"Expanding the evidence base on comprehensive care for survivors of sex" by Population Council

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The Expanding the Evidence Base on Comprehensive Care for Survivors of Sexual Violence in sub-Saharan Africa program was a four-year agreement between the Swedish-Norwegian Regional HIV and AIDS Team for Africa, Embassy of Sweden, Lusaka (the S-N Team), and the Population Council. From 2009 to 2013, the program sought to mitigate the impact and incidence of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in sub-Saharan Africa by strengthening the capacities of medical, legal, and justice sectors to care for survivors of such violence. This approach was intended to serve the S-N Team’s larger development objectives of preventing HIV transmission in sub-Saharan Africa and promoting the sexual, reproductive, and human rights of survivors across the region. Over this four-year period, the program aimed to achieve the following results: best practices in SGBV service provision tested and rigorously documented; South-South technical assistance provided through network of implementing partners; policy and programs influenced through dissemination of best practices to key audiences. This report provides an overview of the results achieved, the impact observed in regard to national and regional SGBV issues, and the challenges experienced.






Expanding the Evidence Base on Comprehensive Care for Survivors of Sexual Violence in East and Southern Africa
