"Family planning and comprehensive abortion care handbook for medical s" by Population Council

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The persistently high maternal mortality and morbidity in Ghana is partly due to high rates of unwanted fertility, unsafe abortion, and relatively low use of modern contraception. In 2006, a consortium of agencies, including the Population Council, initiated the Reducing Maternal Mortality and Morbidity program. The program provides financial and technical resources that will enable the government to significantly expand women's access to modern family planning, contraception, and comprehensive abortion care (CAC) to reduce maternal mortality in Ghana. This handbook on FP and CAC was developed as part of the program. It updates a previous document produced more than ten years ago by two medical schools, is intended to assist all medical practitioners in reproductive health, and should be of particular help to medical and midwifery students, house officers, and OB/GYN residents. The handbook incorporates basic approaches and skills, such as case studies, role play, course questionnaire, history, and physical examination techniques that are important in the proper care of women and effective communication with all involved with their care.






Reducing Maternal Morbidity and Mortality (R3M) in Ghana
