"Webinar—Finding the right fit: Using segmentation approaches to shape " by Breakthrough RESEARCH

Webinar—Finding the right fit: Using segmentation approaches to shape your SBC programming

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Streaming Media


Breakthrough RESEARCH has developed a set of research and learning agendas (RLAs) that identify priority questions for social and behavior change (SBC) evidence generation. A persistent challenge reflected in the RLAs was a need for better understanding of who to reach, how to reach them, and with what kind of SBC programming. Segmentation methodologies are a set of evidence generation approaches that facilitate a more in-depth and nuanced understanding of the individual and contextual drivers of behavior. These approaches have the potential to help us design and evaluate appropriate SBC interventions.

On 9 February, Breakthrough RESEARCH and partners conducted a webinar on how segmentation approaches are being applied to current SBC work across various health areas and with different audiences. Panelists included experts from Surgo Ventures, Camber Collective, and Breakthrough ACTION + RESEARCH who have used these approaches, developed frameworks and tools, and are working with implementers to develop innovative SBC interventions globally.




Breakthrough RESEARCH

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