"Two implementation models of workers' health education programs in Egy" by Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Norhan Bader et al.

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This brief presents findings from two models of workers’ health education programs implemented by the Evidence Project/Population Council in Egypt. The two interventions aimed to increase family planning (FP) service demand among young people aged 18–35 in Port Said and urban Souhag. In Port Said, male and female factory workers who were trained as peer educators shared family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH) information with fellow factory workers, distributed communication materials, and provided referrals to infirmary nurses trained in FP counseling. In Souhag, male and female peer educators were trained to provide integrated FP/RH and livelihood workshops to job seekers. Results of a difference-in-differences analysis showed that the intervention in Souhag was more effective than the intervention in Port Said in changing young people’s knowledge and attitudes. These findings suggest that integrating FP messages into livelihood programs is an effective way of educating young people about FP/RH. This brief discusses possible reasons for the limited effectiveness of the intervention in Port Said and outlines steps for its enhancement.






The Evidence Project; Addressing Family Planning Needs of Male and Female Factory Workers in Egypt
