"Population and health dynamics in Nairobi's informal settlements: Repo" by African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)

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This report documents the living conditions and health risks of slum-dwellers across Nairobi’s informal settlements a decade after the Nairobi Cross-sectional Slums Survey (NCSS) of 2000. It aims to not only highlight the needs of slum-dwellers but also inform policymakers on the changes that have occurred in the living conditions of Nairobi’s urban poor since 2000, considering development interventions by the Government of Kenya and its development partners. The NCSS 2012 results highlight marked improvements in environmental, health, and educational indicators among slum dwellers. However, these improvements were not uniform, with subgroups of younger women and women without formal education being consistently disadvantaged. Governments must dedicate resources to support primary and secondary education, and improve access to health for the most vulnerable groups of youth. In addition, efforts to improve the well-being of young people in slums must take a multi-sectoral approach that brings together major stakeholders—key ministries such as education, youth, health, labor, finance, and planning; researchers; and non-governmental agencies—to ensure that programming takes into account the multiple facets critical to positive youth development.




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