The Population Council’s Center for Biomedical Research (CBR) is a vibrant hub of scientific investigation and product development. Our scientists address critical questions in reproductive health and develop innovative products that protect the health and well-being of millions of people worldwide.
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Submissions from 2006
Local and systemic effects of intranodally injected CpG-C immunostimulatory-oligodeoxyribonucleotides in macaques, Natalia Teleshova, Jessica Kenney, Gary Van Nest, Jason Marshall, Jeffrey D. Lifson, Irving Sivin, Jason Dufour, Rudolf Bohm, Agegnehu Gettie, and Melissa Robbiani
Long-term administration of mifepristone (RU486): Clinical tolerance during extended treatment of meningioma, Steven M. Grunberg, Martin H. Weiss, Christy A. Russell, Irving M. Spitz, Jamshid Ahmadi, Alfredo Sadun, and Régine Sitruk-Ware
Lymphocyte–dendritic cell interactions and mucosal acquisition of SIV/HIV infection, Stuart G. Turville, Silvia Peretti, and Melissa Robbiani
Mifepristone and misoprostol sequential regimen side effects, complications and safety, Régine Sitruk-Ware
New progestagens for contraceptive use, Régine Sitruk-Ware
Progesterone receptor modulator CDB-2914 down-regulates vascular endothelial growth factor, adrenomedullin and their receptors and modulates progesterone receptor content in cultured human uterine leiomyoma cells, Qin Xu, Noriyuki Ohara, Wei Chen, Jin Liu, Hiroko Sasaki, Akira Morikawa, Régine Sitruk-Ware, Elof D.B. Johansson, and Takeshi Maruo
Safety and acceptability of the candidate microbicide carraguard in Thai women: Findings from a Phase II clinical trial, Peter H. Kilmarx, Janneke van de Wijgert, Supaporn Chaikummao, Heidi E. Jones, Khanchit Limpakarnjanarat, Barbara Friedland, John M. Karon, Chomnad Manopaiboon, Nucharee Srivirojana, Somboonsak Yanpaisarn, Somsak Supawitkul, Nancy L. Young, Philip A. Mock, Kelly Blanchard, and Timothy D. Mastro
Slamming the door on unwanted guests: Why preemptive strikes at the mucosa may be the best strategy against HIV, Susanna Trapp, Stuart G. Turville, and Melissa Robbiani
Sleeping with the enemy: The insidious relationship between dendritic cells and immunodeficiency viruses, Laurence Vachot, Stuart G. Turville, Susanna Trapp, Silvia Peretti, Gavin Morrow, Ines Frank, and Melissa Robbiani
SUMO-1, human male germ cell development, and the androgen receptor in the testis of men with normal and abnormal spermatogenesis, Margarita Vigodner, Tomomoto Ishikawa, Peter N. Schlegel, and Patricia L. Morris
The sertoli-spermatid junctional complex adhesion strength is affected in vitro by adjudin, Katja M. Wolski, Dolores D. Mruk, and Don F. Cameron
Transition from Norplant to Jadelle in a clinic with extensive experience providing contraceptive implants, Vivian Brache, Anibal Faundes, Francisco Alvarez-Sanchez, and Ana-Gloria García
Tumor necrosis factor α reversibly disrupts the blood-testis barrier and impairs Sertoli-germ cell adhesion in the seminiferous epithelium of adult rat testes, Michelle W.M. Li, Weiliang Xia, Dolores D. Mruk, Claire Q.F. Wang, Helen H.N. Yan, Michelle K.Y. Siu, Wing-Yee Lui, Will M. Lee, and C. Yan Cheng
Visualization of GM1 with cholera toxin B in live epididymal versus ejaculated bull, mouse, and human spermatozoa, Danielle E. Buttke, Jacquelyn L. Nelson, Peter N. Schlegel, Gary R. Hunnicutt, and Alexander J. Travis
Submissions from 2005
11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 in rat leydig cells: Its role in blunting glucocorticoid action at physiological levels of substrate, Renshan Ge, Qiang Dong, Enmei Niu, Chantal M. Sottas, Dianne O. Hardy, James F. Catterall, Syed A. Latif, David J. Morris, and Matthew P. Hardy
AF-2364 [1-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)-1H-indazole-3-carbohydrazide] is a potential male contraceptive: A review of recent data, C. Yan Cheng, Dolores D. Mruk, Bruno Silvestrini, Michele Bonanomi, Ching-hang Wong, Michelle K.Y. Siu, Nikki P.Y. Lee, Wing-Yee Lui, and Meng-Yun Mo
Altered prostatic epithelial proliferation and apoptosis, prostatic development, and serum testosterone in mice lacking cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, Motoko Mukai, Qiang Dong, Matthew P. Hardy, Hiroaki Kiyokawa, Richard E. Peterson, and Paul S. Cooke
Blood-testis barrier dynamics are regulated by an engagement/disengagement mechanism between tight and adherens junctions via peripheral adaptors, Helen H.N. Yan and C. Yan Cheng
Blood-testis barrier dynamics are regulated by α2- macroglobulin via the c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase pathway, Ching-hang Wong, Dolores D. Mruk, Michelle K.Y. Siu, and C. Yan Cheng
Bone and muscle protective potential of the prostate-sparing synthetic androgen 7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone: Evidence from the aged orchidectomized male rat model, Katrien Venken, Steven Boonen, Erik Van Herck, Liesbeth Vandenput, Narender Kumar, Régine Sitruk-Ware, Kalyan Sundaram, Roger Bouillon, and Dirk Vanderschueren
Clinical performance and menstrual bleeding patterns with three dosage combinations of a Nestorone® progestogen/ethinyl estradiol contraceptive vaginal ring used on a bleeding-signaled regimen, Edith Weisberg, Vivian Brache, Francisco Alvarez, Rebeca Massai, Daniel R. Mishell Jr., Dan Apter, Judi Gale, Irving Sivin, Yun-yen Tsong, and Ian S. Fraser
Contraceptive vaginal rings releasing Nestorone® and ethinylestradiol: A 1-year dose-finding trial, Irving Sivin, Daniel R. Mishell Jr., Francisco Alvarez, Vivian Brache, Kaisa Elomaa, Pekka Lähteenmäki, Rebeca Massai, Patricia Miranda, Horacio B. Croxatto, Catherine Dean, Margaret Small, Harold A. Nash, and Theodore M. Jackanicz
Crosstalk between Rab GTPases and cell junctions, Dolores D. Mruk, Ann S.N. Lau, and Anne M. Conway
Culture and comparison of feline myeloid dendritic cells vs macrophages, Wendy S. Sprague, Melissa Robbiani, and Edward A. Hoover
Cytokines and junction restructuring during spermatogenesis: A lesson to learn from the testis, Weiliang Xia, Dolores D. Mruk, Will M. Lee, and C. Yan Cheng
Delivery options for contraceptives, Régine Sitruk-Ware
Disruption of Sertoli-germ cell adhesion function in the seminiferous epithelium of the rat testis can be limited to adherens junctions without affecting the blood-testis barrier integrity: An in vivo study using an androgen suppression model, Weiliang Xia, Ching-hang Wong, Nikki P.Y. Lee, Will M. Lee, and C. Yan Cheng
Elimination of retroviral infectivity by N-ethylmaleimide with preservation of functional envelope glycoproteins, David R. Morcock, James A. Thomas, Tracy D. Gagliardi, Robert J. Gorelick, J. David Roser, Elena N. Chertova, Julian W. Bess Jr., David E. Ott, Quentin J. Sattentau, Ines Frank, Melissa Robbiani, Jeffrey D. Lifson, Louis E. Henderson, and Bruce J. Crise
Endogenous selective inhibitors of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase isoforms 1 and 2 of adrenal origin, Syed A. Latif, Hector A. Pardo, Matthew P. Hardy, and David J. Morris
Gene expression in rat leydig cells during development from the progenitor to adult stage: A cluster analysis, Renshan Ge, Qiang Dong, Chantal M. Sottas, Haolin Chen, Barry R. Zirkin, and Matthew P. Hardy
Immune complex deposition in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats chronically immunized with GnRH, Louis A. Vargas, Richard Sewell, Aileen Marshall, Josephine Galatioto, Yun-yen Tsong, James F. Catterall, and Gary R. Hunnicutt
Immunomodulatory effects of HSV-2 infection on immature macaque dendritic cells modify innate and adaptive responses, Silvia Peretti, Andrew Shaw, James Blanchard, Rudolf Bohm, Gavin Morrow, Jeffrey D. Lifson, Agegnehu Gettie, and Melissa Robbiani
Interactions among IQGAP1, Cdc42, and the cadherin/catenin protein complex regulate sertoli-germ cell adherens junction dynamics in the testis, Wing-Yee Lui, Dolores D. Mruk, and C. Yan Cheng
Maintenance of spermatogenesis requires TAF4b, a gonad-specific subunit of TFIID, Allison E. Falender, Richard N. Freiman, Kenneth G. Geles, Kirk C. Lo, KeumSil Hwang, Dolores J. Lamb, Patricia L. Morris, Robert Tjian, and JoAnne S. Richards
Management of patients receiving long-term treatment with mifepristone, Irving M. Spitz, Steven M. Grunberg, Nathalie Chabbert-Buffet, Tzina Lindenberg, Hadassa Gelber, and Régine Sitruk-Ware
Mitogen-activated protein kinases, adherens junction dynamics, and spermatogenesis: A review of recent data, Ching-hang Wong and C. Yan Cheng
Myotubularin phosphoinositide phosphatases, protein phosphatases, and kinases: Their roles in junction dynamics and spermatogenesis, Jiayi Zhang, Dolores D. Mruk, and C. Yan Cheng
Paracrine modulation of androgen synthesis in rat Leydig cells by nitric oxide, Ben-Avi Weissman, Enmei Niu, Renshan Ge, Chantal M. Sottas, Michael Holmes, James C. Hutson, and Matthew P. Hardy
Pharmacology of different progestogens: The special case of drospirenone, Régine Sitruk-Ware
Phase III microbicide trial methodology: Opinions of experienced expanded safety trial participants in South Africa, Janneke van de Wijgert, Heidi E. Jones, Annalie Pistorius, Alana de Kock, Mohlatlego H. Sebola, Barbara Friedland, Anwar Hoosen, and Nicol Coetzee
Population Council contributions toward the development and advances in reproductive biomedicine and population sciences in Asian nations (1952–2002), Samuel S. Koide
Progesterone receptor modulator CDB-2914 down-regulates proliferative cell nuclear antigen and Bcl-2 protein expression and up-regulates caspase-3 and poly(adenosine 5′-diphosphate-ribose) polymerase expression in cultured human uterine leiomyoma cells, Qin Xu, Shigeki Takekida, Noriyuki Ohara, Wei Chen, Régine Sitruk-Ware, Elof D.B. Johansson, and Takeshi Maruo
Protein kinases and adherens junction dynamics in the seminiferous epithelium of the rat testis, Nikki P.Y. Lee and C. Yan Cheng
Regulation of ectoplasmic specialization dynamics in the seminiferous epithelium by focal adhesion-associated proteins in testosterone-suppressed rat testes, Ching-hang Wong, Weiliang Xia, Nikki P.Y. Lee, Dolores D. Mruk, Will M. Lee, and C. Yan Cheng
Regulation of sertoli-germ cell adherens junction dynamics in the testis via the nitric oxide synthase (NOS)/cGMP/protein kinase G (PRKG)/β-catenin (CATNB) signaling pathway: An in vitro and in vivo study, Nikki P.Y. Lee, Dolores D. Mruk, Ching-hang Wong, and C. Yan Cheng
Regulation of sertoli-germ cell adherens junction dynamics via changes in protein-protein interactions of the N-cadherin-β-catenin protein complex which are possibly mediated by c-Src and myotubularin-related protein 2: An in vivo study using an androgen suppression model, Jiayi Zhang, Ching-hang Wong, Weiliang Xia, Dolores D. Mruk, Nikki P.Y. Lee, Will M. Lee, and C. Yan Cheng
Sertoli cell expression of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-related lipid transfer 1 and 5 domain-containing proteins and sterol regulatory element binding protein-1 are interleukin-1 regulated by activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase and cyclooxygenase-2 and cytokine induction, Tomomoto Ishikawa, KeumSil Hwang, Deborah Lazzarino, and Patricia L. Morris
Sertoli-germ cell anchoring junction dynamics in the testis are regulated by an interplay of lipid and protein kinases, Michelle K.Y. Siu, Ching-hang Wong, Will M. Lee, and C. Yan Cheng
Serum Nestorone® and ethinyl estradiol levels, and ovulation inhibition in women using three different dosage combinations of a Nestorone progestogen-ethinyl estradiol contraceptive vaginal ring on a bleeding-signaled regimen, Ian S. Fraser, Edith Weisberg, Vivian Brache, Francisco Alvarez, Rebeca Massai, Daniel R. Mishell Jr., Dan Apter, Judi Gale, Yun-yen Tsong, and Irving Sivin
Stimulation of testosterone production in rat Leydig cells by aldosterone is mineralocorticoid receptor mediated, Renshan Ge, Qiang Dong, Chantal M. Sottas, Syed A. Latif, David J. Morris, and Matthew P. Hardy
Stress hormone and male reproductive function, Matthew P. Hardy, Hui-Bao Gao, Qiang Dong, Renshan Ge, Qian Wang, Wei Ran Chai, Xing Feng, and Chantal M. Sottas
Testicular expression of small ubiquitin-related modifier-1 (SUMO-1) supports multiple roles in spermatogenesis: Silencing of sex chromosomes in spermatocytes, spermatid microtubule nucleation, and nuclear reshaping, Margarita Vigodner and Patricia L. Morris
TGF-β3 regulates anchoring junction dynamics in the seminiferous epithelium of the rat testis via the Ras/ERK signaling pathway: An in vivo study, Weiliang Xia and C. Yan Cheng
The blood-testis barrier: Its biology, regulation, and physiological role in spermatogenesis, Ching-hang Wong and C. Yan Cheng
The levonorgestrel intrauterine system: Long-term contraception and therapeutic effects, Régine Sitruk-Ware and Pirjo Inki
The Sept4 septin locus is required for sperm terminal differentiation in mice, Holger Kissel, Maria-Magdalena Georgescu, Sarit Larisch, Katia Manova, Gary R. Hunnicutt, and Hermann Steller
Vaginal delivery of contraceptives, Régine Sitruk-Ware
α2-Macroglobulin expression in the liver in response to inflammation is mediated by the testis, Wing-Yee Lui, Yan Ho Cheng, Dolores D. Mruk, Chin Ho Cheng, Meng-Yun Mo, Will M. Lee, and C. Yan Cheng
Submissions from 2004
Adaptors, junction dynamics, and spermatogenesis, Nikki P.Y. Lee and C. Yan Cheng
Assay for establishing whether microbicide applicators have been exposed to the vagina, Andrea R. Wallace, Mitchell Thorn, Robin A. Maguire, Kristin M. Sudol, and David M. Phillips
Blockade of attachment and fusion receptors inhibits HIV-1 infection of human cervical tissue, Qinxue Hu, Ines Frank, Vennansha G. Williams, John J. Santos, Patricia Watts, George E. Griffin, John P. Moore, Melissa Robbiani, and Robin J. Shattock
Both SMAD2 and SMAD3 mediate activin-stimulated expression of the follicle-stimulating hormone β subunit in mouse gonadotrope cells, Daniel J. Bernard
Cell-cell interactions at the ectoplasmic specialization in the testis, Dolores D. Mruk and C. Yan Cheng
Cloning and characterization of rat spermatid protein SSP411: A thioredoxin-like protein, Hui-Juan Shi, Ai Zhen Wu, Michelle Santos, Zong-Ming Feng, Li Huang, Yong-Mei Chen, Kai Zhu, and Ching-Ling C. Chen
Cloning of a novel inhibin alpha cDNA from rhesus monkey testis, Daniel J. Bernard, Teresa K. Woodruff, and Tony M. Plant
CpG-C immunostimulatory oligodeoxyribonucleotide activation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in rhesus macaques to augment the activation of IFN-γ-secreting simian immunodeficiency virus-specific T cells, Natalia Teleshova, Jessica Kenney, Jennifer Jones, Jason Marshall, Gary Van Nest, Jason Dufour, Rudolf Bohm, Jeffrey D. Lifson, Agegnehu Gettie, and Melissa Robbiani
Development of Leydig cells in the insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) knockout mouse: Effects of IGF-I replacement and gonadotropic stimulation, Gui-Min Wang and Matthew P. Hardy
Disruption of Mtmr2 CMT4B1-like neuropathy with myelin outfolding and impaired spermatogenesis, Alessandra Bolino, Annalisa Bolis, Stefano Carlo Previtali, Giorgia Dina, Simona Bussini, Gabriele Dati, Stefano Amadio, Ubaldo Del Carro, Dolores D. Mruk, Maria Laura Feltri, C. Yan Cheng, Angelo Quattrini, and Lawrence Wrabetz
Dynamic cross-talk between cells and the extracellular matrix in the testis, Michelle K.Y. Siu and C. Yan Cheng
Ectoplasmic specialization, a testis-specific cell-cell actin-based adherens junction type: Is this a potential target for male contraceptive development?, Nikki P.Y. Lee and C. Yan Cheng
Effect of chenodeoxycholic acid on 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in various target tissues, David J. Morris, Graham W. Souness, Syed A. Latif, Matthew P. Hardy, and Andrew S. Brem
Exogenous progestagens and the human breast, Régine Sitruk-Ware and Genevieve Plu-Bureau
Extracellular matrix: Recent advances on its role in junction dynamics in the seminiferous epithelium during spermatogenesis, Michelle K.Y. Siu and C. Yan Cheng
Future developments in hormonal contraception, Elof D.B. Johansson
Immunodeficiency virus uptake, turnover, and 2-phase transfer in human dendritic cells, Stuart G. Turville, John J. Santos, Ines Frank, Paul U. Cameron, John Wilkinson, Monica Miranda-Saksena, Joanne Dable, Hella Stoessel, Nikolaus Romani, Michael Piatak Jr., Jeffrey D. Lifson, Melissa Robbiani, and Anthony L. Cunningham
Induction of neutralising antibodies restricts the use of human granulocyte/macrophage colony stimulating factor for vaccine studies in rhesus macaques, Martin Eisenblätter, Christiane Stahl-Hennig, Seraphin Kuate, Nicole Stolte, Edith Jasny, Helmut Hahn, Melissa Robbiani, Klara Tenner-Racz, Paul Racz, Ralph M. Steinman, Klaus Uberla, and Ralf Ignatius
Inhibition of testicular steroidogenesis by the xenoestrogen bisphenol A is associated with reduced pituitary luteinizing hormone secretion and decreased steroidogenic enzyme gene expression in rat Leydig cells, Benson T. Akingbemi, Chantal M. Sottas, Anna I. Koulova, Gary R. Klinefelter, and Matthew P. Hardy
Interactions of proteases, protease inhibitors, and the β1 integrin/laminin γ3 protein complex in the regulation of ectoplasmic specialization dynamics in the rat testis, Michelle K.Y. Siu and C. Yan Cheng
Lubricants containing N-9 may enhance rectal transmission of HIV and other STIs, David M. Phillips, Kristin M. Sudol, Clark L. Taylor, Laura Guichard, Robert Elsen, and Robin A. Maguire
Macaque dendritic cells infected with SIV-recombinant canarypox ex vivo induce SIV-specific immune responses in vivo, Loreley Villamide-Herrera, Ralf Ignatius, Michael A. Eller, Kelly Wilkinson, Catherine Griffin, Erin Mehlhop, Jennifer Jones, Seol-Young Han, Mark G. Lewis, Stephanie Parrish, Tom C. VanCott, Jeffrey D. Lifson, Sarah Schlesinger, John R. Mascola, and Melissa Robbiani
Mifepristone does not induce cervical softening in non-pregnant women, Avraham Ben-Chetrit, Talia Eldar-Geva, Tzina Lindenberg, Morshed Farhat, Shlomo Shimonovitz, David Zacut, Hadassa Gelber, Régine Sitruk-Ware, and Irving M. Spitz
Müllerian-inhibiting substance inhibits rat Leydig cell regeneration after ethylene dimethanesulphonate ablation, Antonio Salva, Matthew P. Hardy, Xiu-feng Wu, Chantal M. Sottas, David T. MacLaughlin, Patricia K. Donahoe, and Mary M. Lee
New delivery systems in contraception: Vaginal rings, Elof D.B. Johansson and Régine Sitruk-Ware
New progestogens: A review of their effects in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women, Régine Sitruk-Ware
Nitric oxide/nitric oxide synthase, spermatogenesis, and tight junction dynamics, Nikki P.Y. Lee and C. Yan Cheng
Patent: Androgen as a male contraceptive and non-contraceptive androgen replacement, Alfred J. Moo-Young
Pharmacological profile of progestins, Régine Sitruk-Ware
Phthalate-induced Leydig cell hyperplasia is associated with multiple endocrine disturbances, Benson T. Akingbemi, Renshan Ge, Gary R. Klinefelter, and Matthew P. Hardy
Rapid glucocorticoid mediation of suppressed testosterone biosynthesis in male mice subjected to immobilization stress, Qiang Dong, Antonio Salva, Chantal M. Sottas, Enmei Niu, Michael Holmes, and Matthew P. Hardy
Regulation of blood-testis barrier dynamics: An in vivo study, Ching-hang Wong, Dolores D. Mruk, Wing-Yee Lui, and C. Yan Cheng
Relative safety of sexual lubricants for rectal intercourse, Kristin M. Sudol and David M. Phillips
Release-modulating factors strongly affecting steroid diffusion from silicone elastomer, Harold A. Nash, Dale N. Robertson, and Simone J. Evans
Sertoli-sertoli and sertoli-germ cell interactions and their significance in germ cell movement in the seminiferous epithelium during spermatogenesis, Dolores D. Mruk and C. Yan Cheng
Short-term Flt3L treatment effectively mobilizes functional macaque dendritic cells, Natalia Teleshova, Jennifer Jones, Jessica Kenney, Jeanette Purcell, Rudolf Bohm, Agegnehu Gettie, and Melissa Robbiani
Two-year performance of a Nestorone®-releasing contraceptive implant: A three-center study of 300 women, Irving Sivin, Horacio B. Croxatto, Luis Bahamondes, Vivian Brache, Francisco Alvarez-Sanchez, Rebeca Massai, Janet Schechter, Sirpa Ranta, Narender Kumar, Esther Wu, Ana-Sofia Tejeda, Veronica Reyes, Elaine Travers, Arthur Allen, and Alfred J. Moo-Young
Zyxin, axin, and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein are adaptors that link the cadherin/catenin protein complex to the cytoskeleton at adherens junctions in the seminiferous epithelium of the rat testis, Nikki P.Y. Lee, Dolores D. Mruk, Anne M. Conway, and C. Yan Cheng
Submissions from 2003
A clinical trial of 7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone implants for possible use as a long-acting contraceptive for men, Sigrid von Eckardstein, Gabriela Noe, Vivian Brache, Eberhard Nieschlag, Horacio B. Croxatto, Francisco Alvarez-Sanchez, Alfred J. Moo-Young, Irving Sivin, Narender Kumar, Margaret Small, and Kalyan Sundaram
Adherens junction dynamics in the testis and spermatogenesis, Wing-Yee Lui, Dolores D. Mruk, Will M. Lee, and C. Yan Cheng
Adhering junction dynamics in the testis are regulated by an interplay of β1-integrin and focal adhesion complex-associated proteins, Michelle K.Y. Siu, Dolores D. Mruk, Will M. Lee, and C. Yan Cheng
A role for kit receptor signaling in Leydig cell steroidogenesis, Gerson Rothschild, Chantal M. Sottas, Holger Kissel, Valter Agosti, Katia Manova, Matthew P. Hardy, and Peter Besmer