Population Council Focus Area: Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Choices | Focus Areas | Population Council

The Population Council tackles intersecting inequalities that undermine rights and access to contraception, HIV and STI prevention, maternal and newborn health, safe abortion, prevention and treatment of infertility, and sexuality education, among other sexual and reproductive health needs. Our research and partnerships ensure high quality, evidence-based, voluntary, and rights-based comprehensive care for sexual and reproductive health.

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Submissions from 2011


Differential nuclear receptor and gene expression in human endometrial adenocarcinoma cells: Regulation by a novel selective progesterone receptor modulator, KeumSil Hwang, Lyann Mitchell, Catherine Rapelje, and Patricia L. Morris


Drug transporters, the blood–testis barrier, and spermatogenesis, Linlin Su, Dolores D. Mruk, and C. Yan Cheng


Early marriage and sexual and reproductive health vulnerabilities of young women: A synthesis of recent evidence from developing countries, K.G. Santhya


Emerging role for drug transporters at the blood-testis barrier, Dolores D. Mruk, Linlin Su, and C. Yan Cheng


Engaging media in communicating research on sexual and reproductive health and rights in sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences and lessons learned, Rose Ndakala Oronje, Chi-Chi Undie, Eliya Msiyaphazi Zulu, and Joanna Crichton


Equity in access to maternal and child health services in five developing countries: What works, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder and Ubaidur Rob


Evaluation of the impact of the voucher and accreditation approach on improving reproductive behaviors and RH status: Bangladesh, Ubaidur Rob, Md. Moshiur Rahman, and Benjamin Bellows


Evaluation of the impact of the voucher and accreditation approach on improving reproductive behaviors and status in Cambodia, Benjamin Bellows, Charlotte E. Warren, Saphonn Vonthanak, Chhea Chhorvann, Hean Sokhom, Chean Men, Ashish Bajracharya, Ubaidur Rob, and Tung Rathavy

Evaluation of the impact of the voucher and accreditation approach on improving reproductive behaviors and status in Cambodia, Benjamin Bellows, Charlotte E. Warren, Saphonn Vonthanak, Chhea Chhorvann, Hean Sokhom, Chean Men, Ashish Bajracharya, Ubaidur Rob, and Tung Rathavy


Evaluation of the impact of the voucher and accreditation approach on improving reproductive health behaviors and status in Kenya, Charlotte E. Warren, Timothy Abuya, Francis Obare, Joseph Sunday, Rebecca Njue, Ian Askew, and Benjamin Bellows

Evaluation of the impact of the voucher and accreditation approach on improving reproductive health behaviors and status in Kenya, Charlotte E. Warren, Timothy Abuya, Francis Obare Onyango, Joseph Sunday, Rebecca Njue, Ian Askew, and Benjamin Bellows


Evaluation of the informed consent process for male circumcision scale-up in Swaziland, Barbara Friedland, Louis Apicella, Katie D. Schenk, Meredith Sheehy, and Paul C. Hewett


Evaluation of the informed consent process for male circumcision scale-up in Zambia, Barbara Friedland, Louis Apicella, Katie D. Schenk, Meredith Sheehy, and Paul C. Hewett


Expanding access to safe abortion and post-abortion care: Recommendations of a South Asia regional consultation, Population Council


Experience of violence and adverse reproductive health outcomes, HIV risks among mobile female sex workers in India, Suvakanta N. Swain, Niranjan Saggurti, Madhusudana Battala, Ravi K. Verma, and Anrudh K. Jain


Experiences and opinions of health-care professionals regarding legal abortion in Mexico City: A qualitative study, Xipatl Contreras, Marieke G. van Dijk, Tahilin Sanchez, and Patricio Sanhueza Smith


Facilitating regulatory approval of multipurpose prevention technologies for sexual and reproductive health, Martha Brady


Family planning as an economic investment, John Bongaarts and Steven W. Sinding


Female genital mutilation practices in Kenya: The role of alternative rites of passage. A case study of Kisii and Kuria districts, Habil Oloo, Monica Wanjiru, and Katy Newell-Jones


Focus on male youths in addressing alcohol and drug abuse risk in the context of HIV prevention among young people, Population Council


Gender-based disparities in infant and child mortality based on maternal exposure to spousal violence: The heavy burden borne by Indian girls, Jay G. Silverman, Michele R. Decker, Debbie M. Cheng, Kathleen Wirth, Niranjan Saggurti, Heather L. McCauley, Kathryn L. Falb, Balaiah Donta, and Anita Raj


Harsh realities: Reasons for women's involvement in sex work in India, Niranjan Saggurti, Shagun Sabarwal, Ravi K. Verma, Shiva S. Halli, and Anrudh K. Jain


Heading towards the Safer Highways: An assessment of the Avahan prevention programme among long distance truck drivers in India, Arvind Pandey, Ram Manohar Mishra, Damodar Sahu, Sudhir K. Benara, Uttpal Sengupta, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Gautam Abhishek, Satya R. Lenka, and Rajatashuvra Adhikary


'Health regains but livelihoods lag': Findings from a study with people on ART in Zambia and Kenya, Fiona Samuels and Naomi Rutenberg


HIV infection and schooling experiences of adolescents in Uganda, Harriet Birungi, Francis Obare Onyango, Anne Katahoire, and David Kibenge


HIV integrated biological and behavioural surveillance survey (IBBSS) 2010, Federal Ministry of Health


HIV transmission among married men and women in districts with high out-migration in India: Study brief, Niranjan Saggurti, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Suvakanta N. Swain, Madhusudana Battala, Umesh Chawla, and Alka Narang


How often and under which circumstances do Mexican pharmacy vendors recommend misoprostol to induce an abortion?, Diana K. Lara, Sandra G. Garcia, Kate S. Wilson, and Francisco Paz


Identifying opportunities and challenges to strengthen union level facility for providing normal delivery and newborn care services: Findings from policy advocacy activities, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Ubaidur Rob, and A.K.M. Zafar Ullah Khan


Increasing access to family planning (FP) and reproductive health (RH) services through task-sharing between community health workers (CHWs) and community mid-level professionals in large-scale public-sector programs: A literature review to help guide case studies, James R. Foreit and Sarah Raifman


Increasing access to safe abortion in rural Maharashtra: Outcomes of a comprehensive abortion care model, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, A.J. Francis Zavier, Rajib Acharya, and Shveta Kalyanwala


Increasing access to safe abortion in rural Rajasthan: Outcomes of a comprehensive abortion care model, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, A.J. Francis Zavier, Rajib Acharya, and Shveta Kalyanwala


Informe años dos Movil.com: Evaluación de la línea final resumen de hallazgos principales, Annik Sorhaindo, Xipatl Contreras, Kate S. Wilson, and Sandra G. Garcia


Innovative financing through pay-for-performance for providers to improve quality of care in Bangladesh: Transforming research into action, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Laila Rahman, and Ismat Ara Hena


Innovative financing through pay-for-performance for providers to improve quality of care in Bangladesh: Transforming research into action, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Ubaidur Rob, Laila Rahman, and Ismat Ara Hena


Integrating alcohol risk reduction into HTC services, Population Council


Integrating tuberculosis case finding and treatment into postnatal care, Charity Ndwiga, Harriet Birungi, Chi-Chi Undie, Shiphrah Kuria, Joseph Sitienei, and Sam Ochola


Introduction: Contextualising 'rights' in sexual and reproductive health, Hilary Standing, Kate Hawkins, Elizabeth Mills, Sally Theobald, and Chi-Chi Undie


Introduction of medical abortion in Ghana, Emmanuel Kuffour, Selina F. Esantsi, Placide Tapsoba, Gloria Quansah Asare, and Ian Askew


Is repeat use of emergency contraception common among pharmacy clients? Evidence from Kenya, Jill Keesbury, Gwendolyn Morgan, and Benter Owino


"Knowing myself first": Feasibility of self-testing among health workers in Kenya, Sam Kalibala, Waimar Tun, William Muraah, Peter Cherutich, Erick Oweya, and Patricia Oluoch


Lessons learned from the preclinical drug discovery of asoprisnil and ulipristal for non-surgical treatment of uterine leiomyomas, Takeshi Maruo, Noriyuki Ohara, Shigeki Yoshida, Koji Nakabayashi, Hiroko Sasaki, Qin Xu, Hiroya Matsuo, Régine Sitruk-Ware, and Hideto Yamada


Levels, trends and determinants of contraceptive use among adolescent girls in Kenya, Francis Obare, Harriet Birungi, Chi-Chi Undie, Monica Wanjiru, Wilson Liambila, and Ian Askew


Linking HIV-positive family planning clients to treatment and care services in Kenya, Wilson Liambila, Francis Obare, Harriet Birungi, Ruth Wayua Muia, Joyce Wanderi Maina, Mary N. Maina, Christine Awuor, and Ibrahim Mohammed


Making HIV services more responsive to young children and infants in Nyanza, Monica Wanjiru


Male circumcision for HIV prevention: Current evidence and implementation in sub-Saharan Africa, Richard G. Wamai, Brian J. Morris, Stefan A. Bailis, David Sokal, Jeffrey D. Klausner, Ross Appleton, Nelson Sewankambo, David A. Cooper, John Bongaarts, Guy De Bruyn, Alex D. Wodak, and Joya Banerjee


Male contraception: Where do we go from here?, C. Yan Cheng and Dolores D. Mruk


Male migration and risky sexual behavior in rural India: Is the place of origin critical for HIV prevention programs?, Niranjan Saggurti, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Suvakanta N. Swain, and Anrudh K. Jain


Managing unplanned pregnancies in five countries: Perspectives on contraception and abortion decisions, Amy Ong Tsui, John Casterline, Susheela Singh, Akinrinola Bankole, Ann M. Moore, Adekunbi Kehinde Omideyi, Nancy Palomino Ramirez, Zeba Sathar, Fatima Juarez, and Kristen M. Shellenberg


Maternal health care utilization among HIV-positive female adolescents in Kenya, Harriet Birungi, Francis Obare Onyango, Anke van der Kwaak, and Jane Harriet Namwebya


Measuring the effect of fertility decline on the maternal mortality ratio, Anrudh K. Jain


Metabolic effects of contraceptive steroids, Régine Sitruk-Ware and Anita Nath


Migration and HIV in India: Study of select districts, Niranjan Saggurti, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Suvakanta N. Swain, Madhusudana Battala, Alka Narang, and Umesh Chawla


Motivations for entry into sex work and HIV risk among mobile female sex workers in India, Niranjan Saggurti, Ravi K. Verma, Shiva S. Halli, Suvakanta N. Swain, Rajendra Singh, Hanimi Reddy Modugu, Saumya RamaRao, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, and Anrudh K. Jain


New strategies for providing hormonal contraception in developing countries, John Townsend, Régine Sitruk-Ware, Katherine Williams, Ian Askew, and Klaus Brill


Nomegestrol acetate, a novel progestogen for oral contraception, Alfred O. Mueck and Régine Sitruk-Ware


Operationalizing and scaling up HIV/RH referrals in Kenya: The way forward, APHIA II OR Project in Kenya


Parent-child communication on sexual and reproductive health matters: Perspectives of mothers and fathers of youth in India, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy and K.G. Santhya


Patient characteristics and service trends following abortion legalization in Mexico City, 2007–10, Manuel Mondragon y Kalb, Armando Ahued Ortega, Jorge Morales Velazquez, Claudia Diaz, Jorge Valencia Rodriguez, Davida Becker, and Sandra G. Garcia


Population policy in transition in the developing world, John Bongaarts and Steven Sinding


Population, poverty, and sustainable development: A review of the evidence, Monica Das Gupta and John Bongaarts


Postabortion care: Going to scale, Saumya RamaRao, John Townsend, Nafissatou J. Diop, and Sarah Raifman


Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men and injecting drug users and validation of audio computer-assisted self interview (ACASI) technique in Abuja, Lagos, and Ibadan, Nigeria: Report fact sheet, Enhancing Nigeria's HIV/AIDS Response (ENR) Programme


Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men and injecting drug users and validation of audio computer-assisted self interview (ACASI) technique in Abuja, Lagos, and Ibadan, Nigeria: Technical report, Enhancing Nigeria's HIV/AIDS Response (ENR) Programme


Provider determinants of emergency contraceptive counseling and provision in Kenya and Ethiopia, Shana Judge, Amber Peterman, and Jill Keesbury


Provider-related barriers to accessing emergency contraception in developing countries: A literature review, Katherine Williams


Public opinion on abortion in eight Mexican states amid opposition to legalization, Jorge Valencia Rodriguez, Kate S. Wilson, Claudia Diaz, Sandra G. Garcia, and Maria Luisa Sanchez Fuentes


Public opinion on abortion in Mexico City after the landmark reform, Kate S. Wilson, Sandra G. Garcia, Claudia Diaz, Aremis Villalobos-Hernandez, Jorge Valencia Rodriguez, Patricio Sanhueza Smith, and Courtney Burks


Relationship between reported prior condom use and current self-perceived risk of acquiring HIV among mobile female sex workers in southern India, Anrudh K. Jain, Niranjan Saggurti, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Mary Philip Sebastian, Hanimi Modugu, Shiva S. Halli, and Ravi K. Verma


Scaling up the integration of tuberculosis screening into reproductive health services, APHIA II OR Project in Kenya


Scaling up the provision of family planning messages in antenatal and postpartum services in Upper Egypt, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab and Sally Saher


Service improvements and community education lead to increase in uptake of HIV services for infants and young children, Population Council


Sex trafficking and initiation-related violence, alcohol use, and HIV risk among HIV-infected female sex workers in Mumbai, India, Jay G. Silverman, Anita Raj, Debbie M. Cheng, Michele R. Decker, Sharon Coleman, Carly Bridden, Manoj Pardeshi, Niranjan Saggurti, and Jeffrey H. Samet


Sexual and physical violence against female sex workers in Kenya: A qualitative enquiry, Jerry Okal, Matthew F. Chersich, Sharon Tsui, Elizabeth Sutherland, Marleen Temmerman, and Stanley Luchters


Sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents living with HIV in Kenya, Harriet Birungi, Francis Obare, Jane Harriet Namwebya, Ibrahim Mohammed, Margaret Gitau, and Margaret Makumi


Sexual and reproductive health of young people in India: A review of policies, laws and programmes, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy and K.G. Santhya


Shaping demand and practices to improve family health outcomes in northern India: A framework for behavior change communication, Population Council


Situation assessment of the HIV response among young people in Zambia, Sam Kalibala and Drosin Mulenga


Social and behavioural research: Tool for intensifying fight against AIDS in India, Nita Mawar, Ramesh S. Paranjape, and M.E. Khan


Social mobilization strategy, Family Advancement for Life and Health (FALAH)


Social stigma and disclosure about induced abortion: Results from an exploratory study, Kristen M. Shellenberg, Ann M. Moore, Akinrinola Bankole, Fatima Juarez, Adekunbi Kehinde Omideyi, Nancy Palomino Ramirez, Zeba Sathar, Susheela Singh, and Amy Ong Tsui


Sociodemographic factors associated with obstacles to abortion care: Findings from a survey of abortion patients in Mexico City, Davida Becker, Claudia Diaz, Clara Juarez, Sandra G. Garcia, Patricio Sanhueza Smith, and Cynthia C. Harper


Strengthening the delivery of comprehensive reproductive health services at the community level in Kenya, Population Council


Strengthening union level facility for providing normal delivery and newborn care services: Facility assessment report, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Ubaidur Rob, A.K.M. Zafar Ullah Khan, Amar Krishna Baidya, M. Mostafizur Rahman Khan, and Nargis Sultana


Strengthening union level facility for providing normal delivery and newborn care services: Workshop report, Ubaidur Rob, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, and A.K.M. Zafar Ullah Khan


Survey of domestic and work life experience and reproductive health of women workers of selected industrial compounds in Ha Noi, Nguyen Thi Van Anh and Nguyen Hong Phuong


Ten years of the Kenya Adolescent Reproductive Health Project: What has happened?, Humphres Evelia, Monica Wanjiru, Francis Obare, and Harriet Birungi


The interrelationship of men's self-reports of sexual risk behavior and symptoms and laboratory-confirmed STI-status in India, Niranjan Saggurti, Stephen L. Schensul, and Ravi K. Verma


The prevention and management of HIV and sexual and gender-based violence: Responding to the needs of survivors and those-at-risk, Sarah Raifman, Ian Askew, Sajeda Amin, Jill Keesbury, Saiqa Mullick, Judith A. Diers, Meiwita P. Budiharsana, Chi-Chi Undie, Mary Zama, Mantshi Menziwa, Sherry Hutchinson, and Naomi Rutenberg


The use of vouchers for reproductive health services in developing countries: Systematic review, Nicole M. Bellows, Benjamin Bellows, and Charlotte E. Warren


Timing of first sex before marriage and its correlates: Evidence from India, K.G. Santhya, Rajib Acharya, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, and Usha Ram


Transactional sex risk and STI among HIV-infected female sex workers and HIV-infected male clients of FSWs in India, Anita Raj, Niranjan Saggurti, Debbie M. Cheng, Anindita Dasgupta, Carly Bridden, Manojkumar Pradeshi, and Jeffrey H. Samet


Unpacking rights in indigenous African societies: Indigenous culture and the question of sexual and reproductive rights in Africa, Chi-Chi Undie and Chimaraoke O. Izugbara


Use of AUDIT, and measures of drinking frequency and patterns to detect associations between alcohol and sexual behaviour in male sex workers in Kenya, Stanley Luchters, Scott Geibel, Masila Syengo, Daniel Lango, Nzioki King'Ola, Marleen Temmerman, and Matthew F. Chersich


Using community health workers can lead to positive sexual behavior outcomes among people living with HIV, Population Council


Using evidence to improve primary health care in Thai Nguyen Province, Population Council


Using youth-friendly communication approaches to communicate HIV/AIDS with young people is feasible and acceptable, Population Council


What regulatory guidance exists for multipurpose prevention technologies (MPTs)? A review of key guidance documents and their applicability to MPTs, Martha Brady and Heeyoung Park


Women's experiences with legal abortion in Mexico City: A qualitative study, Marieke G. van Dijk, Luis Jorge Arellano Mendoza, Ana Gabriela Arangure Peraza, Aldo Alberto Toriz Prado, Abigail Krumholz, and Eileen Yam

Submissions from 2010


Abortion and women's roles in society: Opinions from Tlaxcala, Mexico, Tia Palermo, Kate S. Wilson, Sandra G. Garcia, and Claudia Diaz