"Creating the conditions for scale-up of the Men in Maternity intervent" by Leila Caleb-Varkey, Anurag Mishra et al.

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The Frontiers in Reproductive Health (FRONTIERS) program conducted an operations research study, called the Men in Maternity (MiM) study, in collaboration with the Employees' State Insurance Corporation of India (ESIC), aimed at involving men in the antenatal and postpartum care of their partners to raise knowledge and use of postpartum contraception and preventive practices against sexually transmitted infections, as well as improving pregnancy outcomes. This report details the MiM scale-up process, which worked well in terms of ESIC assuming ownership of the training component of the program and being able to build capacity for training. However, to further scale up MiM in the remaining dispensaries in Delhi there needs to be commitment from ESIC for supervision and monitoring of the implementation process so that delays can be minimized and MiM can be fully integrated into the dispensary norms for maternity services. To fully institutionalize MiM in ESIC services, limited and continued external support is required, particularly in the area of supportive supervision and MIS. This could perhaps be achieved through expansion, better coordination with implementing hospitals, and reinforcement of similar messages in different venues such as ESIC hospitals.






Frontiers in Reproductive Health
