"Increasing access to safe abortion in rural Maharashtra: Outcomes of a" by Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, A.J. Francis Zavier et al.

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This assessment of a Comprehensive Abortion Care (CAC) model was conducted by the Population Council on behalf of the Consortium for Safe Abortions in India. The goal of the Consortium is to increase access to legal, safe, and comprehensive abortion services, including post-abortion family planning, in the public health system, and especially among the rural poor. This report describes the CAC model implemented in Aurangabad district, Maharashtra, and examines the extent to which the model improved (a) the availability and quality of abortion services in public sector facilities, and (b) women’s awareness and experiences with regard to abortion services. It also sheds light on progress in the achievement of such longer term objectives as a shift to public sector facilities and trained providers, and a reduction in second trimester abortions. Several lessons can be drawn from the experience of implementing the CAC model, which could be relevant for its modification and up-scaling: a focus on facility strengthening, provider training, and community awareness-building is a promising approach; and the intervention was feasible to implement and can be integrated into existing government services without much additional investment.






Increasing Access to Comprehensive Abortion Care Services in India
