"Facilitator's guide for training on monitoring and evaluation of socia" by Praween Kumar Agrawal, Kumudha Aruldas et al.

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Social and behavior change communication (SBCC) interventions are now incorporated within state project implementation plans and increasing resources are being allocated for SBCC activities. A close monitoring of SBCC activities and an evaluation in terms of reach and effectiveness among intended audiences is thus necessary. This calls for a serious effort to build the capacity of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) personnel to monitor and evaluate performance of SBCC activities. FHI 360’s Improving Healthy Behaviors Program, funded by USAID, aims to provide technical assistance to strengthen the capacities of public program managers at the national, state, and district level to monitor and evaluate SBCC interventions for health. This Facilitator’s Guide, designed for a three-day workshop, can be used to train a cadre of master trainers on M&E of SBCC activities at the national and state levels who would further build the capacity of staff responsible for M&E of SBCC activities within the state at the district level. Depending on the participants—whether program managers, monitoring officers, or evaluators—trainers may modify the emphasis on the content of each of the modules.




