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This brief describes a research study by the Population Council, with support from USAID/India, whose purpose is to provide evidence that can be used to strengthen the family planning program and meet the needs of reversible contraceptive users who want to prevent pregnancy in India. Understanding the experiences of the small but growing population of women choosing the injectable is important as the Government of India continues to roll out injectable contraceptive methods in the public sector. The report’s key recommendations include: disseminating messaging about potential side effects of the injectable, institutionalizing quality of care in pre-service trainings for all family planning providers and frontline health workers, engaging husbands of recent adopters of contraception, and training frontline health workers to visit recent injectable adopters.
Recommended Citation
The Evidence Project. 2018. “Dynamics of injectable contraceptive use in India: Quality of care received and interim results three months after insertion,” research brief. Washington, DC: Population Council, The Evidence Project.
The Evidence Project
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Demography, Population, and Ecology Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, International Public Health Commons, Women's Health Commons