The Population Council tackles intersecting inequalities that undermine rights and access to contraception, HIV and STI prevention, maternal and newborn health, safe abortion, prevention and treatment of infertility, and sexuality education, among other sexual and reproductive health needs. Our research and partnerships ensure high quality, evidence-based, voluntary, and rights-based comprehensive care for sexual and reproductive health.
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Submissions from 2022
Prevalence and factors associated with anogenital warts among sexual and gender minorities attending a trusted community health center in Lagos, Nigeria, Sylvia Adebajo, Rebecca G. Nowak, Ruxton Adebiyi, Elizabeth Shoyemi, Charles Ekeh, Habib O. Ramadhani, Charlotte A. Gaydos, Julie Ake, Stefan Baral, Manhattan E. Charurat, Trevor A. Crowell, and TRUST/RV368 Study Group
Progress in male contraception: A brief summary of the Third International Congress on Male Contraception, May 2022, Christina Wang, Diana Blithe, Stephanie Page, David Serfaty, and Régine Sitruk-Ware
Promoting healthy couples’ communication to improve reproductive health outcomes, Robert Ainslie, Angie Brasington, G. Arzum Ciloglu, Leanne Dougherty, Busara Drezgic, Jill Gay, Lucia Gumbo, and Geoffrey Rugaita
Psychosocial influences on pregnancy and childbirth behaviours in north-western Nigeria: A cross-sectional analysis, Emily White Johansson, Udochisom Anaba, Dele Abegunde, Mathew Okoh, Shittu Abdu-Aguye, Paul C. Hewett, and Paul Hutchinson
Qualitative evaluation of Breakthrough ACTION/Nigeria’s community capacity strengthening approach to sustaining integrated social and behavior change programming: Phase I, Martha Silva, Nrupa Jani, Adetayo Adetunji, and Mayokun Adediran
Qualitative examination of the role and influence of mothers-in-law on young married couples' family planning in rural Maharashtra, India, Anvita Dixit, Mohan Ghule, Namratha Rao, Madhusudana Battala, Shahina Begum, Nicole E. Johns, Sarah Averbach, and Anita Raj
Quality of anthropometric data in India's National Family Health Survey: Disentangling interviewer and area effect using a cross-classified multilevel model, Laxmi Kant Dwivedi, Kajori Banerjee, Radhika Sharma, Rakesh Mishra, Sowmya Ramesh, Damodar Sahu, Sanjay Kumar Mohanty, and K.S. James
Quality of care in abortion in the era of technological and medical advancements and self-care, Ankita Shukla, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, Rajib Acharya, and Saumya RamaRao
Quality of services offered to women with female genital mutilation across health facilities in a Kenyan county, Samuel Kimani, Chantalle Okondo, Jacinta Muteshi-Strachan, and Jaldesa Guyo
Quels sont les principaux obstacles et facteurs de facilitation associés à la communication intergénérationnelle sur la SSR au Niger et en Côte d’Ivoire?, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Recap of the Sixth International Symposium on Intrauterine Devices and Systems for Women's Health, Rachel Ferat, Lisa Haddad, Carolyn Westhoff, and David Hubacher
Removing the societal and legal impediments to the HIV response: An evidence-based framework for 2025 and beyond, Anne L. Stangl, Triantafyllos Pliakas, Jose Antonio Izazola-licea, George Ayala, Tara S. Beattie, Laura Ferguson, Luisa Orza, Sanyukta Mathur, Julie Pulerwitz, Alexandrina Iovita, and Victoria Bendaud
Research and implementation interactions in a social accountability study: Utilizing guidance for conducting process evaluations of complex interventions, Joanna Paula Cordero, Vernon Mochache, Victoria Boydell, Mary Awelana Addah, Heather McMullen, Alice Monyo, Sigilbert Mrema, Dela Nai, Donat Shamba, and Petrus S. Steyn
Restrictions on contraceptive services for unmarried youth: A qualitative study of providers’ beliefs and attitudes in India, Ankita Shukla, Abhishek Kumar, Arupendra Mozumdar, Rajib Acharya, Kumudha Aruldas, and Niranjan Saggurti
Role of laminin and collagen chains in human spermatogenesis—Insights from studies in rodents and scRNA-Seq transcriptome profiling, Xiaolong Wu, Sheng Gao, Lingling Wang, Tiao Bu, Siwen Wu, Liwei Zhou, Jie Shi, Di Wu, Fei Sun, and C. Yan Cheng
S’attaquer aux tabous de la communication pour le changement social et de comportement à Niamey et Abidjan: Évaluation de la campagne médiatique Merci Mon Héros, Breakthrough RESEARCH
SBC Cost Data Repository, Breakthrough RESEARCH
SBC Costing Tool, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Setting up a research agenda for financing sexual and reproductive health services toward achieving universal health coverage in South Asia, Avishek Hazra, Arupendra Mozumdar, Iram Kamran, Ashish Bajracharya, and Saumya RamaRao
Sexual and reproductive health education and its association with ever use of contraception: A cross-sectional study among women in urban slums, Accra, Abdul-Aziz Seidu, Edward Kwabena Ameyaw, Bright Opoku Ahinkorah, Leonard Baatiema, Samuel Dery, Augustine Ankomah, and John Kuumuori Ganle
Sexual debut and risk behaviors among orphaned and vulnerable children in Zambia: Which protective deficits shape HIV risk?, Joseph G. Rosen, Nkomba Kayeyi, Mwelwa Chibuye, Lyson Phiri, Edith S. Namukonda, and Michael Mbizvo
Sexually transmitted infections in pregnant people with human immunodeficiency virus: Temporal trends, demographic correlates, and association with preterm birth, Marisa R. Young, Carly Broadwell, Deborah Kacanek, Ellen G. Chadwick, Jennifer Jao, Anna Barbara Moscicki, Kathleen Powis, Katherine Tassiopoulos, Lynn M. Yee, and Lisa Haddad
ShangRing versus Mogen clamp for early infant male circumcision in eastern sub-Saharan Africa: A multicentre, non-inferiority, adaptive, randomised controlled trial, Spyridon P. Basourakos, Quincy G. Nang, Karla V. Ballman, Omar Al Hussein Al Awamlh, Nahid Punjani, Kaylee Ho, Mark Barone, Quentin Awori, Daniel Ouma, Jairus Oketch, Alice E. Christensen, Augustino Hellar, Maende Makokha, Alphonce Isangu, Robert Salim, Jackson Lija, Ronald H. Gray, Stephen Kiboneka, Aggrey Anok, Godfrey Kigozi, Regina Nakabuye, Charles Ddamulira, Andrew Mulooki, Silas Odiya, Rose Nazziwa, Marc Goldstein, Philip S. Li, and Richard K. Lee
Small molecules targeting SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein receptor-binding domain, Yoel Rodriguez, Scarlet Martínez Cardoze, Onyinyechi W. Obineche, Claudia Melo, Ashanna Persaud, and José Fernández-Romero
SNAC for enhanced oral bioavailability: An updated review, Nagavendra Kommineni, Vaskuri G.S. Sainaga Jyothi, Arun Butreddy, Saka Raju, Tovi Shapira, Wahid Khan, Pavimol Angsantikul, and Abraham J. Domb
Social normative origins of the taboo gap and implications for adolescent risk for HIV infection in Zambia, Sophia N. Nesamoney, Iván Mejía-Guevara, Beniamino Cislaghi, Ann M. Weber, Michael Mbizvo, and Gary L. Darmstadt
Strengthening the Merci Mon Héros campaign through adaptive management: Application of social listening methodology, Martha Silva, Jonathan Walker, Erin Portillo, and Leanne Dougherty
Survey implementation process and interviewer effects on skipping sequence of maternal and child health indicators from National Family Health Survey: An application of cross-classified multilevel model, Radhika Sharma, Laxmi Kant Dwivedi, Somnath Jana, Kajori Banerjee, Rakesh Mishra, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Damodar Sahu, and S.K. Singh
Temporal shifts in HIV-related risk factors among cohorts of adolescent girls and young women enrolled in DREAMS programming: Evidence from Kenya, Malawi and Zambia, Sanyukta Mathur, Craig Heck, Sangram Kishor Patel, Jerry Okoth Okal, Effie Chipeta, Victor Mwapasa, Wanangwa Chimwaza Manda, Maurice Musheke, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Julie Pulerwitz, and Nanlesta Pilgrim
The Beyond Bias Project: Building evidence to inform practice for provider behavior change programming, Sanyukta Mathur, Krista Granger, Kamden Hoffmann, and Rachel Yavinsky
“Then I will say that we have to marry each other”: A qualitative view of premarital pregnancy as a driver of child marriage in Malawi, Andrea J. Melnikas, Nancy Mulauzi, James Mkandawire, Grace Saul, and Sajeda Amin
The perceived effects of COVID-19 pandemic on female genital mutilation/cutting and child or forced marriages in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Senegal, Tammary Esho, Dennis Matanda, Timothy Abuya, Sintayehu Abebe, Yeshitila Hailu, Khaltoume Camara, Bachir Mouhammed, Tonny Kapsandui, Lilian Kamanzi, Andrew Wabwire, Patrick Kagurusi, Maureen Nankanja, Anne Gitimu, David Kawai, John Kogada, Millicent Ondigo, and Joachim Osur
The role of job aids in supporting task sharing family planning services to community pharmacists and patent proprietary medicine vendors in Kaduna and Lagos, Nigeria, Sikiru Baruwa, Elizabeth Tobey, Emeka Okafor, Kayode Afolabi, Toyin O. Akomolafe, Innocent Ubuane, Jennifer Anyanti, and Aparna Jain
The role of maternal ideations on breastfeeding practices in northwestern Nigeria: A cross‑section study, Udochisom Anaba, Emily White Johansson, Dele Abegunde, Gloria Adoyi, Olayinka Umar-Farouk, Shittu Abdu-Aguye, Paul C. Hewett, and Paul Hutchinson
The Social and Behavior Change Business Case Model for Family Planning: An Interactive Tool, Breakthrough RESEARCH
The syndemic of substance use, high-risk sexual behavior, and violence: A qualitative exploration of the intersections and implications for HIV/STI prevention among key populations in Lagos, Nigeria, Osasuyi Dirisu, Mayokun Adediran, Adekemi Omole, Akinwumi Akinola, Bassey Ebenso, Elizabeth Shoyemi, George I. Eluwa, Waimar Tun, and Sylvia Adebajo
The taboo gap: Implications for adolescent risk of HIV infection, Sophia N. Nesamoney, Iván Mejía-Guevara, Ann M. Weber, Beniamino Cislaghi, Michael Mbizvo, and Gary L. Darmstadt
“They're forcing people to have children that they can't afford”: A qualitative study of social support and capital among individuals receiving an abortion in Georgia, Madison S. Dickey, Elizabeth A. Mosley, Elizabeth A. Clark, Sarah Cordes, Eva Lathrop, and Lisa Haddad
To protect access to medication abortion in the US, make the misoprostol-only regimen a reality, Thoai Ngo
Transport and permeation properties of dapivirine: Understanding potential drug-drug interactions, Ruohui Zheng, Guru R. Valicherla, Junmei Zhang, Jeremy Nuttall, Peter Silvera, Leslie J. Marshall, Philip E. Empey, and Lisa C. Rohan
Trichomonas vaginalis and spontaneous preterm birth in a high-risk obstetric cohort in Atlanta, GA, Marisa R. Young, Kristin M. Wall, Carolynn M. Dude, Emily R. Burdette, Denise J. Jamieson, Igho Ofotokun, and Lisa Haddad
Understanding factors that support community health worker motivation, job satisfaction, and performance in three Ugandan districts: Opportunities for strengthening Uganda’s community health worker program, Shivani Pandya, Mukesh Hamal, Timothy Abuya, Richard Kintu, Daniel Mwanga, Charlotte E. Warren, and Smisha Agarwal
Understanding quality of contraceptive counseling in the CHARM2 gender-equity focused family planning intervention: Findings from a cluster randomized controlled trial among couples in rural India, Sarah Averbach, Nicole Johns, Mohan Ghule, Anvita Dixit, Shahina Begum, Madhusudana Battala, Niranjan Saggurti, Jay G. Silverman, and Anita Raj
Unit costs of a community-based girl-centered HIV prevention program: A case study of Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-Free, Mentored, and Safe program, Jerry Okoth Okal, Japheth O. Awiti, James K. Matheka, Oluoch-Madiang’ Daniel, Rael Obanda, and Sanyukta Mathur
Urban disparities in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in the Global South: A scoping review of the evidence, Elsie Akwara, Jessie Pinchoff, and Thoai Ngo
User guide—The social and behavior change business case model for family planning: Web application, Avenir Health
Using audience segmentation approaches to inform integrated family planning and maternal health programs in Niger, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Using the Provider Authoritarian Attitude Scale, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Utilisation de l'échelle d'attitude autoritaire du prestataire, Breakthrough RESEARCH
Walking the talk: Localising SRHM in South Asia, T.K. Sundari Ravindran and Sapna Desai
Ways of coping among women with infertility undergoing assisted reproductive technologies in Ghana, Josephine M. Kyei, Adom Manu, Duah Dwomoh, Agnes M. Kotoh, Kofi Agyabeng, and Augustine Ankomah
Webinar—Addressing Urban Disparities in Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, Caroline W. Kabiru, Mukesh Kumar Sharma, Robert Ndugwa, Jessie Pinchoff, and Thoai Ngo
Webinar—Finding the right fit: Using segmentation approaches to shape your SBC programming, Breakthrough RESEARCH
What are the main barriers and facilitating factors associated with intergenerational communication on sexual and reproductive health in Niger and Côte d’Ivoire?, Breakthrough RESEARCH
What distinguishes women who choose to self-inject? A prospective cohort study of subcutaneous depot medroxyprogesterone acetate users in Ghana, Dela Nai, Elizabeth Tobey, Kamil Fuseini, Patrick Aboagye, and Aparna Jain
What have we learned? Implementation of a shared learning agenda and access strategy for the hormonal intrauterine device, Kate Rademacher, Tabitha Sripipatana, Kendal Danna, Deborah Sitrin, Aurélie Brunie, Katie M. Williams, Kayode Afolabi, Francia Rasoanirina, Saumya RamaRao, Anne Pfitzer, Devon Cain, Morgan Simon, Elaine Menotti, Anna Hazelwood, Anthony Adindu Nwala, Zainab Saidu, Raveena Chowdhury, Anne Taiwo, Agnes Chidanyika, Gathari Ndirangu, Markus J. Steiner, Marie Chantale Lepine, Rick Homan, Abdulmumin Saad, John Vivalo, and Laneta J. Dorflinger
What to expect when girls are expecting: Psychosocial support challenges and opportunities in the context and aftermath of teenage pregnancy in Kenya, Chi-Chi Undie and Harriet Birungi
“When you live in good health with your husband, then your children are in good health ….” A qualitative exploration of how households make healthcare decisions in Maradi and Zinder Regions, Niger, Sara Chace Dwyer, Sanyukta Mathur, Karen Kirk, Chaibou Dadi, and Leanne Dougherty
“You can't even ask a question about your child”: Examining experiences of parents or caregivers during hospitalization of their sick young children in Kenya: A qualitative study, Chantalle Okondo, Charity Ndwiga, Pooja Sripad, Timothy Abuya, and Charlotte E. Warren
ZIKV-related ideations and modern contraceptive use: Cross-sectional evidence from the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, Julia Fleckman, Martha Silva, Jeni Stolow, Kendra LeSar, Kathryn Spielman, and Paul L. Hutchinson
Submissions from 2021
Abortion self-care: A forward-looking solution to inequitable access, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Ankita Shukla, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, Rajib Acharya, and Saumya RamaRao
Acceptability and potential effectiveness of eHealth tools for training primary health workers From Nigeria at scale: Mixed methods, uncontrolled before-and-after study, Joseph Paul Hicks, Matthew John Allsop, Godwin O. Akaba, Ramsey M. Yalma, Osasuyi Dirisu, Babasola Okusanya, Jamilu Tukur, Kehinde Okunade, David Akeju, Adegbenga Ajepe, Okey Okuzu, Tolib Mirzoev, and Bassey Ebenso
A companion of choice is recommended for all women throughout labour, childbirth, and the immediate postnatal period, Breakthrough RESEARCH
A comparative analysis of the availability of family planning services in the social franchise and non-franchise private health facilities in Kajiado County, Kenya, Milka Choge, Kenneth Ngure, Elizabeth Echoka, and Timothy Abuya
A comprehensive model to address reproductive health and family planning needs of factory workers in Port Said, Evidence Project
A comprehensive model to address reproductive health and family planning needs of factory workers in Port Said [Arabic], Evidence Project
Addressing contraceptive needs exacerbated by COVID-19: A call for increasing choice and access to self-managed methods, Lisa Haddad, Saumya RamaRao, Avishek Hazra, Harriet Birungi, and James Sailer
Adherence to guidelines in postpartum management of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy in tertiary health facilities in Nigeria: A multi-centre study, Lawal Oyeneyin, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Azubuike K. Onyebuchi, Innocent Agbo, Lamaran M. Dattijo, Baffah M. Aminu, Gbenga A. Kayode, Olorunfemi O. Owa, Patience O. Odusolu, Karima Tunau, Jamilu Tukur, Charlotte E. Warren, Hanifah D. Abubakar, Abdulkarim Musa, Arie Franx, Diederick E. Grobbee, and Joyce L. Browne
“Adolescents do not only require ARVs and adherence counseling”: A qualitative investigation of health care provider experiences with an HIV youth peer mentoring program in Ndola, Zambia, Elizabeth A. Abrams, Virginia M. Burke, Katherine G. Merrill, Christiana Frimpong, Sam Miti, Jonathan Kaunda Mwansa, and Julie Denison
Advancements in postpartum hemorrhage care (APPHC): Overview of portfolio development and research studies in Madagascar, Breakthrough RESEARCH and USAID's Health Evaluation and Applied Research Development
Advancements in postpartum hemorrhage care (APPHC): Overview of portfolio development and research studies in Malawi, Breakthrough RESEARCH and USAID's Health Evaluation and Applied Research Development
Advances in conceptualizing and measuring stigma among people living with HIV, Project SOAR
Advancing Integrated Family Planning (FP)/HIV Counseling with Evidence (ADVICE): Review of FP decision support tools and HIV vulnerability assessment tools, Eileen Yam and Tracy McClair
Advancing postpartum hemorrhage care (APPHC): Partnership approach and portfolio overview, Breakthrough RESEARCH and USAID's Health Evaluation and Applied Research Development
"A man without money getting a sexual partner? It doesn’t exist in our community": Male partners’ perspectives on transactional sexual relationships in Uganda and Eswatini, Julie Pulerwitz, C. Valenzuela, Ann Gottert, Godfrey Siu, Patrick Shabangu, and Sanyukta Mathur
A multipurpose prevention ring for women's sexual and reproductive health, International Partnership for Microbicides
Analysing normative influences on the prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting among 0–14 years old girls in Senegal: A spatial bayesian hierarchical regression approach, Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala, Chibuzor Christopher Nnanatu, Glory Atilola, Paul Komba, Lubanzadio Mavatikua, Zhuzhi Moore, and Dennis Matanda
Antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-SARS-CoV activity of commercial products of Xylopia (Xylopia aethiopica), Claudia Melo, Rosemary Perdomo, Fadel Yerima, Oneil Mahoney, Nadjet Cornejal, Sahar Alsaidi, Sahar Coron, Thierry Bonnaire, Shimin Zhang, Thomas Zydowsky, Christine Priano, José Fernández-Romero, Rodolfo Juliani, and Adolfina Koroch
Approaches to research utilization and capacity strengthening, Project SOAR
Are the poor catching up with the rich in utilising maternal health care services? Evidence from India, Sohini Paul
Assessing the acceptability of the progesterone vaginal ring (PVR) in Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal, Saumya RamaRao, John Townsend, Heather Clark, Deepa Rajamani, Francis Obare, Wilson Liambila, Harriet Birungi, Salisu Ishaku, Godwin Unumeri, Babacar Mane, and Nafissatou Diop
Assessing the performance of community health workers in Haiti: Key findings from a mixed-methods study, Frontline Health Project and Zanmi Lasante
Assessing the vulnerability and risks of adolescent girls and young women in East and Southern Africa: A preliminary review of the tools in use, B. Jane Ferguson, Sanyukta Mathur, and Alice Armstrong
Assessment of community-based ART service model linking female sex workers to HIV care and treatment in Blantyre and Mangochi, Malawi, Lung Vu, Brady Zieman, Adamson Muula, Vincent Samuel, Lyson Tenthani, David Chilongozi, Simon Sikwese, Grace Kumwenda, and Scott Geibel
Association of delayed treatment of chlamydial infection and gonorrhea in pregnancy and preterm birth, Emily R. Burdette, Marisa R. Young, Carolynn M. Dude, Kristin M. Wall, and Lisa Haddad
Associations between key psychosocial stressors and viral suppression and retention in care among youth with HIV in rural South Africa, Lindsey M. Filiatreau, Audrey Pettifor, Jessie K. Edwards, Nkosinathi Masilela, Rhian Twine, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Nicole Haberland, Chodziwadziwa Whiteson Kabudula, Sheri A. Lippman, and Kathleen Kahn
Atención de la salud sexual y reproductiva de mujeres migrantes: Un mapeo de actores de la sociedad civil en Baja California, México—2020, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Esperanza Basurto-Alcalde, Natalia Polgovsky, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, and Pooja Sripad
Atención de la salud sexual y reproductiva de mujeres migrantes: Un mapeo de actores de la sociedad civil en Chiapas, México—2020, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Esperanza Basurto-Alcalde, Natalia Polgovsky, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, and Pooja Sripad
Atención de la salud sexual y reproductiva de mujeres migrantes: Un mapeo de actores de la sociedad civil en Chihuahua, México—2020, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Esperanza Basurto-Alcalde, Natalia Polgovsky, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, and Pooja Sripad
Atención de la salud sexual y reproductiva de mujeres migrantes: Un mapeo de actores de la sociedad civil en la Ciudad de México—2020, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Esperanza Basurto-Alcalde, Natalia Polgovsky, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, and Pooja Sripad
Atención de la salud sexual y reproductiva de mujeres migrantes: Un mapeo de actores de la sociedad civil en México, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Esperanza Basurto-Alcalde, Natalia Polgovsky, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, and Pooja Sripad
Atención de la salud sexual y reproductiva de mujeres migrantes: Un mapeo de actores de la sociedad civil en México—2020, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Esperanza Basurto-Alcalde, Natalia Polgovsky, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, and Pooja Sripad
Atención de la salud sexual y reproductiva de mujeres migrantes: Un mapeo de actores de la sociedad civil en Oaxaca, México—2020, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Esperanza Basurto-Alcalde, Natalia Polgovsky, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, and Pooja Sripad
Atención de la salud sexual y reproductiva de mujeres migrantes: Un mapeo de actores de la sociedad civil en Tabasco, México—2020, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Esperanza Basurto-Alcalde, Natalia Polgovsky, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, and Pooja Sripad
Atención de la salud sexual y reproductiva de mujeres migrantes: Un mapeo de actores de la sociedad civil en Veracruz, México—2020, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Esperanza Basurto-Alcalde, Natalia Polgovsky, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, and Pooja Sripad
Barriers inhibiting effective detection and management of postpartum hemorrhage during facility-based births in Madagascar: Findings from a qualitative study using a behavioral science lens, Sara V. Flanagan, Tina Razafinamanana, Charlotte E. Warren, and Jana Smith
Beliefs about children and the psychosocial implications of infertility on individuals seeking assisted fertilization in Ghana, Josephine M. Kyei, Adom Manu, Agnes M. Kotoh, Charles Ampong Adjei, and Augustine Ankomah
Beyond institutionalization: Planning for sustained investments in training, supervision, and support of community health worker programs in Bangladesh, Shongkour Roy, Shivani Pandya, Md. Irfan Hossain, Timothy Abuya, Charlotte E. Warren, Paloma Mitra, Ubaidur Rob, Sharif M.I. Hossain, and Smisha Agarwal