"Assessing the effect of a primary health care intervention for improvi" by Sharif M.I. Hossain, Shongkour Roy et al.

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In resource-poor countries such as Bangladesh, proven life-saving commodities for pregnant women have not been optimally examined, such as magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) to manage severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, use of anti-hypertensives to manage high blood pressure during pregnancy, aspirin prophylaxis for pregnant women at high risk of PE/E, as well as task shifting to lower health-worker cadres, and community involvement. There has been no systematic review of research and programming on PE/E prevention, early detection, and treatment in Bangladesh. With support from USAID, the Ending Eclampsia project has been expanding access to proven, underutilized interventions and commodities for PE/E prevention, early detection, and management, particularly expansion of MgSO4 access in several countries through primary health care (PHC) providers. In 2015, a landscaping analysis identified articles reporting PE/E burdens, common risk factors, incidence, adverse outcomes, and mortality rates; few studies, however, discuss implementation research (IR) for improving PE/E prevention, detection, and timely management, particularly within PHC facilities. Following a two-year intervention expanding MgSO4 provision through PHC providers in 12 subdistricts of Bangladesh, this endline report describes the IR conducted by the Population Council from 2015 to 2018.






Ending Eclampsia
