Webinar—Malaria: Insights for improving malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health outcomes in northwestern Nigeria
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In northwestern Nigeria, Breakthrough RESEARCH is evaluating the effectiveness of Breakthrough ACTION’S integrated versus malaria-only social and behavior change programming on priority malaria, family planning, and maternal, newborn, and child health plus nutrition (MNCH+N) outcomes.
A behavioral sentinel surveillance (BSS) baseline survey was conducted in September 2019, with a midline and endline survey planned. The BSS survey measures changes in key behaviors and ideations across malaria, family planning, and MNCH+N to inform Breakthrough ACTION’s program adaption and scale-up over the course of the project.
In this webinar, Breakthrough RESEARCH shared findings from its work related to malaria prevention and treatment. Researchers presented new ideational metrics collected and discussed how these metrics are associated with behaviors for women who are currently pregnant or have had a child in the preceding two years. Breakthrough ACTION presented key program design and the programmatic implications of the research.
Recommended Citation
"Malaria: Insights for improving malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health outcomes in northwestern Nigeria," Breakthrough RESEARCH webinar, 17 September 2020.
Breakthrough RESEARCH
Slide deck