The Population Council tackles intersecting inequalities that undermine rights and access to contraception, HIV and STI prevention, maternal and newborn health, safe abortion, prevention and treatment of infertility, and sexuality education, among other sexual and reproductive health needs. Our research and partnerships ensure high quality, evidence-based, voluntary, and rights-based comprehensive care for sexual and reproductive health.
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Submissions from 2012
Introduction of emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) through lady health workers (LHWs) program in Pakistan: Findings of an evaluation study, Arshad Mahmood and Yasir Bin Nisar
Kadi: Saving Mothers and Babies, One Voucher at a Time, Population Council
Kadi the Film—Webisode 1: Vouchers Improve Health Facilities, Population Council
Kadi the Film—Webisode 2: Mobile Technology for Monitoring Vouchers, Population Council
Kadi the Film—Webisode 3: Vouchers in Pregnancies with Serious Complications, Population Council
Kadi the Film—Webisode 4: Getting Vouchers to Those in Need, Population Council
Kadi the Film—Webisode 5: Distributing Vouchers in Rural Uganda, Population Council
Key opinion leaders' views regarding emergency contraception in India, M.E. Khan, Isha Bhatnagar, Deepthi S. Varma, and Anvita Dixit
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of certified providers of medical abortion: Evidence from Bihar and Maharashtra, India, Rajib Acharya and Shveta Kalyanwala
La santé des adolescentes vulnérables : un investissement stratégique doublement rentable, Jennifer Catino
Le consensus de Bellagio : Recommandations pour améliorer l'accès aux méthodes de contraception efficaces, réversibles à longue durée d'action, Population Council
Levels and correlates of internalized homophobia among men who have sex with men in Pretoria, South Africa, Lung Vu, Waimar Tun, Meredith Sheehy, and Dawie Nel
Male migration/mobility and HIV among married couples: Cross-sectional analysis of nationally representative data from India, Niranjan Saggurti, Saritha Nair, Alankar Malviya, Michele R. Decker, Jay G. Silverman, and Anita Raj
Male out-migration: A factor for the spread of HIV infection among married men and women in rural India, Niranjan Saggurti, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Shrutika Sabarwal, Subash Ghosh, and Aradhana Johri
MARPs sensitization: A diversity training guide for health care providers in Nigeria, Enhancing Nigeria's HIV/AIDS Response (ENR) Programme
Maternal and fetal outcomes after introduction of magnesium sulphate for treatment of preeclampsia and eclampsia in selected secondary facilities: A low-cost intervention, Jamilu Tukur, Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Idowu Araoyinbo, Ekechi Okereke, and Ayodeji Oginni
Maternal morbidity: Neglected dimension of safe motherhood in the developing world, Karen Hardee, Jill Gay, and Ann K. Blanc
Meaningful involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda through linkages between network groups and health facilities: An evaluation study, Young-Mi Kim, Sam Kalibala, Stella Neema, John Lukwago, and Deborah Weiss
Mobilising community collectivisation among female sex workers to promote STI service utilisation from the government healthcare system in Andhra Pradesh, India, Parimi Prabhakar, Ram Manohar Mishra, Saroj Tucker, and Niranjan Saggurti
Navigating the swampy lowland: A framework for evaluating the effect of community mobilisation in female sex workers in Avahan, the India AIDS Initiative, Christine Galavotti, Tisha Wheeler, Anne Sebert Kuhlmann, Niranjan Saggurti, Pradeep Narayanan, Usha Kiran, and Gina Dallabetta
Nonclinical development needs and regulatory requirements for multipurpose prevention technologies: A primer, Joseph W. Romano, Martha Brady, and Judy Manning
On the cutting edge: Improving the informed consent process for adolescents in Zambia undergoing male circumcision for HIV prevention, Katie D. Schenk, Barbara Friedland, Louis Apicella, Meredith Sheehy, Kelvin Munjile, and Paul C. Hewett
Optimising the cost and delivery of HIV counselling and testing services in Kenya and Swaziland, Carol Dayo Obure, Anna Vassall, Christine Michaels-Igbokwe, Fern Terris-Prestholt, Susannah H. Mayhew, Lucy Stackpool-Moore, Charlotte E. Warren, The Integra Research Team, and Charlotte Watts
Patent: Methods and compositions for emergency contraception using endothelin receptor antagonists, Indrani C. Bagchi and Régine Sitruk-Ware
Policy brief: Designing and implementing high-quality voluntary family planning programs, Population Council
Policy brief: Designing and implementing high-quality voluntary family planning programs [Arabic], Population Council
Population level impact of vouchers on access in Uganda, Benjamin Bellows, Francis Obare, and Reproductive Health Vouchers Evaluation Team
Positive action for HIV in schools in Kenya, Francis Obare, Harriet Birungi, Monica Wanjiru, Sheila Bayley, John Kiunjuri, Mary Omondi, Rob Burnet, and Bridget Deacon
Postabortion contraceptive use and method continuation in India, A.J. Francis Zavier and Sabu S. Padmadas
Postpartum unintended pregnancy and contraception practice among rural-to-urban migrant women in Shanghai, Yong-mei Huang, Ruth Merkatz, Jian-Zhong Kang, Kevin Roberts, Xiao-Yu Hu, Francis Di Donato, Régine Sitruk-Ware, and Li-nan Cheng
Prevalence and correlates of HIV infection in a cohort of male injection drug users in Delhi, Waimar Tun, Vartika Sharma, Mary Philip Sebastian, Ira Madan, Amita Yadav, Meredith Sheehy, Dean Lewis, Ibou Thior, and Avina Sarna
Prevalence of internalized homophobia and HIV associated risks among men who have sex with men in Nigeria, Sylvia Adebajo, George I. Eluwa, Dan Allman, Ted Myers, and Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi
Progesterone receptors: A key for neuroprotection in experimental stroke, Ailing Liu, Isabelle Margaill, Shaodong Zhang, Florencia Labombarda, Berard Coqueran, Brigitte Delespierre, Philippe Liere, Catherine Marchand-Leroux, Bert W. O'Malley, John P. Lydon, Alejandro De Nicola, Régine Sitruk-Ware, Claudia Mattern, Michel Plotkine, Michael Schumacher, and Rachida Guennoun
Providers' and key opinion leaders' attitudes and practices regarding emergency contraception in Senegal: Key findings, Babacar Mane, Martha Brady, Saumya RamaRao, and Fatou Bintou Mbow
Providers' and key opinion leaders' attitudes, beliefs, and practices concerning emergency contraception: A multicountry study in India, Nigeria, and Senegal, Martha Brady, M.E. Khan, Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi, Babacar Mane, Ian Askew, and Saumya RamaRao
Providers' and key opinion leaders' attitudes, beliefs, and practices regarding emergency contraception in India: Final survey report, M.E. Khan, Deepthi S. Varma, Isha Bhatnagar, Anvita Dixit, and Martha Brady
Providers' and key opinion leaders' attitudes, beliefs, and practices regarding emergency contraception in Nigeria, Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Araoyinbo Idowu, and Ayodeji Oginni
Providers' and key opinion leaders' attitudes, beliefs, and practices regarding emergency contraception in Nigeria: Key findings, Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Araoyinbo Idowu, and Ayodeji Oginni
Providers' attitudes and practices regarding emergency contraception in India: Key findings, M.E. Khan, Isha Bhatnagar, Deepthi S. Varma, and Anvita Dixit
Rape sentencing study: A review of statutory sentencing provisions for rape, defilement, and sexual assault in East, Central, and Southern Africa, Jill Thompson and Felly Nkweto Simmonds
Receiving voluntary family planning services has no relationship with the paradoxical situation of high use of contraceptives and abortion in Vietnam: A cross sectional study, Nguyen Hong Phuong and Meiwita P. Budiharsana
Recours aux données pour révéler et sélectionner les adolescentes les plus vulnérables, Sarah Engebretsen
Relationship between mobility, violence and HIV/STI among female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, India, Sowmya Ramesh, Deepika Ganju, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Ram Manohar Mishra, and Niranjan Saggurti
Replication of the Community Mobilization for Postabortion Care (COMMPAC) model in Naivasha District, Rift Valley Province, Kenya: An evaluation report, Chi-Chi Undie, Francis Obare, and Saumya RamaRao
Report of the Voucher and Accreditation Evaluation Project Meeting, Reproductive Health Vouchers Evaluation Team and Population Council
Repositioning community-based family planning in Ghana: A case study of Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS), Stephen Ntsua, Placide Tapsoba, Gloria Quansah Asare, and Frank K. Nyonator
Résumé Exécutif—Les programmes de planification familiale du XXIe siècle: fondement et conception, John Bongaarts, John C. Cleland, John Townsend, Jane T. Bertrand, and Monica Das Gupta
Routine screening for intimate partner violence in public health care settings in Kenya: An assessment of acceptability, Chi-Chi Undie, Catherine Maternowska, Margaret Mak'anyengo, Harriet Birungi, Jill Keesbury, and Ian Askew
Same-sex sexual behavior of men in Kenya: Implications for HIV prevention, programs, and policy, Scott Geibel
Sexual behavior of HIV-positive adults not accessing HIV treatment in Mombasa, Kenya: Defining their prevention needs, Avina Sarna, Stanley Luchters, Melissa Pickett, Matthew F. Chersich, Jerry Okal, Scott Geibel, Nzioki Kingola, and Marleen Temmerman
Sexual risk behaviors and HIV among female sex workers in Nigeria, George I. Eluwa, Steffanie A. Strathdee, Sylvia Adebajo, Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi, Aderemi Azeez, and Jennifer Anyanti
Sex with stitches: Assessing the resumption of sexual activity during the postcircumcision wound-healing period, Paul C. Hewett, Timothy B. Hallett, Barbara Mensch, Kumbutso Dzekedzeke, Susan Zimba-Tembo, Geoffrey P. Garnett, and Petra E. Todd
Shaping Demand and Practices to Improve Family Health Outcomes: Designing a Behavior Change Communication Strategy in India, Volume 1: Uttar Pradesh, M.E. Khan, Gary L. Darmstadt, Usha Kiran Tarigopula, and Deepika Ganju
Shaping Demand and Practices to Improve Family Health Outcomes: Designing a Behavior Change Communication Strategy in India, Volume 2: Bihar, M.E. Khan, France Donnay, Usha Kiran Tarigopula, and Deepika Ganju
Shaping the operations research agenda for antiretroviral-based prevention products for women: Gels and rings, Martha Brady and C. Elizabeth McGrory
Situation analysis of behavior change communication activities in Bihar: A step towards developing a comprehensive BCC strategy, M.E. Khan, Isha Bhatnagar, Avishek Hazra, and Mukesh Kumar
Situation analysis of health facilities with special reference to family planning services in Pakistan, Arshad Mahmood, Muhammad Jamil Arshad, and Maqsood Sadiq
Strengthening the delivery of comprehensive reproductive health services through the community midwifery model in Kenya, Wilson Liambila, Francis Obare, Chi-Chi Undie, Harriet Birungi, Shiphrah Kuria, Ruth Wayua Muia, and Assumpta Matekwa
Study protocol for the Integra Initiative to assess the benefits and costs of integrating sexual and reproductive health and HIV services in Kenya and Swaziland, Charlotte E. Warren, Susannah H. Mayhew, Anna Vassall, James Kelly Kimani, Kathryn Church, Carol Dayo Obure, Natalie Friend du-Preez, Timothy Abuya, Richard Mutemwa, Manuela Colombini, Isolde Birdthistle, Ian Askew, and Charlotte Watts
Testing the feasibility of police provision of emergency contraception in Malawi, Malawi Human Rights Resource Centre, Malawi Police Service, and Ministry of Health
The Africa Regional Sexual and Gender-based Violence Network Annual Partners Meeting: June 26-27 2012, Mombasa, Kenya—meeting report, Population Council
The association between adolescent entry into the trucking industry and risk of HIV among long-distance truck drivers in India, Ram Manohar Mishra, Madhulika Dube, Niranjan Saggurti, Arvind Pandey, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, and Sowmya Ramesh
The consequences of unintended births for maternal and child health in India, Abhishek Singh, Satvika Chalasani, Michael A. Koenig, and Bidhubhusan Mahapatra
The effect of traditional birth attendant training on maternal and neonatal care, Peter C. Miller, Gul Rashida, Zeba Tasneem, and Minhaj ul Haque
The experiences of men engaged in transactional sex with other men in urban Nigeria—A size estimation and qualitative study, Population Council
The extent and nature of fluidity in typologies of female sex work in southern India: Implications for HIV prevention programs, Anrudh K. Jain and Niranjan Saggurti
The health of vulnerable adolescent girls: A strategic investment for double return, Jennifer Catino
The impact of peer outreach on HIV knowledge and prevention behaviours of male sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya, Scott Geibel, Nzioki King'ola, Marleen Temmerman, and Stanley Luchters
The (mis)reporting of male circumcision status among men and women in Zambia and Swaziland: A randomized evaluation of interview methods, Paul C. Hewett, Nicole Haberland, Louis Apicella, and Barbara S. Mensch
The reproductive health of young people in Egypt, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Noha Roushdy, and Maia Sieverding
The reproductive health of young people in Egypt [Arabic], Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Noha Roushdy, and Maia Sieverding
The role of the Standard Days Method in modern family planning services in developing countries, Rebecka Lundgren, Mihira V. Karra, and Eileen Yam
Training manual on the use of magnesium sulphate in the management of severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia [trainee version], Federal Ministry of Health and Population Council
Treatment-seeking for symptoms of reproductive tract infections among young women in India, Shagun Sabarwal and K.G. Santhya
Understanding out-migration among female sex workers in South India, Pradeep Banandur, Satyanarayana Ramanaik, Lisa E. Manhart, Raluca Buzdugan, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Shajy Isac, Shiva S. Halli, Reynold G. Washington, Stephen Moses, and James F. Blanchard
Understanding the association between injecting and sexual risk behaviors of injecting drug users in Manipur and Nagaland, India, Khrieketou Suoho, Chumben Humtsoe, Niranjan Saggurti, Shrutika Sabarwal, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, and Michelle Kermode
Unintended pregnancy among rural women in Bangladesh, Forhana Rahman Noor, Md. Moshiur Rahman, Ubaidur Rob, and Benjamin Bellows
Using capture-recapture methodology for enumerating most-at-risk populations (MARPs), Population Council
Using data to see and select the most vulnerable adolescent girls, Sarah Engebretsen
Submissions from 2011
Abuse from in-laws during pregnancy and post-partum: Qualitative and quantitative findings from low-income mothers of infants in Mumbai, India, Anita Raj, Shagun Sabarwal, Michele R. Decker, Saritha Nair, Meghna Jethva, Suneeta Krishnan, Balaiah Donta, Niranjan Saggurti, and Jay G. Silverman
Acceptability of Carraguard vaginal microbicide gel among HIV-infected women in Chiang Rai, Thailand, Sara J. Whitehead, Catherine A. McLean, Supaporn Chaikummao, Sarah Braunstein, Wat Utaivoravit, Janneke van de Wijgert, Philip A. Mock, Taweesap Siraprapasiri, Barbara Friedland, Peter H. Kilmarx, and Lauri Markowitz
Adjudin, a potential male contraceptive, exerts its effects locally in the seminiferous epithelium of mammalian testes, Ka-Wai Mok, Dolores D. Mruk, Pearl P.Y. Lie, Wing Yee Lui, and C. Yan Cheng
Adjudin disrupts spermatogenesis via the action of some unlikely partners: Eps8, Arp2/3 complex, drebrin E, PAR6 and 14-3-3, C. Yan Cheng, Pearl P.Y. Lie, Elissa W.P. Wong, Dolores D. Mruk, and Bruno Silvestrini
A methodology for building culture and gender norms into intervention: An example from Mumbai, India, Kristin M. Kostick, Stephen L. Schensul, Rajendra Singh, Pertti Pelto, and Niranjan Saggurti
A P4P model for increased utilization of maternal, newborn and child health services in Bangladesh, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Ubaidur Rob, Laila Rahman, Ismat Ara Hena, and A.K.M. Zafar Ullah Khan
A pay-for-performance innovation integrating the quantity and quality of care in maternal, newborn and child health services in Bangladesh, Laila Rahman, Ubaidur Rob, Riad Mahmud, Azizul Alim, Ismat Ara Hena, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, and Md. Hafizur Rahman
Assessing the effectiveness of a patient-driven partner notification strategy among pregnant women infected with syphilis in Bolivia, Claudia Diaz, Jorge Valencia, Kate S. Wilson, Sandra G. Garcia, Freddy Tinajeros, and Tahilin Sanchez
Assessing the reporting of adherence and sexual activity in a simulated microbicide trial in South Africa: An interview mode experiment using a placebo gel, Barbara Mensch, Paul C. Hewett, Sharon Abbott, Johanna Rankin, Sarah A. Littlefield, Khatija Ahmed, Nazira Cassim, Smruti Patel, Gita Ramjee, Thesla Palanee, Stanley J. Mierzwa, and Stephanie Skoler-Karpoff
Attitudinal and behavioral factors associated with extramarital sex among Nigerian men: Findings from a national survey, Lung Vu, Waimar Tun, Andrew Karlyn, Sylvia Adebajo, and Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi
Barriers to sexual and reproductive health programming for adolescents living with HIV in Uganda, Francis Obare, Harriet Birungi, and Linda Kavuma
Can family planning programs reduce high desired family size in sub-Saharan Africa?, John Bongaarts
Can nurses perform manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) as safely and effectively as physicians? Evidence from India, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Shveta Kalyanwala, A.J. Francis Zavier, Rajesh Kumar, Shuchita Mundle, Jaydeep Tank, Rajib Acharya, and Nita Jha
Clients' perceptions of the quality of care in Mexico City's public sector legal abortion program, Davida Becker, Claudia Diaz, Clara Juarez, Sandra G. Garcia, Patricio Sanhueza Smith, and Cynthia C. Harper
Community health workers and the media can be effective in providing health information to married adolescent girls in the community, Population Council
Community health workers can effectively provide information and referrals to people living with HIV in their communities, Population Council
Comprehensive responses to sexual violence in East and Southern Africa: Lessons learned from implementation, Jill Keesbury, Ian Askew, Monica Wanjiru, Grace Chiyaba, Kate Wilson, and Felly Nkweto Simmonds
Concordance and discordance of couples living in a rural Pakistani village: Perspectives on contraception and abortion—A qualitative study, Iram Kamran, Muhammad Shafique Arif, and Katherine Vassos
Constructing a critical path for product development, commercialization, and access, Martha Brady
Correlates of sexual, ethnic, and dual identity: A study of young Asian and Pacific Islander men who have sex with men, Lung Vu, Kyung Hee Choi, and Tri Do
Costing and economic analysis of strengthening union level facility for providing normal delivery and newborn care services in Bangladesh, Sushil Ranjan Howlader