"Introduction of quality of care and a gender perspective in reproducti" by Patricia Riveros, Antonieta Martin et al.

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In 2005 and with the technical assistance of the Frontiers in Reproductive Health (FRONTIERS) Program, the Integrated Health Coordination Program (PROCOSI), a Bolivian network of 33 nongovernmental organizations, designed and tested a set of four guidelines to help organizations deliver high-quality reproductive health services with a gender perspective. The guidelines were: 1) to present a strategy to certify organizations as “gender sensitive” healthcare providers; 2) to present the knowledge staff members should know to be certified; 3) to describe procedures to collect and analyze the data to evaluate implementation of the strategy; and 4) to describe how to assess strategy implementation costs. In PROCOSI’s experience, a large proportion of participating clinics were able to improve the quality of services. During the follow-up period, FRONTIERS staff provided technical assistance to the Bolivian Ministry of Health and Sports, the Salvadoran Social Security Institute, the IPPF-affiliate in Peru, Instituto Peruano de Paternidad Responsable, and the Honduran Women and Family Association in order to present the strategy to managers, conduct baseline studies, prepare work plans, and select achievement indicators.






Frontiers in Reproductive Health
