"Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex w" by Enhancing Nigeria's HIV/AIDS Response (ENR) Programme

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Most-at-risk populations (MARPS), including men who have sex with men (MSM) and injecting drug users (IDUs), represent 1 percent of Nigeria’s population yet account for 38 percent of new HIV infections. Despite their elevated risk, MSM and IDUs are less likely than the general population to access HIV prevention and sexual health services because of stigmatization. There is a dearth of data on prevalence of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among MSM and IDUs because their behaviors make them difficult to be reached programmatically and engaged in research. While the need for HIV and STI prevalence data is clear, there is also a need to improve the quality and reliability of behavioral data collected for national surveillance, where these stigmatized subpopulations may underreport sensitive behaviors that put them most at risk. This technical report provides details of a study that sought to determine the prevalence of HIV and STIs and sexual and injecting risk behaviors in MSM and male IDUs, and determine if Audio Computer-Assisted Self Interviews provide more accurate reporting of risk behaviors than face-to-face interviewing.






Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interviewing (ACASI)
