"Is AGEP building assets for vulnerable girls in Zambia? Preliminary re" by Population Council

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The Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP) is a randomized controlled trial that evaluates a multisectoral program intended to increase girls’ social, health, and economic resources. AGEP involves over 10,000 vulnerable girls aged 10–19 in Zambia. The girls participate in weekly girls’ group meetings (safe spaces), receive vouchers for health services, and open savings accounts. AGEP operates in ten sites—five urban and five rural—across four provinces in Zambia. The AGEP evaluation is based on the randomization of girls to participate in one of four arms of the program: 1) safe spaces only, 2) safe spaces + health voucher, 3) safe spaces + health voucher + savings account, and 4) no program (control). The sample being tracked in the evaluation includes over 5,000 unmarried girls 10–19 years of age at the baseline survey. The girls will be observed over four years, including the two years of the program and two years after the program has ended. This brief highlights trends in the data after the girls participated in one of the two years of the program.






Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program; GIRL Center
