"Breakthrough RESEARCH—Social and Behavior Change Costing Community of " by Breakthrough RESEARCH

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Breakthrough RESEARCH is gathering, analyzing, and sharing evidence on the costs and impact of social and behavior change (SBC) interventions to support the case that investing in SBC is crucial for improving health and advancing development. A review of the SBC costing literature identified 147 studies on SBC costs, methodological shortcomings, and knowledge gaps that can be addressed in new SBC costing studies. To address these gaps, Breakthrough RESEARCH issued the “Guidelines for Costing of Social and Behavior Change Health Interventions,” which lays out 17 principles for conducting high-quality costing studies. This brief complements the guidelines and highlights important issues and practices for SBC costing. Ensuring access to malaria prevention, such as insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs), is an important pillar in the global strategy to eradicate malaria. By promoting uptake and continued and correct use of ITNs, SBC interventions play a critical role during ITN distribution. Understanding the SBC costs embedded within broader program costs is useful for program planners to ensure that enough funding is allocated for SBC. This brief reviews the existing knowledge on SBC costs within ITN distribution campaigns and provides guidance for future costing studies.






Breakthrough RESEARCH
