"The People Living With HIV Stigma Index: Dominican Republic" by Red Dominicana de Personas que Viven con VIH/SIDA, Alianza Solidaria para la Lucha Contra el VIH y SIDA et al.

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The People Living with HIV Stigma Index, developed in 2008, is a survey instrument used to highlight stigma and discrimination experienced by PLHIV. Developed and administered by and for PLHIV, the Stigma Index is not merely a measurement tool, its implementation is intended to be an empowering experience for PLHIV. In 2016–17, the Population Council–led research consortium Project SOAR updated the Stigma Index to reflect changes in the global HIV response in the past decade. The new version (Stigma Index 2.0) now has an increased focus on PLHIV’s experiences accessing HIV services; using and adhering to antiretroviral services; mental health and resilience; and stigma within health-care settings. Implementation of Stigma Index 2.0 in the Dominican Republic (DR) was led by PLHIV. Findings update results from the original Stigma Index fielded in the DR more than a decade ago. With the inclusion of modules on mental health, expanded content on experiences in health-care settings, and intentional recruitment of MSM, FSWs, and PLHIV of Haitian descent, Stigma Index 2.0 sheds light on ongoing challenges and opportunities regarding HIV-related stigma in the DR, as detailed in this report.


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Supporting Operational AIDS Research (Project SOAR)
