"More Than Brides Alliance: Baseline report, Niger" by Grace Saul, Andrea J. Melnikas et al.

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The More Than Brides Alliance (MTBA) seeks to improve the lives of adolescent girls and includes activities across multiple domains (reproductive health, education, gender norms, and livelihoods, to name a few). The Population Council conducted baseline surveys of adolescents in select areas of two regions in Niger (Tillaberi and Maradi) as part of an evaluation of MTBA interventions to delay marriage. The goals of the baseline study were to: 1) provide a benchmark against which changes resulting from the intervention may be measured at the midline and endline periods; 2) provide information about the current situation and context for adolescent girls in select areas in Niger in order to inform the intervention; and 3) identify themes in need of further exploration through qualitative research. The findings suggest that girls in these communities in Tillaberi and Maradi have a demonstrated need for interventions to address these vulnerabilities. These findings will be used both to evaluate changes over time that may be attributable to the MTBA intervention and to inform programmatic staff seeking to understand the populations they are serving.






Testing Effective Approaches to End Child Marriage
