Dataset: Tathmini GBV study: Evaluation of comprehensive gender-based violence programming delivered through the HIV program platform in Tanzania
Document Type
Data Set
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The Tathmini GBV study was a cluster randomized trial to assess the impact of a comprehensive health facility- and community-based program delivered through the HIV/AIDS program platform on reduction in gender-based violence and improved care for survivors. The study demonstrated the feasibility and impact of integrating gender-based violence and HIV programming to combat both of these major public health problems. Further opportunities to scale out GBV prevention and response strategies within HIV/AIDS service delivery platforms should be pursued.
Recommended Citation
Settergren, Susan K., Stella Mujaya, Wasima Rida, Lusajo J. Kajula, Hussein Kamugisha, Jessie K. Mbwambo, Felix Kisanga, Mucho M. Mizinduko, Megan S. Dunbar, Isihaka Mwandalima, Hijja Wazee, Diana Prieto, Saiqa Mullick, Jennifer Erie, and Delivette Castor. 2018, "Tathmini GBV study: Evaluation of comprehensive gender-based violence programming delivered through the HIV program platform in Tanzania,", Harvard Dataverse, V1.
Project SOAR