The Population Council tackles intersecting inequalities that undermine rights and access to contraception, HIV and STI prevention, maternal and newborn health, safe abortion, prevention and treatment of infertility, and sexuality education, among other sexual and reproductive health needs. Our research and partnerships ensure high quality, evidence-based, voluntary, and rights-based comprehensive care for sexual and reproductive health.
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Submissions from 1999
Zimbabwe: Los métodos de detección de ITR en mujeres no son cost-efectivos, Population Council
Zimbabwe: RTI screening methods for women are not cost-effective, Population Council
Submissions from 1998
Adolescent reproductive health: Booklet for parents, Rieny H. Hardjono and Rashmi Pachauri Rajan
Advances and challenges in postabortion care operations research: Summary report of a global meeting, Dale Huntington
Analyse situationnelle des programmes de santé de la reproduction, Population Council
Analysis of price change on the perceptions and use of DMPA among clients using reproductive health services in Uttar Pradesh, India, Leila Caleb-Varkey, John Townsend, Sneh Vishwanath, and Sudha Tiwari
An assessment of the Zimbabwe family planning programme: Results from the 1996 Situation Analysis Study, Lewis Ndhlovu, Hazel M.B. Dube, and Caroline S. Marangwanda
Assessing the quality of reproductive health services, Raeda Al Qutob, Salah Mawajdeh, Laila Nawar, Salama Saidi, and Firas Raad
A study of women's preferences regarding the formulation of over-the-counter vaginal spermicides, Christiana Coggins, Christopher J. Elias, Ronachai Atisook, Mary T. Bassett, Virginie Ettiegne-Traore, Peter D. Ghys, Laura Jenkins-Woelk, Earmporn Thongkrajai, and Nancy L. VanDevanter
Clinic-Based Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in Africa: Findings from Situation Analysis Studies, Kate Miller, Robert A. Miller, Ian Askew, Marjorie C. Horn, and Lewis Ndhlovu
Community-based AIDS Prevention and Care in Africa: Results of four action-research interventions in East and Southern Africa, Ann Leonard and Esther Muia
Comparing quality of reproductive health services before and after clinic-strengthening activities: A case study in rural Burkina Faso, Direction de la Santé et de la Famille (DSF), University of Ouagadougou Demographic Research Unit (UERD), Mwangaza, and Population Council
Continuing the strengthening of situation analysis methodology: An Africa-focused approach, Robert A. Miller
Counseling the husbands of postabortion patients in Egypt: Effects on husband involvement, patient recovery and contraceptive use [Arabic], Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Dale Huntington, Ezzeldin Osman Hassan, Hala Youssef, and Laila Nawar
Country profile of women's health and development in Indonesia, Population Council
Covert contraceptive use: Prevalence, motivations, and consequences, Ann E. Biddlecom and Bolaji M. Fapohunda
Creating linkages between incomplete abortion treatment and family planning services in Kenya: What works best?, Julie Solo, Achola Ominde, Margaret Makumi, Deborah L. Billings, and Colette Aloo-Obunga
Dissemination Strategy, July 1995–January 1998, Population Council
Do Population Policies Matter? Fertility and Politics in Egypt, India, Kenya, and Mexico, Anrudh K. Jain
Dual protection in an integrated community-based program: A case study of Tanzania Family Health/Ministry of Health Project in Mbeya, Grace Mbekem and Jane Chege
El Método COPE para mejorar el cuidado de la atención: La experiencia de la Asociación para la Planificación Familiar de Kenia, Janet Bradley, Judith Bruce, Soledad Diaz, Carlos Huezo, and Kalimi Mworia
Emergency contraception in Zambia: Setting a new agenda for research and action, Yusuf Ahmed, M. Ketata, and John P. Skibiak
Ensuring community participation in MCH/FP activities: Lessons learned from a pilot project, Abbas Bhuiya, Ubaidur Rob, and Maruf Rabban Quaderi
Etude de l'efficacité de la formation du personnel socio-sanitaire dans l'education des client(e)s sur l'excision au Mali, Nafissatou J. Diop, Fatoumata Traore, Habibatou Diallo, Ousmane Traore, Aissa Haidara Toure, Youssouf Diallo, Madina Sangare, Fatoumata Tandia Keita, and Attaher Toure
Etude participative pour l’identification des stratégies communautaires de lutte contre la pratique de l’excision dans le Bazéga, Direction de la Santé et de la Famille (DSF), University of Ouagadougou Demographic Research Unit (UERD), Mwangaza, and Population Council
Evaluation de la prevalence, de la typologie et des complications liees a l'excision chez les patientes frequentant les formations sanitaires du Bazega, Direction de la Santé et de la Famille (DSF), University of Ouagadougou Demographic Research Unit (UERD), Mwangaza, and Population Council
Evaluation de la prise en charge de la maternité sans risque et de la survie de l'enfant au niveau communautaire de Bazéga, Direction de la Santé et de la Famille (DSF), University of Ouagadougou Demographic Research Unit (UERD), Mwangaza, and Population Council
Evaluation de la stratégie de distribution à base communautaire, Banza Baya, Georges Guiella, Christine Ouedraogo, and Gabriel Pictet
Evaluation de la stratégie de reconversion des exciseuses pour l'eradication des mutilations génitales féminines au Mali, Population Council
Factors affecting the outputs and costs of community-based distribution of family planning services in Tanzania, Jane Chege, Naomi Rutenberg, Barbara Janowitz, and Andrew Thompson
Family Planning Operations Research: A Book of Readings, James R. Foreit and Tomas Frejka
Fertility and reproductive preferences in post-transitional societies, John Bongaarts
Follow-up household survey in Agra District, Jayanti Tuladhar, R.B. Gupta, V.S. Sridhar, and Tilak Mukherjee
Follow-up household survey in Sitapur District, Jayanti Tuladhar, R.B. Gupta, B.P. Thiagrajan, Tausif Alam Khan, and Hemlata Sadhwani
Getting men involved in family planning: Experiences from an innovative program, Directorate of Family Planning, National Institute of Population Research and Training, and Population Council
Government and fertility in transitional and post-transitional societies, Geoffrey McNicoll
Improving quality of care in FP/RH of selected communities of Pangasinan Province: An intervention study, Zelda C. Zablan, Josefina V. Cabigon, Luzviminda Muego, Marilou P. Costello, and Chona R. Echavez
Increasing demand for reproductive health services in a Peruvian clinic, Federico R. Leon, Anibal Velasquez, Lissette Jimenez, and Alicia Calderon
Integrating RTI case management within LGU Health Centers: An intervention study, Marilou P. Costello, Carmeli Marie Chaves, Chona R. Echavez, Jesus Encena, Jocelyn Ilagan, and Orlando Pagulayan
Integrating RTI service with primary health care, Population Council
Integrating STI/HIV services into existing MCH/FP programs, Baker Ndugga and Ian Askew
Introduction des soins obstétricaux d'urgence et de la planification familiale pour les patientes présentant des complications liées à un avortement incomplet, Population Council and JPIEGO
Introduction du traitement médical d'urgence ainsi que les services et conseils ultérieurs en planification familiale pour les femmes qui souffrent de complications suite à un avortement au Burkina Faso, Population Council and JPIEGO
Involving private medical practitioners in family planning services in Bangladesh, Abu Yusuf Choudhury, Ubaidur Rob, and Sharif M.I. Hossain
IPPA Yogyakarta clients' profile, January 1996–April 1997, Population Council
Male involvement through reproductive health awareness in Bukidnon Province, the Philippines: An intervention study, Lita Palma-Sealza, Marilou P. Costello, and Chona R. Echavez
Management support for postabortion operations research at the Egyptian Fertility Care Society, Population Council
Manuel de recherche opérationnelle en matière de planification familiale, Andrew A. Fisher, John E. Laing, John E. Stoeckel, and John Townsend
Monitoring of macro-level family planning quality of care indicators, Meiwita B. Iskandar
Needs and risks facing the Indonesian youth population, Desti Murdijana
Observations from a study tour of Bangladesh and Indonesia on their family welfare programme, M.E. Khan, Jayanti Tuladhar, R.B. Gupta, Ubaidur Rob, and Meiwita B. Iskandar
On the quantum and tempo of fertility, John Bongaarts and Griffith Feeney
Patent: Male contraceptive implant, Alfred J. Moo-Young and Saleh I. Saleh
Perception et comportement des hommes, des femmes, et des prestataires des services en matiére des morbidités relatives a la santé de la reproduction, Direction de la Santé et de la Famille (DSF), University of Ouagadougou Demographic Research Unit (UERD), Mwangaza, and Population Council
Peru logistics chain analysis, Jeanne Noble and James R. Foreit
Rapport du seminaire national [au Mali] pour la definition d'une strategie d'eradication de l'excision, Population Council
Recherches opérationnelles sur les soins post-abortum: Progrès et défis. Compte rendu d'une réunion mondiale, Dale Huntington
Reproductive health operations research, 1995–1998, James R. Foreit, Federico R. Leon, Ricardo Vernon, Timothy D.N. King, Deborah L. Billings, A.B Friedman, and Janie Benson
Seminar on male involvement in reproductive health in Egypt: Summary of research findings and future directions, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab
Social networks and the diffusion of fertility control, Mark R. Montgomery and John B. Casterline
Strengthening RTI/STD services: Lessons learned from a pilot project, Ismat Bhuiya and Ubaidur Rob
Strengthening the research capacity of Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana, Robert A. Miller
Strengthening the utilization of family planning operations research: Findings from case studies in Africa, Julie Solo, Annamaria Cerulli, Robert A. Miller, Ian Askew, and Elizabeth Pearlman
Technical assistance to enhance the institutionalization of operations research within the Philippines Family Planning Program, Population Council
The changing social environment for adolescents in Kassena-Nankana District of northern Ghana: Implications for reproductive behavior, Barbara Mensch, Daniel Bagah, Wesley H. Clark, and Fred N. Binka
The impact of an integrated micro-credit programme on women's empowerment and fertility behavior in rural Bangladesh, Fiona Steele, Sajeda Amin, and Ruchira Tabassum Naved
The impact of family planning household service delivery on women's status in Bangladesh, James F. Phillips and Mian Bazle Hossain
The Life Saver: The Mother Friendly Movement in Indonesia, Abdullah Cholil, Meiwita B. Iskandar, and Rosalia Sciortino
The onset of fertility transition in Pakistan, Zeba Sathar and John B. Casterline
Towards safe womanhood: Supporting safe motherhood initiatives and women's participation in development, Meiwita B. Iskandar
Using COPE to improve quality of care: The experience of the Family Planning Association of Kenya, Janet Bradley, Judith Bruce, Soledad Diaz, Carlos Huezo, and Kalimi Mworia
Women's lives and rapid fertility decline: Some lessons from Bangladesh and Egypt, Sajeda Amin and Cynthia B. Lloyd
Workshop on youth across Asia, John Townsend, Ann P. McCauley, and Kokila Agarwal
Workshop report: Launching of the revised reproductive health policy guidelines and standards, Division of Primary Health Care, Kenya Ministry of Health
Youth centres in Ghana: Assessment of the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana Programme, Evam Kofi Glover, Annabel Erulkar, and Joana Nerquaye-Tetteh
Youth talk about sexuality: A participatory assessment of adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Lusaka, Zambia, Tamara Fetters, Evans Mupela, and Naomi Rutenberg
Submissions from 1997
An assessment of clinic based family planning services in Kenya: Results from the 1995 situation analysis study, Lewis Ndhlovu, Julie Solo, Robert A. Miller, Kate Miller, and Achola Ominde
An assessment of community-based family planning programs in Kenya, Jane Chege and Ian Askew
Beliefs and practices about reproductive tract infections: Findings from a series of Philippine FGDs, Marilou Palabrica-Costello, Carmeli Marie Chaves, Chona R. Echavez, Cecilia Conaco, and Mariano Santiago
Counseling the husbands of postabortion patients in Egypt: Effects on husband involvement, patient recovery and contraceptive use, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Dale Huntington, Ezzeldin Osman Hassan, Hala Youssef, and Laila Nawar
DMPA provision in PSS clinics in Uttar Pradesh: Costs and prices, Saumya RamaRao, John Townsend, Leila Caleb-Varkey, Sudha Tiwari, Sneh Vishwanath, and Harbans Singh
Emergency contraception as an element in the care of rape victims, Ricardo Vernon, Raffaela Schiavon, and Silvia Elena Llaguno
Experience with clinical training in postabortion care in Egypt: Improving medical and interpersonal skills, Sahar Hegazi and Dale Huntington
Implant users: Over five years after insertion (Further analysis of previous study data), Jayanti Tuladhar and Joedo Prihartono
Improved reproductive health and STD services for women presenting to family planning services in North Jakarta. Final report of activities, Meiwita B. Iskandar, Catherine Vickers, Subadra Indrawati, and Siti Nurul Qomariyah
Integrando la sexualidad en la planificación familiar: La experiencia de tres proyectos de VIH/ETS en América Latina y el Caribe, Julie Becker, Elizabeth Leitman, and Mahmoud F. Fathalla
Integrating RTI services in primary health care system: Observations from an operations research in Uttar Pradesh, India, M.E. Khan, Saumya RamaRao, R.B. Gupta, Bella C. Patel, Leila Caleb-Varkey, Jayanti Tuladhar, Sanjeev Kumar, and John Townsend
Integrating STI/HIV management strategies into existing MCH/FP programs: Lessons from case studies in East and Southern Africa, Baker Ndugga Maggwa and Ian Askew
Integration of STI and HIV/AIDS with MCH-FP services: A case study of the Busoga Diocese Family Life Education Program, Uganda, Joy Mukaire, Florence Kalikwani, and Baker Ndugga Maggwa
Integration of STI and HIV/AIDS with MCH-FP Services: A case study of the Nakuru Municipal Council's project on strengthening STD/AIDS control, James Kariba Wabaru, Bedan Kiare Kariuki, and Baker Ndugga Maggwa
Introducing sexuality within family planning: The experience of three HIV/STD prevention projects from Latin America and the Caribbean, Julie Becker, Elizabeth Leitman, and Mahmoud F. Fathalla
Iron supplementation: Knowledge, perceptions, and usage among pregnant women in rural India, Jayanti Tuladhar, John Townsend, Nazir Haider, and Leila Caleb-Varkey
Male involvement in family planning: A KABP study of Agra District, Uttar Pradesh, M.E. Khan and Bella C. Patel
Patent: Subdermally implantable device, Alfred J. Moo-Young
Postabortion care services in Kenya: Baseline findings of an operations research study, Julie Solo and Deborah L. Billings
Postabortion case load study in Egyptian public sector hospitals, Egyptian Fertility Care Society and Population Council
Proceedings of the workshop on integrating reproductive tract infection case management in LGU health centers, Population Council
Reproductive behavior among Muslims in Uttar Pradesh, M.E. Khan and Bella C. Patel
Reproductive control in South Africa, Carol E. Kaufman
Scaling-up improved postabortion care in Egypt: Introduction to University and Ministry of Health and Population Hospitals, Laila Nawar, Dale Huntington, Ezzeldin Osman Hassan, Hala Youssef, and Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab