend or a foe of spermatogenesis?, Helen H.N. Yan, Dolores D. Mruk, Will M. Lee, and C. Yan Cheng


Effect of a single vaginal administration of levonorgestrel in Carraguard® gel on the ovulatory process: A potential candidate for "dual protection" emergency contraception, Vivian Brache, Horacio B. Croxatto, Régine Sitruk-Ware, Robin A. Maguire, Juan Carlos Montero, Narender Kumar, Ana Maria Salvatierra, Ana Sofia Tejada, Leila Cochon, María Luisa Forcelledo, Pekka Lahteenmaki, Francisco Alvarez, and Anibal Faundes


Effect of introducing an 'afternoon pay clinic' on service utilization and cost recovery (Nepal), Mahendra Pd. Shrestha, Rajesh Swar, Pradeep Panda, M.E. Khan, and Rick Homan


Effects of estradiol with oral or intravaginal progesterone on risk markers for breast cancer in a postmenopausal monkey model, Charles E. Wood, Régine Sitruk-Ware, Yun-yen Tsong, Thomas C. Register, Cynthia J. Lees, and J. Mark Cline


Effects of levonorgestrel-releasing IUS and progesterone receptor modulator PRM CDB-2914 on uterine leiomyomas, Takeshi Maruo, Noriyuki Ohara, Hiroya Matsuo, Qin Xu, Wei Chen, Régine Sitruk-Ware, and Elof D.B. Johansson


Effects of oral and transvaginal ethinyl estradiol on hemostatic factors and hepatic proteins in a randomized, crossover study, Régine Sitruk-Ware, Genevieve Plu-Bureau, Joel Menard, Jacqueline Conard, Sushma Kumar, Jean-Christophe Thalabard, Barbara A. Tokay, and Philippe Bouchard


Emergency contraception, female condoms and IUDs in Kenya's public sector: Findings from a national diagnostic assessment, Jill Keesbury, Benter Owino, and Spike Bradford


Engaging advocates from concept to results: Summary report of the Advocates' Consultation on HIV Prevention Trials: Carraguard and VOICE Studies, Johannesburg, South Africa, 18-19 October 2007, Microbicide Trials Network and Population Council


Estimating the incidence of abortion in Pakistan, Zeba Sathar, Susheela Singh, and Faryal F. Fikree


Exploring the barriers to accessing care and treatment for HIV-infected children in India: A diagnostic study, Avina Sarna, Jaleel Ahmad, Glory Alexander, Vaishali Sharma Mahendra, Ashok Rau, Arjun Singh, and Naomi Rutenberg


Exploring the choices of contraception and abortion among married couples in Tret, rural Punjab, Pakistan, Muhammad Shafique Arif and Iram Kamran


Factors influencing the use of prenatal diagnostic techniques and the sex ratio at birth in India, P.N. Mari Bhat and A.J. Francis Zavier


From pilots to regional programs: Expanding contraceptive choice and improving quality of care in Zambia's Copperbelt, Jill Keesbury


Gene expression during development of fetal and adult Leydig cells, Lei Dong, Scott A. Jelinsky, Joshua N. Finger, Daniel S. Johnston, Gregory S. Kopf, Chantal M. Sottas, Matthew P. Hardy, and Renshan Ge


Getting results used: Evidence from reproductive health programmatic research in Guatemala, Carlos Brambila, Emma Ottolenghi, Celeste Marin, and Jane T. Bertrand


Grandir en harmonie: Curriculum d'animation des pairs-éducateurs et des aides-ados ou jeunes écoutant, Population Council


Grandir en harmonie: Document de références, Population Council


Grandir en harmonie: Guide de l'utilisateur, Population Council


Grandir en harmonie: Les questions/réponses les plus fréquentes posées par les adolescent(e)s, Population Council


GM1 dynamics as a marker for membrane changes associated with the process of capacitation in murine and bovine spermatozoa, Vimal Selvaraj, Danielle E. Buttke, Atsushi Asano, John L. McElwee, Collin A. Wolff, Jacquelyn L. Nelson, Angela V. Klaus, Gary R. Hunnicutt, and Alexander J. Travis


Guatemala: On-site training and outreach increases demand for and provision of vasectomy, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Guías de referencia: Para instituciones y establecimientos de salud que buscan acreditar la calidad y enfoque de género de sus servicios, Patricia Riveros Hamel, Erica Palenque, Ricardo Vernon, and Ignacio Carreno


Health needs and barriers to healthcare of women who have experienced intimate partner violence, Katherine Wilson, Mina R. Silberberg, Ann Brown, and Susan Yaggy


Health systems and maternal mortality, neonatal mortality and child health: Review of selected service delivery models, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder and Ubaidur Rob


HIV/AIDS programming and sexuality of young people perinatally infected with HIV, Harriet Birungi


Home-based self-sampling and self-testing for sexually transmitted infections: Acceptable and feasible alternatives to provider-based screening in low-income women in São Paulo, Brazil, Sheri A. Lippman, Heidi E. Jones, Carla Gianni Luppi, Adriana A. Pinho, Maria Amelia M.S. Veras, and Janneke van de Wijgert


Home-based versus clinic-based self-sampling and testing for sexually transmitted infections in Gugulethu, South Africa: Randomised controlled trial, Heidi E. Jones, Lydia Altini, Alana de Kock, Taryn Young, and Janneke van de Wijgert


Hormone therapy effects on social behavior and activity levels of surgically postmenopausal cynomolgus monkeys, Carol A. Shively, Charles E. Wood, Thomas C. Register, Stephanie L. Willard, Cynthia J. Lees, Haiying Chen, Régine Sitruk-Ware, Yun-yen Tsong, and J. Mark Cline


How much will it cost to scale up a reproductive health pilot project?, Barbara Janowitz, John H. Bratt, Rick Homan, and James R. Foreit


Identifying areas for linkages between HIV and SRH for vulnerable populations: An exploratory study to assess female sex workers' sexual and reproductive health needs, Vaishali Sharma Mahendra, Sushma Mehrotra, B. Srikanthi, Sucheta Panda, Avina Sarna, A.K. Jayasree, Rajendra Prasad, and Naomi Rutenberg


Impact of antiretroviral therapy on household economics: Findings from Mombasa, Kenya, Rick Homan, Desai Jaikishan, Paul Munyao, Avina Sarna, and Scott Geibel


Implementing STI/HIV prevention and care interventions for men who have sex with men in Senegal, Amadou Moreau, Placide Tapsoba, Abdoulaye Ly, Cheikh Ibrahima Niang, and Abdou Khoudia Diop


Increasing access to safe abortion services in rural India: Experiences with medical abortion in a primary health center, Shuchita Mundle, Batya Elul, Abhijeet Anand, Shveta Kalyanwala, and Suresh Ughade


Increasing dual protection among rickshaw pullers in Bangladesh, Ismat Bhuiya, Mizanur Rahman, Ubaidur Rob, M.E. Khan, and K.M. Zahiduzzaman


Increasing use of the IUD through community and clinic based education activities in rural Honduras, Ivo Flores Flores, Elida Rosa Aguilar Fonseca, Rosa Merlen Flores, Ricardo Vernon, Jorge Solorzano, Suyapa Pavon, Marco Tulio Falck, and Alba Lidia Sanchez


Informed consent in sterilisation services: Evidence from public and private health care institutions in Chennai, Raja Lakshmi


Injecting drug users in India: Understanding sexual behaviours and sexual networks to design effective behaviour change strategies, Avina Sarna, Waimar Tun, Aruna Bhattacharya, Vaishali Sharma Mahendra, Neville Selhore, Arjun Singh, and Louis Apicella


Intergenerational communication on sexuality and HIV/AIDS: Exploring feasibility of building effective youth-adult partnerships to reduce young people's HIV vulnerabilities, Vaishali Sharma Mahendra, Sarat Chandra Pradhan, Saraswati Swain, Aradhana Nanda, Sanjit Patnayak, Sucheta Panda, and Rajendra Prasad


Introducción de la anticoncepción de emergencia en la Norma Oficial Mexicana de Planificación Familiar, Diana K. Lara, Marieke G. van Dijk, Sandra G. Garcia, and Daniel Grossman


Introducing birth plans in Mexico: An exploratory study in a hospital serving low-income Mexicans, Eileen Yam, Amy A. Grossman, Lisa Goldman, and Sandra G. García


Introducing sustainable vasectomy services in Guatemala, Ricardo Vernon, Jorge Solorzano, and Blanca Munoz


Jamaican and Barbadian health care providers' knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding emergency contraceptive pills, Eileen Yam, Georgiana Gordon-Strachan, Garth McIntyre, Horace Fletcher, Sandra G. Garcia, Davida Becker, and Enrique Ezcurra


Junction restructuring and spermatogenesis: The biology, regulation, and implication in male contraceptive development, Helen H.N. Yan, Dolores D. Mruk, and C. Yan Cheng


Kenya: Begin community dialogue on FGM/C by discussing cultural justification, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Kenya: Mobilize health care providers to advocate against FGM/C, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Kenya: Multisectoral engagement increases support for adolescent reproductive health, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Key findings from an evaluation of the mothers2mothers program in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Carolyn Baek, Vuyiswa Mathambo, Sibongile Mkhize, Irwin Friedman, Louis Apicella, and Naomi Rutenberg


Knowledge, practice, and coverage (KPC) survey: Baseline report, Bagh District, Munir Afridi, Saman Naz, and Nayyer Munir


Knowledge, practice, and coverage (KPC) survey: Baseline report, Mansehra District, Munir Afridi, Saman Naz, and Nayyer Munir


Late marriage and the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa, John Bongaarts


Learning through conflict: Ethical debates in sexual and reproductive health, John Townsend


Le contexte de l’initiation sexuelle en évolution dans la région subsaharienne de l’Afrique, Barbara Mensch


"Life is still going on": Reproductive intentions among HIV-positive women and men in South Africa, Diane Cooper, Jane Harries, Landon Myer, Phyllis Orner, and Hillary J. Bracken


Mainstreaming adolescent reproductive health in Senegal: Enhancing utilization of the findings from the youth reproductive health project, Nafissatou J. Diop and Anta Fall Diagne


Mainstreaming and scaling up the Kenya Adolescent Reproductive Health Project, Ian Askew and Humphres Evelia


Mainstreaming emergency contraception in Ethiopia's public sector: Final project report, Jill Keesbury, Hailegiorgis Aytenfisu, and Spike Bradford


Management of complications, pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period in the presence of FGM/C, Kenya Ministry of Health


Maternal syphilis and intimate partner violence in Bolivia: A gender-based analysis of implications for partner notification and universal screening, Claudia Diaz, Sandra G. García, Becca Seitchik Feldman, Alberto Martinez Polis, Rita Revollo, Freddy Tinajeros, and Daniel Grossman


Meeting the sexual and reproductive health needs of people living with HIV: Challenges for health care providers, Shalini Bharat and Vaishali Sharma Mahendra


Mobility and its liminal context: Exploring sexual partnering among truck drivers crossing the Southern Brazilian border, Sheri A. Lippman, Julie Pulerwitz, Magda Chinaglia, Alan E. Hubbard, Arthur Reingold, and Juan Diaz


New hormonal therapies and regimens in the postmenopause: Routes of administration and timing of initiation, Régine Sitruk-Ware


Nonconsensual sex, school enrollment and educational outcomes in South Africa, Kelly Hallman


Opinions of decision-makers on the liberalization of abortion laws in Mexico, Marieke G. van Dijk, Diana K. Lara, and Sandra G. García


Our stories: Women speak out against HIV and AIDS—An interactive communication package for rural low-literate women, Vijaya Nidadavolu, Moumita Saha, and Vijaya Usha Rani


Patient-led partner notification for syphilis: Strategies used by women accessing antenatal care in urban Bolivia, Shannon A. Klisch, Edward Mamary, Claudia Diaz, and Sandra G. Garcia


Patterns and implications of male migration for HIV prevention strategies in Andhra Pradesh, Ravi K. Verma, Niranjan Saggurti, Madhumita Das, Saumya RamaRao, and Anrudh K. Jain


Pharmacokinetic study to compare the absorption and tolerability of two doses of levonorgestrel following single vaginal administration of levonorgestrel in Carraguard® gel: A new formulation for "dual protection" contraception, Régine Sitruk-Ware, Vivian Brache, Robin A. Maguire, Horacio B. Croxatto, Narender Kumar, Sushma Kumar, Juan Carlos Montero, Ana Maria Salvatierra, David M. Phillips, and Anibal Faundes


Phthalate ester toxicity in Leydig cells: Developmental timing and dosage considerations, Renshan Ge, Guo-Rong Chen, Cigdem Tanrikut, and Matthew P. Hardy


Preclinical and clinical properties of trimegestone: A potent and selective progestin, Régine Sitruk-Ware, Ronald Bossemeyer, and Phillipe Bouchard


Preparedness of Kenyan health workers to deliver HIV/AIDS services, National AIDS and STD Control Programme, Ministry of Health Kenya, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Horizons Program


Progress and prospects in reproductive health in the Asian and Pacific region, Philip Guest


Promoting adherence through a directly administered antiretroviral therapy strategy in Mombasa, Kenya, Avina Sarna, Stanley Luchters, Scott Geibel, Matthew F. Chersich, Paul Munyao, Rick Homan, Susan Kaai, Kishorchandra N. Mandaliya, Marleen Temmerman, and Naomi Rutenberg


Promovendo normas e comportamentos eqüitativos de gênero entre homens jovens estratégia de prevenção do HIV/AIDS, Julie Pulerwitz, Gary Barker, Marcio Segundo, and Marcos Nascimento


Provider perspectives on informed consent in female sterilisation services: Findings from a facility-based study in Chennai, Raja Lakshmi


Provision of emergency contraceptive services through paraprofessionals in India, Shiv Kumar, Chander Shekhar, N.K. Gupta, Malabika Roy, M.E. Khan, Mary Philip Sebastian, Rukma Idnani, Ardash Bhargava, and Vinita Salvi


Psychosocial benefits of a mentoring program for youth-headed households in Rwanda, Lisanne Brown, Janet C. Rice, Neil W. Boris, Tonya R. Thurman, Leslie M. Snider, Joseph Ntaganira, Laetitia N. Nyirazinyoye, Edward Kalisa, and Emmanuel Nshizirungu


Rab4A GTPase-catenin interactions are involved in cell junction dynamics in the testis, Dolores D. Mruk, Ann S.N. Lau, Oli Sarkar, and Weiliang Xia


Rapid achievement of the child survival millennium development goal: Evidence from the Navrongo experiment in Northern Ghana, Fred N. Binka, Ayaga A. Bawah, James F. Phillips, Abraham Hodgson, Martin Adjuik, and Bruce MacLeod


Reaching truckers in Brazil with non-stigmatizing and effective HIV/STI services, Magda Chinaglia, Sheri A. Lippman, Julie Pulerwitz, Maeve de Mello, Rick Homan, and Juan Diaz


Reaching truckers in Brazil with non-stigmatizing and effective HIV/STI services, Magda Chinaglia, Sheri A. Lippman, Julie Pulerwitz, Maeve de Mello, Rick Homan, and Juan Diaz


Regulation of cell junction dynamics by cytokines in the testis—A molecular and biochemical perspective, Wing Yee Lui and C. Yan Cheng


Routes of delivery for progesterone and progestins, Régine Sitruk-Ware


Senegal: Mainstreaming adolescent health: Building on local support systems, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Sexually transmitted infections in men in Mumbai slum communities: The relationship of prevalence to risk behavior, Stephen L. Schensul, Sarah Hawkes, Niranjan Saggurti, Ravi K. Verma, Sharad S. Narvekar, Bonnie K. Nastasi, Joseph A. Burleson, and Arun Risbud


Sexual risk behaviors of HIV-positive persons receiving ART in Mombasa, Kenya: Longitudinal study findings, Stanley Luchters, Avina Sarna, Scott Geibel, Matthew F. Chersich, Paul Munyao, Susan Kaai, Kishorchandra N. Mandaliya, Naomi Rutenberg, and Marleen Temmerman


Sexual risk-taking and HIV testing among health workers in Zambia, Karusa Kiragu, Thabale J. Ngulube, Mutinta Nyumbu, Panganani Njobvu, Peter Eerens, and Chilufya Mwaba


Situation analysis of the sexual and reproductive health and HIV risks and prevention needs of older orphaned and vulnerable children in Nyanza Province, Kenya, Milka Juma, Ian Askew, and Alan Ferguson